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I wake up to Adam tapping my shoulder again and again.
"Adam!" I complain. "I- wait... Something doesn't feel right."
"Open your eyes." He says. I sit up and open my eyes to the beautiful world around me.
"Woah." I say.
We hear barking, and I remember our dogs... That I'd never seen before... But I know them.
"Rascal, Milton, and Bailey!" Adam says.
"Yeah!" I say.
"We live in Seattle... And it's beautiful." Adam says.
"I have to go and work... Make videos." Adam says.
"Alright." I say.
"Oh, and did the stuff you brought arrive safely?" Adam asks.
"Yeah, there it is." I say pointing to a bag on the floor.
"Oh, and does everything feel okay with the baby?" He asks. "Cause that whole world switching thing is very experimental."
"Feels fine." I say.
"Good." He says. He sighs with relief. "Okay. That's perfect. I was worried."
Well... The new world is good so far.
Now it's just time to wait for the reason we're here.
It's be a good eight or nine months since we've come here. I'm getting more used to this. Life on a schedule. It feels good to make people smile rather than being a horrific leader that just ruins their days.
I'm brushing teeth, and then I hear Alesa groan. I spit everything out and go over to her.
"Why'd you make that noise?" I panic. "Whats going on? Is everything okay?"
"I'm okay." She says. "It's just a little bit of pain..."
"Sorry... I'm just on edge." I say.
"Adam, babies kick." She tells me. Oh... He just kicked. That's all.
"I'm so excited about our little baby Mason." I say.
"I am to, but you really need to calm down." She says. "We have time."
"He's due this week!" I say.
"We have time!" She says.
"No we don't!" I say. "Due dates are more of a give or take kind of thing!"
"Well, he seems like he's not coming anytime soon." She says.
"I'm not sure..." I say. I put my hand on Alesa stomach, and she groans again... But there was no kick.
"There was no kick!" I say. "Alesa! I think it's today!"
"Adam... You really need to calm down." She says. "You're stressing yourself."
"I don't want to leave you alone today." I say. "I'm texting Barney. I'm not going until I'm sure your not gonna go into labor..."
"You mean after he's born..." Alesa says.
"Yep." I say.
I text Barney, and he says that I'm being paranoid, but he'll allow it.
"Now try and sleep, Adam." Alesa says. "You came home at like one last night."
"Alright." I say.
I stand there and stare at a bit with green eyes and curly light brown hair. He's hugging a little girl with long dark brown curly hair. She opens her eyes for a second to look at me. They're green to.
"Why would you do that, daddy?" The girl says through sobs.
"I-I'm sorry..." I reply.
"What happened to you guys?" The boy says as he looks at me and someone next to me. I turn to see who's next to me... And Alesa is just standing there staring at me angrily... What did I do? Why are all these people so angry at me?
Wait if that's Alesa... That's boy must be... Mason! But... Who's this girl?
"I hate you." All three of them say at the same time.
"Adam!" I hear Alesa scream, and it wakes me up and out of that horrifying dream.
"I lied to calm you down!" She says. "I'm sorry!"
Yup... Water definitely just broke.
"Alesa, what are we doing sitting here?!" I say. "Let's go!"
"He's beautiful." Alesa says as she stares at our beautiful son.
"He is." I say. "Our beautiful little baby Mason."
"Adam." Alesa says.
"Yeah?" I say as I look up from Mason and to her. She's staring at him with a smile.
"What do you think he'll be like?" Alesa asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask her.
"Like... His personality." She says. "Will he be sweet and understanding or not as nice..."
"I'm sure he's gonna be nice." I say. "With the mom he has, how could he be anything but nice?"
"Thanks Adam." She says. We both look at Mason again.
Something about him... Changed me... I feel really different. Like the second he was born... Something clicked. He's my son... And I must keep him safe. We keep looking at him, and then he yawns. It's the cutest little yawn I've ever seen...
"Look!" Alesa says. "He yawns like you."
"Awe!" I say. "Could I... Um... Hold him?"
"You say it like if you aren't allowed to hold your own son!" Alesa says as she laughs. She hands me Mason, and as I hold him for the first time ever, I feel like I'm holding a priceless  object... And if I break it, I'm done for.
Mason has a lot of hair for just being born. It's to the point where he doesn't even look like he was just born. He looks older than he actually is.
"Hey little buddy." I say to him. I sit down with him in arms. "It's me... I'm your dad. I wanna tell you something, even though you probably won't remember. I just want you to know this early. I love you, and I always will. No matter what you go through or what happens to you or what you want to do... I will love you. In your life, there will be trouble, people that don't care abut you... Or just full on mean people. But you always have me and your mother. We will always love you, Mason. We won't abandon you like everyone abandoned us. I promise." I start sniffling and having to wipe tears as I look at him.
"Adam, are you crying?" Alesa asks.
"What?" I choke up from the tears while saying that. "No, I'm not."
"You're gonna be a great dad." Alesa says.
"You're gonna be a great mom." I say to her.
"He's gonna be a great child." She says.
"I think he's already earned that title." I say. "He's already been great. My little baby Mason." I reach for his little hand and he squeezes my finger. It makes me cry again.
"My little jelly bean." Alesa says. "You two are the my favorite boys."
"And you're our favorite girl." I say. I look to Alesa and smile. I see her blushing from what I last said. Then I look back down to face Mason.
"You are the cutest baby I've ever seen." I say.
"We made a cute baby, didn't we?" Alesa says.
"We did." I say. I gently kiss Mason's forehead and he stops holding my finger and starts sucking his thumb. I giggle at that. God he's so cute...
"We're parents now." Alesa says. "Isn't that amazing?"
"Amazing... And stressful." I say.
"If you see him as a little friend, the stress should go away." Alesa says.
"No... It's the good kinds of stress." I say. "It tells me that I'm responsible for something that matters."
"It does mean a lot to be the reason someone's in this world." Alesa says. "He's all our responsibility." I smile and  look down at Mason. I gently rub his little cheek with my thumb, and he opens his eyes and just stares at me.
"His eyes... They're gorgeous."  I say as I get lost in his ocean blue colored eyes.
"Let me see!" Alesa says.
I walk back over to her, and put Mason back into her arms. He stares at her, and I see tears stream down her face.
"You're so precious, Mason." Alesa says. Then, Mason starts to cry. "Are you tired?" Alesa uses a baby voice to say that, and it makes me smile. "I think you're tired."
"I'll put him in his little sleeping area." I say as I pick Mason up and walk him over to where he  sleeps. As soon a put him down and tuck him a small blanket, he's asleep. I kiss his little forehead. "Goodnight, Mason."
I look back to Alesa who's looking at me and smiling.
"Why were you even worried about how good of a father you'd be?" She asks. "You're the best father I've ever seen."
"Thanks." I say as I look back to Mason.
"What happened that made you so good all of a sudden?" She asks.
"I dunno." I say. "Something clicked."
"Instinct." She says. "That's what it is."
"Well, maybe we should both get some sleep." I say. "Today was crazy."
"Yeah." She says. "Goodnight, Adam!"
"Goodnight, Alesa!" I say as I lay down on some bed thing the hospital gave me. It's placed right next to Mason. I sit there watching him until I fall asleep.
I wake up after who knows how long we'd been asleep... It's all dark and silent, but all I can hear are people breathing. I look to my right, and there Adam asleep on a bed next to Mason's little sleeping area.
I look at them sleeping for a little longer, and then I realize how far I've come...
I left my other army and moved to the Sky Army because I was unloved and unwanted... But I didn't know that after a day of being there someone this special would take me and love me more than I could ever imagine. Adam means the world to me, and to see that we've gone from feeling like trash to feeling like we had a purpose because of one another... That means everything.
And now I look at how things are now, and I honestly couldn't imagine it... I look at the ring on my finger and smile... We're getting married... I look back up to him and Mason and a tear manages to slip down my face... And now, he's the father to my beautiful son... How could things get any better?
"I love you." I whisper to him. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He opens his eyes a little and sleepily whispers back to me:
"You're my everything."

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