Chapter Ten: Christmas

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I hear some footsteps, but I'm sure it's Alesa. I really want to sleep. I went training recruits all day yesterday, and I'm exhausted. Alesa on the other hand isn't, because she stayed here.
"Adam..." Alesa says. "Adam... Adam." I get up and see her smiling at the end of the bed.
"What?" I ask sleepily.
"Rise and shine, sleepy head!" I say. "It's Christmas Eve!"
"Oh, right." I say as I rub my eyes. "Good morning Alesa."
"Good morning!" Alesa says happily. "Now get up! We have to get ready for this party!" She tugs on my arms. She's full of excitement and energy.
"Just give me a few minutes to get ready, okay?" I say. She nods.
After a while of party preparation, it's all starting to come together. The food... It looks great.
"Okay!" Alesa says energetically. "Club sandwiches, some fruits, potato salad, bread, salad, mac and cheese...  What else?"
"Cookies for desert!" I say.
"Yes!" Alesa says. "And brownies!"
"Eggnog just cause it's Christmas!" I say.
"Yeh!" Alesa says. "Well, we have most of the stuff but some is missing... I'm gonna go out to that one market and buy some stuff." Okay Adam... She's going out alone. Let her go, Adam. She's grown up... She can handle it herself Adam...
"Okay, but stay safe." I say. "I love you."
"I love you too." She says. And with that, she's gone. If she's not back within and hour, I'm gonna freak out.
"Ross, Jin, Barney!" I say.
"Yeah!" They all reply.
"I need your help decorating." I say. "Can you help?"
"Of course I can." Ross says as he shows me his box of decorations. "Oh Adam, I was born ready."
"I am too." Jin says as he pulls out his fake snow gun. That ones always fun. I almost had to punish them last year for it. But I knew that to them it was a happy day, and to me, it was just any other day. I hated that now that I think about it. Thank goodness Alesa transferred to this army. She really let me love anything again.
"I go your back." Barney says with his decorations.
"Okay!" I say. "Now let's make this place look more festive!"
It's been about two hours and the party room looks nice. It's helped me really ignore the fact that Alesa's been gone for over an hour.
Then the door opens and that's Alesa walking in. I smile.
"Hey, Adam, they ran out of eggnog, so maybe we could make... Our... Woah." She says in awe of all the decorations. "It's so pretty."
"The guys helped me, right guys?" I say. I lol back to try and find them.
"Ross, be careful!" Jin yells. I look to the left of that and I see Ross standing on the chandelier. I facepalm.
"Ross is-" Alesa says.
"I know, I see him being stupid." I say.
"Barney, just toss me the streamers." Ross says.
"Are you sure?" Barney asks.
"Yeah!" Ross says. "Hurry."
"Are you gonna let this continue?" Alesa asks.
"Not until they get to out of hand." I say. "Come on Alesa, I'm not their dad to be telling them what to do."
"Fair point." Alesa says.
Barney finally throws the streamers to Ross, and Ross catches them... But he's dangling by a foot.
"ROSS!" Jin says.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Ross says holding the streamers. "This is actually fun!"
"Are they gonna be fine?" Alesa asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Hold, on I'm coming!" Barney says.
That's chandelier can't hold both of their weights, so thy fall along with the chandelier.
"Oh my gosh!" Alesa says.
"Are you guys all good?" I ask.
"Yeah." Barney says.
"Thumbs up!" Ross says holding his thumb up.
"Someone has to clean that up now, huh guys?" I say.
Barney and Ross know I mean them, so they start to grab the broom.
"Well, party starts soon, so we should all go and get dressed." Alesa says.
A while later were all dressed and we go down to the party. We all eat, drink, dance and have fun. I spend most of the night with Alesa, as I always do. But then we kinda leave... I think it was about midnight when we left. But after that, I don't remember...
I wake up to someone jumping on the bed.
"Adam!" Alesa says. "It's Christmas!"
"What?" I'm so confused. Some how I'm in my bed... Last thing I remember, I was about to leave the party... I have a feeling that what we drank wasn't apple juice.
"Come on silly!" Alesa says. "It's Christmas!"
"Let's go then!" I say to Alesa. I get dressed in some other clothes, and we run downstairs.
"Yay!" Alesa says happily.
"Gosh, I love her." I say to myself.
I see Alesa stop once we get to the bottom floor. The next thing I see is Ross with a beard...
"What are you doing, Ross?"  Alesa asks.
"I'm not Ross." Ross says faking another voice. "But whoever Ross is, he deserves some Christmas money!"
"Ross you aren't-" I try to stop him, but he doesn't let me.
"Ho ho ho!" Ross says trying to act like Santa. "Shh Adam! I'm Santa Claus! I heard you were extra festive, and Ross has been a good boy. Why don't you hand me some cash to give him?"
"Do you have change for a twenty?" I ask Ross.
"Ho ho ho!" Ross says. "A twenty is just fine, unless you have a fifty, Ross would love that!"
"Ross, take the money." I say.
"Who's this Ross you speak of?" Ross says. I sigh.
"Santa... Take the money." I say. Ross yanks the money out of my hand, and then he takes off the beard.
"So, what'd I miss?" Ross asks.
I just grab Alesa's hand and I have her walk away with me. Ross just took my money... Not even a minute into being with them and I'm twenty dollars short.
"Where are the others, we need to open our presents." Alesa says.
"Jin!" Ross yells at the top of his lungs. "Barney! Get in here!"
"We're here Ross, calm down." Jin says.
"What are we doing?" Barney asks.
"It's Christmas, come on!" Alesa says.
"Guys, come on, let's open presents." I say. "I know I can do that last." I hand a box to Alesa. "But I want you to go first." Alesa smiles at me and starts to open the box. She pulls out the bracelet.
"Oh, it's so pretty Adam!" Alesa says. "Thanks you!"
"Hey that's the same gem on the ring that Adam's gonna-" I stop Ross from finishing that sentence before he ruins my plans.
"That Adam's gonna buy for Alesa to wear, right Ross." Ross nods and I take my hand of his mouth. The proposal nearly died just then. "Speaking of you, Ross, I got you this!" I say handing him a present. He opens it.
"Oh!" Ross says happily. "A collar for Rock!"
"Here's your Jin." I say. He takes it and immediately pulls out the katana. He looks so amazed by it. "Be careful where you use that!"
"And mine?" Barney asks.
"She's outside." I say.
"She's?" Barney says running outside. "Goat! No way!"
"And Santa brought some wonderful butter for Adam." Ross says.
"Yep!" I nod.
"I have one for Adam." I hear Alesa says from behind me. She pulls out a beautifully wrapped gift, and she hands it to me. I carefully unwrap it, and I'm amazed by what I see.
"It's beautiful!" I say to Alesa. "Thank you so much." I kneel down and kiss her on the cheek.
She gave me a heart made out of the same gem that's in my amulet. It's amazing.
"I got one for myself too." Alesa says. "You know, just so that were matching."
"I love you so much!" I say. "I wish there were more ways to show that..."
"I feel like you've shown me more than enough." Alesa says smiling.
"But seriously, thanks for the present." I say.
"Anything to see you smile." Alesa says. "You do have a beautiful smile." I blush. She makes me feel so happy. "This has been the best Christmas ever!" Alesa cheers. Everyone cheers too.
"I'm glad you guys are having fun." I say. There's something on my mind. "Hey Jin, could I talk to you?"
"Sure." Jin says.
"In private..." I say.
"Alright." We both leave the room.
"So, how should I propose to Alesa?" I ask him.
"Just go from the heart." Jin says. "Say what she means to you. Just don't go overboard. You always talk about her to us, so this should be easy."
"But this is different." Jin says. "What if she says no?"
"Adam, look at her." Jin says. I look through the doorway and Alesa's smiling at one of the heart gems. I put my hand in my pocket to feel mine, and I smile. "Does she look like she'll say no?"
"She wouldn't." I say.
"That's better!" Jin says. "Now go! It is Christmas after all!"
I walk back out and to Alesa. I finally have the courage to ask her to marry me.
"What happened?" Alesa asks.
"I'm just stressing over some new world stuff." I say.
"Aw." She says. Her smile changes into something that doesn't look to happy.
"Alesa." I say. This is it. She looks at me and smiles. "Over the past days-"
I get stopped as Ross walks out dressed as a snowman.
"Merry Christmas!" Ross says.
"Oh my gosh..." Alesa says.
"This is something he'd do." Jin says.
"I'm Ross!" He says. "And I like warm hugs, and I'm here to wish you a Merry Christmas! There someone missing... Oh, it's my reindeer that just so happens to be my best friend! Come on out, buddy!" Rock runs out dressed as a reindeer.
"Now that's cute!" Alesa says happily.
"Is no one else wondering where he got this from?" I ask. No one replies.
"We're just missing the ice queen!" Ross says. "Come on out!" And out comes Barney in a dress.
"Oh my-" I can't even finish talking before I burst out laughing.
"This is priceless!" Jin says pulling out his camera.
"Now sing the song, ice queen." Ross says.
"No..." Barney says.
"Sing!" Ross says.
"Ugh." Barney says as he starts singing. He sings the song with Ross and we all applause at the end.
"Thanks you!" Ross says bowing down.
"Please tell me you got that on video." I say to Jin.
"It's already in the Internet!" Jin says.
"Nice!" I say.
"This is truly the best Christmas!" Alesa says happily.
"That was so random!" I say laughing.
"Oh yeah." Alesa says. "We're you saying something before?"
"Urh... No..." I say.
"Was it important?" Alesa asks.
"No." I say. "It really can wait a few days. It's fine, I'll tell you later."
"Oh." Alesa says. Jin looks over at me looking confused... I just shrug.
"Are you guys planning something?" Alesa asks.
"No." I say.
"We were only talking about the new world." Jin says.
"But I told Adam we wouldn't move here until we for sure knew we were having a baby." Alesa says.
"Well, we still gotta plan." I say.
"And we have plenty of time when it comes to having a baby." Alesa says. Jin laughs.
"Oh, you never know." Jin says laughing.
"Come on, Jin." I say. "We have plenty of time."
"Time..." Jin laughs again.
"Your acting like you know something I don't." I say. "What is it, Jin?"
"You just need to be prepared." Jin says. "The length of the process is really unpredictable."
"The length is one to four weeks." I say.
"Adam, they calculated wrong." Jin says. "It's actually one week to six months." I become shocked at six months.
"What?!" I say.
"So if Alesa was to be pregnant now-" I stop Jin.
"Which she is not." I add.
"It's only for the explanation!" Jin says. "If the process took its longest, the squids would have 6 months to mess up Alesa and the baby while its in her."
"Well then, good thing there's no baby to worry about." Alesa says.
"And there won't be." I say. "For many years."
"Adam, think realistically." Jin says. "Accidents happen."
"Well, not in our case." I say.
"We haven't even known each other long enough for that." Alesa says.
"Adam, could I talk to you in private for a second?" Jin says.
"Sure." We walk out of the room, but this time, we go up stairs and in the bathrooms.
"Do you remember anything after you left the party?" Jin asks.
"No." I say.
"I'm not saying anything exact..." Jin says. "I'm just saying that I wouldn't bet any money in what you and Alesa are saying. Oh, I saw how you guys left that party, Adam. I'm not saying anything I'm specific, but don't be too sure." I'm starting to get angry.
"Jin, what do you know?!" I ask in anger.
"More than you do about last night." Jin says.
"What?!" I'm really angry now.
"I'm not saying!" Jin says. "And neither are Ross and Barney. This is for you to figure out with Alesa... Not with us."
"What are you saying?!" I'm yelling at this point.
"Adam, go be with Alesa." Jin says.
"I definitely would rather than to be with you." I say as I stomp out.

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