Chapter Seventeen: Outside?

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I wake up and I immediately look at Alesa. She's not even fully tucked in, so I can see her belly. I smile.
"Baby." I whisper to myself. Alesa starts to wake up.
"Hey babe." She says, still half asleep.
"Hey, how ya feeling?" I ask.
"Ugh." She says. "Like crap. That's how I'm feeling."
"Is there anything I can do?" I say. I feel bad that she has to go through this.
"Not really." She says.
"Well, I'm gonna hug you and see if that helps." I say as I hug her. "Is it helping?"
"It's helping my mood." She says.
"So, what are we gonna do today?" I ask her.
"I kinda wanted to hang out outside." As soon as she says this alarms go off in my head.
"No, Alesa we can't." I say. "Anywhere but outside!"
"Huh?" She says.
"Remember yesterday?" I ask. "The squids know that you're pregnant!"
"And?" She asks.
"And I'm happy about this." I say. "They're gonna take away what makes me happy. And you and the baby make me happiest."
"It's not like they're gonna try now." She says.
"It's not like they're a threat." I mock her. "It's not luck me and my babies lives are in danger when I step outside." She starts looking at me angrily.
"Adam, I know you're trying to keep me safe." She says. "And I love that... But the guys are making an effort to fight them off. I'm not gonna get killed if I go out there for a few minutes."
"Alesa, at this point it's not only your life you have to think about you make these risky moves." I say. "Our son or daughter is affected by this now."
"A few minutes can't hurt." She says.
"Fine." I say. "I give up. Get ready, we're going outside."
"Yay!" She says.
Later on, we're outside, and we're just standing around.
"It feels good to be out here." She says. "I needed some fresh air." I stand looking around for squids. I'm on high alert. "Right Adam? Adam?" I turn around.
"Huh?" I say. I honestly did not pick up a word she said. "Oh... Yeah... Right." I look around some more with my hand griping my sword.
"You really need to relax." She says. "Hey, how about we lay here and look at the clouds?"
"Sure." I say. I lay down next to her.
"That ones shaped like a flower." She says. "What do you see, Adam?"
"I see a squid." I say looking at a cloud. "And it has you in its tentacles... It's taking you away... I can't find you... Alesa no!" I say as I hold her hand tightly.
"Hey, you really need to calm down." Alesa says. "No one is gonna take me from you."
"Okay..." I say. "You're fine... I'm fine."
"Let's do something else." She says. She gets up and tags me. "You're it!" She starts to run.
"Hey, come back here!" I say as I chase after her.
We both laugh while running, and then I finally catch her, pick her up, and then I spin around with her in my arms.
"Gotcha!" I say as I spin around with her.
"Okay, okay!" She says as she laughs. "I'm it! I'm it! Stop!"
I laugh with her, then I put her down. She smiles at me.
"You got me." She says. "But I feel like a snack. I'm gonna get some snacks and bring them out here."
"Alright!" I say. She walks back to the base, and I just watch her.
"She's so beautiful." I say to myself.
I lay in the grass to wait for her. Time passes, and she's still not here. She must be getting a lot of snacks.
"Adam!" I hear her scream. "Help! Adam!" I jerk up.
"Alesa?!" I yell back. That's when I see a squid holding her in his tentacles. I start to run to her.
"Adam!" Alesa yells.
"Shut it!" The squid snaps at Alesa. "So Sky, we heard that you have a little one on the way. So, how would you feel if we killed the little one and the girl?"
"No!" Alesa yells at the squid.
"No!" I say. "Let her go immediately."
"Or what?" The squid asks.
"Or...or..." I can't figure anything out.
"You're weak, Sky." The squid says laughing. "You'll never be a good leader like your father."
"That's a lie!" I say. "Now give me Alesa!"
"Is hat the way you handle things?" He says laughing.
"It's the way I'm gonna handle it cause I love her." I say.
"Wow." The squid says. "You're going to be a worse father than your father. And that's thought to be impossible. So, before you can be a bad father, let's just get rid of the issue?"
"Don't do it!" I say.
"Sky, face it." The squid says. "We're doing you a favor. You would be the worst father in history. No one could take that position from you." That one stung... I stand there in silence with a frown. Alesa looks at me, just waiting for how I'm going to comeback at him.
"You're right." I say. "But that doesn't mean I won't try."
"Adam... Don't say that." Alesa says.
"Ha!" The squid says. "Peace out loser!"
"Adam!" Alesa says. "Don't let them take me! Don't leave me!"
"I won't!" I yell back as the squid swims away with her.
I quickly yell for the guys, and only Ross and Barney show up.
"And Jin?" I ask.
"Sick." Ross says.
"This is urgent!" I say. "Alesa was taken!"
"Max!" Barney yells.
"What the heck do you nerds want?" Max asks.
"Alesa was taken!" I say. "Her and my kid are in danger!"
"Did this loser just say kid!" Max asks. "You're having a kid?"
"Yeah, but I'll explain that on the way there." I say as I start running. "Come on!" They all follow after me. "Okay, so last time this happened, the boat was too slow, so we're taking the land route."
"What makes you think that's faster?" Max says.
"It's faster than the boat." I say.
"Adam, think." Max says. "Stop panicking and think about to for a second. That's what you need to do to save her. Just think. What if something has happened to her, and you need so bring her back quick? What are you gonna do? Carry her? Plus, I'm here. The boat will be faster."
"Max, I'm trusting you." I say. "I'm trusting you with Alesa's life when I say that we're gonna use the boat. I'm trusting you with my baby's life when I say we're gonna use the boat."
"Alright." Max says as we start heading to the boat. "But I'm still confused about this baby."
We all get in the boat, and then I start taking lead.
"Max and Barney, row." I say. "If any of you get tired, you can trade places with me or Ross." Then I start thinking about it more and more. "And I'm just gonna be right here."
"So Adam, did you mean for this to happen?" Max asks.
"Huh?" I ask him.
"This baby I didn't know you were having until a minute ago." Max says.
"Oh..." I say. "No... It was an- it was an accident." I honestly don't know why that was so hard to say. I thought I could accept that with no problem now.
"But you'll be a great father to that accident!" Ross says happily.
"I'm not even sure if it's alive anymore." I say with tears in my eyes.
"Adam." Ross says as he walks up to me and sits down next to me. "Don't say that. Everything will be fine."
"Last time this happened is still hard to think about." I say as I start to cry. "I was told that if we had waited any longer, she would've bled out from all the cuts the squids made. That terrified me. I had never cared for someone that much... And on the first day we were  dating that happened. I count myself as lucky to still have her... But maybe today is that day where I lose it all. Just after I thought my life couldn't get any better."
"Don't say that." Barney says. Ross warps his arm around me and gives me a warm hug.
"Buddy, pull be fine." Ross says. "I'm sure you'll have the family you dreamed of."
"I hope that at least Alesa's okay." I say wiping tears away.
After a few more minutes of sitting in the boat thinking about the bad things that could happen, we get closer to the squid lair.
"Adam!" I hear Alesa yell. That's when I know we're there. I look for where for voice came from, and then when I look up, she's hanging about the ocean on ropes.
"Alesa!" I yell back to her.
I look at how they tied her. Her arms and legs are tied together. There are two ropes holding her up over the water. One is tied to the rope on her legs, and one of around her belly...
"Adam, these ropes keep getting tighter and tighter!" She yells. "Hurry!"
"I'm on my way!" I yell back.
"How do we get up there?" Max asks.
"Through the lair." I say. "And we have to hurry. Before the rope get to tight or they drop her. If the rope gets to tight, the baby could be hurt... Or worse... And if she drops, she can't swim all tied up like that."
"Alright, let's go." Max says.
"Ross, you stay in the boat." I say. "Just incase we have to get back home urgently."
"Adam, you go find Alesa." Max says. "Barney and I will fight the squids. Now go Adam. You're the hero she's waiting for."
As soon as he says that, I dart through the dark hallways until I find a staircase. The staircase is even darker and more ominous. I run up the stars as fast as I can. Then, I see a ladder and a hatch to the roof.
I know that finding her isn't the hard part... It's freeing her that's hard.
I go and open up the roof hatch. I see a ton of squids and Alesa dangling over the water. She's putting her hands in the rope around her belly to try and stop it from being tight.
I pull out my swords and I start to kill off all the squids. They either jump off the edge of the building and into the water or they try and fight me. Honestly, it's not gonna happen squids.
"Adam?" I hear Alesa say. She can't really turn to face me while she tied up.
I run up to her, and I kill the squids guarding her.
"Alesa." I say. "It's me. Try swinging over here! I'm going to tie you off." As she swings to me, I start looking at all the dangers of this fall. One of the biggest concerns are these metal pipes that stick out of the squid lair. If she hits her head on one of those, she'll be out.
Then there's the possibility of a shallow area... That would go good...
And then there's belly flops or landing on your back... Those hurt... And from this height, I can't imagine that pain.
I grab my sword and I start to attempt cutting the ropes, but it's difficult.
"You foolish fool!" The squids voice comes over a speaker. "You can't cut those holding her up! The ones on her legs you can, but the others can only be broken when we hit the release button... Which would drop her."
"You stupid squid!" I say. "What do you want from me?"
"Oh, well now that you ask, I'll happily tell you exactly what I want!" The squid says.
"I'm listening." I say.
"Now, it's decision time, Sky." The squid says. "You could give me your army, or you could choose to take your precious Alesa and your little one."
"Adam, don't do it." Alesa says in tears. "Don't give up your army for me... Please."
"No." I say.
"Adam please don't do it." She says. "Think about it. There are so many more girls. So many more kids you could have. It doesn't have to be me and this baby."
"Yes it does, Alesa." I say. "Now listen squid. I'll take my family, but you can't have my army."
"Why not?" He asks.
"You can't lead an army if you're dead." I say as I see Max approaching through the squids camera. Max stabs the squid and smiles at me.
"I got him!" Max says.
"I-I can still... Press... The button..." The squid says as it died.
"It pressed it!" Barney says through the speaker. "She's gonna fall!"
I turn back and I hear Alesa scream until I ten see her bang her head in the pipe and she goes silent.
"Alesa!" I yell as I dive to get her. I swim until I grab her hand and I pull her to the surface. "Breath!" I say. I stare at her until I notice that she's breathing, but a little amount. "Thank god." Then I remember the baby. "Please be okay..." I say with my hand on top of her belly. I swim to the boat with her in my arms. I put her down in it.
"Ross, hurry back to the base!" I say.
After ten minutes of being on the boat, Alesa look like shes starting to wake up.
"A-Adam?" She says in confusion. I smile at her. "What happened?"
"You were just kidnapped by the squids and almost killed..." I say to her. "I'm so happy that you're okay. I'll never let them take you again! I can't risk losing you."
"Really?" She says in disbelief that she was taken again. "Thank you..." She hugs me tightly and cries. "I love you."
"I love you too." I reply.
"Adam." Ross says. "The baby?"
"Alesa the baby!" I say going into panic. "Is it okay? Is it hurt?"
"I don't know for sure, but nothing feels any different." Alesa says.
"Thank god." I say. Max and Barney climb back into the boat. "Well, let's go home."
"Oh yes please!" Max says.
Later that night, Alesa sits in bed, and in there with her. I know that I'm not leaving her side. Ever again. I'm just about to finish telling the baby this story too!
"Then, I saved you and your mommy, and the squids ran off!" I say to Alesa's belly as if I was talking to a person who could reply or even react. Alesa giggles and I look back up to her.
"You're gonna be a great dad." She says.
"You think so?" I ask.
"I don't think, I know." She says. I smile at her, and then I remember...
"Hey, we haven't come up with any names." I say.
"Oh, we should do that." She says. "So, what do you think?"
"For a girl, I was really thinking about Allison." I say.
"I was thinking about Heather a little bit." She says to me.
"That's a cute name!" I say.
"But what about boys?" Alesa asks.
"Hmm... Eric? Andrew? Evan?" I start coming up with names off the top of my head.
"I was thinking names like Tyler or Mason." She says.
"I like those two." I say.
"Well, now we just wait til we know the gender to start really choosing the names." Alesa says.
"I'm just so exited that were having a baby!" I say. "I'm so excited for our little family."
"And we'll be happy." Alesa says.
"And I will love our baby." I say. "No matter what. I'll give it all of my love."
"Adam?" Alesa asks.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"Will they be born in the new world?" Alesa asks.
"Most likely..." I say.
"And what if they are?" She asks.
"Well... I'm not sure." I say. "I can't really give you an answer to that yet. But I will once I get an answer."
"I don't even know what I want for our baby." Alesa says.
"Here's dangerous, Alesa." I say to her. "I kinda already did push for the world change... And I think I'm gonna try for the change to be earlier. I can't risk another day like today."
"Yeah, but I feel bad." She says. "Our child won't know where you grow up. They won't lead an army. They won't have your title."
"I know." I say. "That's how I expected my kids to be. A leader. But who says they won't hav wan army of their own?"
"Huh?" She says looking confused.
"Alesa, in that new world, we'll have the Internet." I explain. "That's where the world's creators placed my career. Our baby will be born into the same game they'd be born into here."
"Woah." Alesa says.
"And later on, they'll have my leader title." I say. "But better. It'll be their own. Not the Sky army. They don't have to be nicknamed Sky. They don't have to be part of the worst chain of leaders."
"Oh wow." Alesa says.
"So, new world or here?" I say. "I'm leaving it after you. You are our baby's mother after all."
"I say that we go for the new world." She says. "But do we get to tell him or her about this place?"
"No." I say. "Our kid will start telling people, then they'll be deemed crazy. He'll be bullied. Like I was. And like Ross was."
"I understand that." She says. "I don't want that for our kid."
"And that's why if they are born in the new world, we can't say a word to them about this place." I say.
"And if they're born here?" Alesa asks.
"Same bad stuff that happened to me." I say. "Fighting squids. Living life in fear."
"I don't want that for our child." Alesa says.
"And it won't happen." I say.
"And if it does?" She asks.
"It won't." I say. "I'll make sure it doesn't."
"Well, it's getting pretty late."
I say.
"Yeah, I'm getting tired." She says.
"We should call it s night." I say.
"Yeah." She says as she lays down. "Goodnight, Adam."
"Goodnight, Alesa." I say as I lay down too.

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