Ketsu and Sabine sat together at a dark table in the nightclub, both drinking some sweet black ale. Sabine had been quite adventurous with what she drank ever since getting into alcohol...of course, she would save such drinks for special occasions...because aside from that it was going to be blue milk and plain water.
"It's not quite Ne'tra gal..." Ketsu admitted with a sip. "But it's serving it's purpose. What do you think, Sabine?"
Sabine's head was turned from her, looking at the crowd dancing in the dark nightclub with bright lights flashing above them. It reminded her quite a bit of the nightclub she and Kanan visited on Garel during their vacation.
"Sabine?" Ketsu repeated.
The Rebel had her finger pointed out slightly, picking our the various females of different near-Human species, be they Zabrak, Twi'lek or Chiss. She had never seen so many teenagers in one place since the Imperial Academy.
"I'd bang that one...and that one...ooh, would bang that one too..." She said quietly to herself.
Ketsu curled her lips and slammed her hand on the table to get the girls attention, and she did. Sabine jerked her head at the loud sound to Ketsu with her finger still pointed out.
"Um...I'd bang that one?" She said hesitantly, turning her finger's end to Ketsu and smiling uneasily. "Most of all?"
Ketsu chuckled and leaned back, resting her feet on the table. She was quite enjoying herself, but she dreaded dancing. It was only a matter of time before Sabine wanted to get up and strut her terrible stuff, if only to get a closer look at the girls she was gawking at.
"Maybe she'll forget" She hoped.
She'd have to bring up some interesting conversation to make sure, however.
"So Sabine, you seem evidently less shy on your..." She paused to think of a word. "...desires? Your desires for girls. Your crew must've taken it quite well"
Sabine nodded and took another sip of her drink, savouring the sweet taste on her tongue.
"Yup. Like I said to you already, they didn't really mind..." She told her. "Ezra was going to be the trickiest part, but even he accepted me in the end...I was really happy that day"
And seeing Sabine happy made Ketsu happy. Ketsu didn't like Sabine being so insecure about herself, and it made her wonder how many other times Sabine may have needed her company during the period they separated on bad terms.
"She wanted me to be her girlfriend..." Ketsu said to herself. "And I'm happy to deliver"
Of course, Ketsu liked Sabine too in a somewhat romantic way...Sabine was the only person Ketsu knew well enough to have such a relationship. Ketsu sucked at making new friends. What worried Ketsu was just how truly into the relationship she was, she didn't want to have to realise that she never thought of Sabine as a love interest until Sabine clearly showed it was what she wanted.
"I never even saw myself as a lesbian..." She thought sadly. "Or even bisexual..."
In reality, Ketsu believed she was straight, despite what she told Sabine to make her feel better about herself. When she thought it was too late to turn back, she simply went with it.
"I told her I was bisexual...but I only said it to make her feel happier about herself..." She admitted. "But it's alright...I do like her...I think...I think she's attractive. Yeah, I gotta be bisexual"
When she realised how much like Sabine she sounded, the insecurity in herself, she shook her head and forced the thought away from her head. Sabine was her girlfriend...and she was happy with her...definitely.
"I bet now that your crew knows what you like, that you'll be hoping you can score with your female friends, huh?" Ketsu said to her with a smile. "Or is cutey-Sabine trying to stay loyal to her girlfriend? Because...I don't mind you having some fun with others y'know...we don't even see each other that much"
Sabine sighed and shrugged. The only one who was giving her anything was Ezra, but she felt like she was somehow betraying Ketsu every time she did so...
Ketsu's hardly there enough to satisfy me.
"I just want you to know that no matter what I do? You're the one I love to bits, Ket" Sabine assured her. "But I'm not gonna lie...there's a mighty fine Twi'lek and Togruta in my imagination likes to go wild sometimes"
And I can just keep sitting here, being disappointed. They both would rather hop on Kanan...but I can't have everyone.
After a while more of drinking their ale, Sabine brought up the courage to begin phase two of her time in this nightclub...and Ketsu would have to deal with it.
"C'mon Ketsu, it's time to shake it!" Sabine said as she stood up and took Ketsu's arm, pulling her towards the dance area. Knowing that she couldn't fight it, Ketsu stood up and snagged her helmet off the table as well as slipping it on, wanting to conceal her face in the bright lights.
When they got to the dance floor, Sabine looked around herself for a moment, then started doing an awkward shuffle, occasionally flaying her arms out. Ketsu facepalmed, it looked cringey.
"The things I do for you, cyar'ika..." She muttered before attempting to copy Sabine's moves, slowly shuffling herself. She felt embarrassed.
Sabine smiled at her and laughed, Ketsu looked so uncomfortable and humiliated. She took the older girls arms and she terribly danced with her. Despite how cringeworthy they looked, Sabine was having fun...and even Ketsu slowly began to see the amusement in it.
Ten minutes later, the girls ever so slightly improved...slightly. They were starting to get tired of their silent movements with each other, Sabine had stared into a blank helmet for a while now while Ketsu got to enjoy watching the glee on her friend's face.
Sabine then noticed a young female Chiss with a black, low-cut dress. The girls appearance had caught Sabine's attention quite effectively, with her rear sticking out being most of a turn-on.
"Meg ganar copyc shebs..." Sabine muttered quietly to Ketsu, before releasing her and slowly approaching the girl from behind as they danced. "I'm gonna grab her!"
Ketsu crossed her arms and watched the chaos that was about to unfold. She didn't feel like stopping Sabine, it would only provide a valuable lesson for the future.
"Oh boy, here we go..." She thought as she awaited with sharp attention.
"Hey sweetcheeks!" Sabine called out with a grin as she grabbed the Chiss's butt and firmly held her. The blue-skinned girl flayed about like a fish, arched her back and screamed at the foreign touch. Sabine raised her hands away from her and panicked at the reaction.
Oh shi-calm down!
"What the fuck!?" She yelled out as she jerked around and brought a hard smack across Sabine's face, making the Mandalorian stumble over with surprise. The Chiss was also equally surprised that a girl had grabbed her, and not some horny dude. "You sick perv! Ugh!"
The Chiss stormed off with a spoiled appetite for dancing, and Ketsu laughed as she helped a dazed Sabine off the floor. The Rebel reached out for the moody Chiss.
"No wait, come back! I'm sorry!" She called out, but was not met with any response. She groaned as she felt the stinging red on her cheek. "I shouldn't have done that..."
Ketsu sighed and proposed that they leave, and find something else to do before Sabine felt like grabbing more girls and taking more smacks to the face. The Rebel agreed and she took her helmet off their table before leaving the nightclub.
I suck at flirting...

Star Wars Rebels: Teenage ResponseWhere stories live. Discover now