Moving On

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It had been six weeks since the Ghost crew became apart of Commander Sato's fleet, and many successful missions had followed since then. Thanks to the elite skills of the Ghost's crew members, the rebels had made great strides in their fight against the Empire...they were truly a worthy asset to have. Missions of success such as the acquisition of a prototype B-wing, for example, proved invaluable to the cause.
It wasn't long before Hera was made Captain of Phoenix squadron too, something which Kanan could not stop bragging about to everyone...they had all lost count of the amount of times he had mentioned it. Except for Hera, of course...she loved hearing about it.
Zeb still hadn't defeated Kanan in Dejarik, but he continued to practice his skills on Sabine, who continued to offer little challenge...perhaps one day, he finally would see the day he got to kill Kanan's last Dejarik minion...that would be glorious.
Chopper was public enemy number one to both Ezra and Sabine for at least two weeks, the only time they ever spoke to the droid was when they absolutely needed to. Eventually, the two teenagers did ease up to Chopper again...and at this point they may have seemingly forgiven him. Seemingly.
Sabine and Ezra were weird around each other for a week, often unable to speak to each other or perhaps straight up avoid one another...they didn't want to be seen together by anyone. However, now they were on good terms, able to refer to each other as great friends...and nothing more. Sabine went back to treating Ezra like he was significantly younger than her...and Ezra was actually alright with that. They were both oddly...happy, to be 'normal' again...of course, Ezra still had a huge crush on Sabine but he understood her reasons to not want to be soppy with him or to return his affections. They were back to square one...and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. They never mentioned it to each other or to anyone else, but they certainly didn't forget the times they had spent together six weeks prior.
So...all in all? The crew were all swell.

Sabine was sat at the control panel in the Lounge with Chopper at her side, they were watching Kanan and Zeb fight it out at Dejarik again. Secretly, Sabine was rooting for Zeb...she would like to see the Lasat win for once...and it would certainly teach Kanan to shut up about Hera being Captain of Phoenix Squadron.
Zeb was certainly putting up a better fight than he did in the past, Kanan was actually struggling to beat him, now.
"I've had a lot of good practice, at this point..." Zeb informed Kanan. "That Rex-fellow makes for better sport than Sabine did..."
Though he didn't see it, Sabine stuck her tongue at him from behind his back and went back to drawing awkwardly on her casket with her left this point, it was covered with colour. She had been practicing to draw with her left hand, she couldn't bare the thought of not being able to draw for six weeks, but despite that her drawings were very sloppy.
Thankfully, I should be getting this off's been six weeks hasn't it?
It had been.
Her life felt so much less like a mess, now. In fact, she was no longer constantly thinking back to her unpleasant experience with the Grand Inquisitor all those weeks ago...she felt happy. At ease. She was glad to have...moved on.
Hera walked into the Lounge with a data-pad in hand...ever since they had joined the fleet, Hera always seemed to be busy with handing out assignments. A shame she never had anything for Sabine, with her injury and all...Sabine was only ever used to calibrate weapons and provide occasional gunnery support with the Ghosts cannons.
"I have good news for you, Sabine..." She told the Mando. "After finishing my meeting with Commander Sato, the doc approached me. It said that you should be able to take off your casket, now".
Sabine's eyes went wide and took her feet off the control panel. She glared excitedly at Hera.
"What, really!?" She asked almost in disbelief. "You mean the day finally came? YES!"
Her arm actually felt fine for a week now, but she didn't want to take it off early in case she ended up easily hurting it again and resetting the six week wait.
"It sure did" Hera confirmed. "C'mon, let's go take it off".
The two Rebels went into the Galley and Sabine sat at the table. Hera retrieved a knife and sat opposite to her. Sabine held her arm out to the Twi'lek and watched eagerly as her casket was slowly sliced through, Hera being careful not to go deep into her arm.
"Me and this arm have a lot of catching up to do..." The Mando said. "With my right hand usable again, I'm gonna do a whole lot of perfect art..."
The Twi'lek smirked and let out a chuckle.
"A whole lot of masturbating, you mean" Hera muttered, continuing to move the knife down the girls casket.
Sabine rolled her eyes.
Once her casket had been sliced all the way through, Hera slowly peeled it off her. Once it was gone, Sabine brought her arm to her face and carefully moved her wrist. Her arm felt naked, and it felt weird feeling fresh air surround also felt a little stiff.
"Fuck yes..." Sabine remarked happily, stretching and moving her arm. It felt great, and didn't hurt a bit.
Once she was done playing with her arm, she hastily left the Galley.
"I got catching up to do!" Sabine called out to Hera as she went to her cabin. As she passed Zeb and Kanan, she heard the Lasat groan in annoyance. "R.I.P Zeb..."
She entered her room, the muffled sounds of Zeb's anger being heard as she closed the door, and sat down at her table. The artist placed her notebook in front of her and prepared the selection of small pencils on her belt pouch.
"I hope I haven't lost it..." Sabine wondered as she began drawing, starting out with the simple Rebel insignia. "Certainly feels better than using my left hand, that's for sure".
The longer she expressed her artistic nature, the bigger the projects she started working on.
So much catching up to do...

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