Chapter Twelve: How I Met Them

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"Yeah, sometimes the guys can be ahead of me." I say to Alesa as we sit on the tree and watch the snow fall. But if the guys know what I think it is that they know, then how do they know? "Sometimes they do notice things before me. And they look out for me. That's why here my best friends."
"They're pretty cool." Alesa says. Then she nudges me a little and laughs. "Hey Adam, you never told me how you met them!"
"Alesa." I say. "Three. Long. Stories."
"I'm sitting in a tree with my favorite person watching snowfall for fun..." Alesa says. "There's time."
"Ha, alright." I say.
"I'm listening." Alesa says.
"Well, first let me tell you how I met Jin when I was eighteen." I say.
It was the year of my dad being around and I didn't even know it. He led this place. I was just kinda his son, still going around, having a good time. That's when I see this really depressed guy outside. He was standing by the bridge over the lake looking down at the deepest end. I decided to walk over to him.
"Dude? I ask. The guy look up at me, and then back down to the water again.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
"She left me." He says. "I can't live anymore..." He says crossing over the railing of the bridge.
"Whoa!" I say in complete shock. "No! Don't!"
"Why not?" The guy says to me. "If she doesn't care, no one will. I'm better off dead."
"You have to much to live for." I say. "And dude, if 'she' didn't love you, maybe she just wasn't meant for you. Some else in this world loves you with all their heart. So don't go... You have a future with someone else here."
"How would you know?" The guys asks me.
"Because I broke up with my girlfriend last week because she didn't even care about me." I say. "And I'm still here. So don't... Death isn't an option." The guys climbs back into the safe side of the bridge and hugs me.
"You can stay with me until it's all better, okay?" I say.
"Okay." He says.
"Oh, I didn't get your name." I say.
"Oh, I'm Jin Bop." He says. "But everyone just calls me Jin. What's yours?"
"I'm Adam." I say. "Some people call me Sky. But that just my leader name."
"Thanks for helping me, Adam." Jin says.
"Hey, no problem." I say.
"Who knew he would've stayed through all of my issues?" I say. "And he's still here... After I had several things like what happened to me and you today happen to him, he's still by my side."
"That's so sweet!" Alesa says. "No wonder he loves you so much... If it wasn't for you, he'd be dead. Now what about Barney and Ross?"
"Barney's story is different."  I say.
"I'm listening." Alesa says.
Well, me and Jin were at this market. We were out just getting food when this purple dinosaur at the register with what I'was guessing we're his friends. He look scared.
"Come on, you dirts!" The dinosaur said. "Hurry up!"
"Alright sheesh, hold on." the cashier says.
"This seems weird..." Jin says.
"Yeah..." I say. "Have your sword out."
"Here. That'll be thirty thousand gold." The cashier says.
"Thanks." The dinosaur says snatching the item out of his hands.
"Woah!" The cashier says. "Pay the price!"
"Oh... Well, sometimes deals don't workout, dirt." The dinosaur throws a knife and the cashier falls on the ground... Dead.
"What a dumb dirt." The dinosaur says laughing.
"Hey!" I yell. He starts running. "Get back here!"
We all run for a while, until I'm able to pin him to the ground.
"Give me the money!" I say to him. "You can't just do that! Go get your own money! And you don't just kill-"
"I can't." The dinosaur says. "I use this money for food. I don't have anything. The squids killed my family when I was young, so now I have to do this to live."
"Squids?" I ask. I can see the dinosaur start tearing up.
"I tried to save my family, but it was too late." He says. "Now take me away if you want... At least there food where ever it is I'm going." I let him up. Jin finally find where I ran off, and looks shocked when he sees me being friendly.
"We fight squids." I say to the dinosaur.
"Do you want to be a recruit?" I ask.
"What?!" Jin says looking at me like I'm crazy. "A criminal?!"
"Shh." I say. "So, Dino, what do you say?"
"Will I be able to avenge my family?" He asks.
"Yes." I tell him.
"I'm in!" He says.
"So, your name?" I ask.
"Barney." He replies.
"Welcome to the Sky Army, Barney." Me and Jin say in unison.
"So now, Barney's one of the best fighters, and to this day, one of my best friends." I say.
"W-w-wow." Alesa says shivering. I look over at Alesa, and she's freezing.
"Let's go inside." I say. "You're freezing cold."
"Wait!" Alesa says. "What about Ross?"
"I'll tell ya, but let's go inside first." I say.
We both walk back into the building and up into my room. We get in bed and under the nice warm covers. Alesa smiles as soon as we lay here. She was freezing out there."
"So, the story." Alesa says.
"Oh yeah, Ross." I say. "I first met Ross when he was twelve... I was about fifteen."
I watch the small whale kid get backed into the corner from the rooftop of the school.
"Hey you little whale!" One of he bullies says. "I'm gonna need some of your money... Better said all."
"I have none." The kid manages to squeak out.
"Aw, he's broke." Another bully says. "Don't worry, let me take you home so that you can look through your furniture for some." The bully carries him and puts him in the dumpster. I hear the innocent narwhal start crying.
"What are you gonna do, wimp?" The bully says. "Are you gonna call your mommy?"'
"But I don't have one anymore..." He says crying more. "My parents left me." The bullies laugh.
"Ha! The weirdo has no mom!" One of the others say pointing at the narwhal.
"It's not funny..." The narwhal says.
"You know what is funny?" The bully says. "Your face!" They all laugh, and I slide down a pipe.
"You guys are literally so lame." I say.
"Would you look at who came to defend the loser." The bully says. "Just because you're the leaders son doesn't entitle to talk like that. You aren't my leader. " The other bullies hear him say that I'm the leaders son, and they run away.
"Oh, then who's yours?" I ask.
"Derp squid." The bully says.
"That doesn't entitle you to harm this innocent whale." I say. "What has he ever done to you?"
"He's just a weirdo." The bully says. He then laughs at me when I look at the kid. "What, you want that as a recruit?"
"Actually, yes." I say. The bully laughs at me.
"So your father has a powerful army of thousands, but you're assembling an army of weaklings?" He says laughing at me. "You really are going to be the downfall of the Sky Army."
"If that's the case, that kid is the first of many weaklings, and he's also the first part of the downfall." I say. I punch and kick the bully down. After I hurt him, he runs off. He knows I can call for my father if I need to. I walk over to the trash can and look at the crying narwhal. I help him out, and he wipes away tears.
"You saved me..." The kid says.
"Of course." I say. "A leader looks out for his recruits... And I'm just practicing. Hey, what's your name?"
"Ross." He says.
"Well, Ross, wanna join my army?" I ask.
"Sure... But don't you need an army like your father's?" He asks.
"Eventually we'll be bigger," I say. "But right now, I just need friends." Ross hugs me.
"I love you!" Ross says hugging me. "You saved me!"
"Alright, alright!" I say. "Now let's go to the base, Ross."
"Wow, who knows what would've happened to hide three if it wasn't for you." Alesa says.
"Yeah... I was there to help them through their toughest moments... But when I went through mine and they tried to return the favor... I locked them out."
"Locked them out?" Alesa asks.
"It was when I became leader after my dad died... I was tough as a nail... And I was so mean... I was Sky, not Adam. And the guys could tell too."
"It's my place with my rules!" I say to the guys. "So follow them, and go and train those recruits!"
"Yes sir." Barney says.
"Hey Adam..." Jin says.
"That's Sky to you, Jin." I say.
"Um... Sky?" He says. "Could we go hangout... By the lake... Like we used to?"
"The lake?" I say getting mad at Jin. "Where the squids are? Are you working with them to get me killed?"
"No, I just want to go and have fun." Jin says. "Like we used to."
"The past is in the past." I say. "I'm leader now. I need to be taken seriously. I can't be seen splashing around a lake with my 'friends'"
Why do you say friends like that?" Jin says. "Adam, you've been there for us, and we're just trying to be there for you... But you aren't letting us. Adam, something is wrong."
"Leave." I say.
"But Adam, tell us what's wrong." Jin says.
"Leave!" I say more angrily. Then they all dart out of the room.
"Then two days after that, I could tell they didn't like me that way... So I was just meaner." I explain to Alesa.
"Guys!" Ross says. "Look!" Ross grabs one of my shirts and puts it on. "Oh, I'm Sky, and I'm a big leader!" They all laugh.
"Oh Sky, I will always listen to you!" Barney says.
"Of course you will!" Ross says mocking me. "I'm Sky, and I'm perfect, blah blah blah!"
"Sky, guess what?" Jin says.
"What do you want, peasant?" Ross says.
Jin picks Ross up and throws him on the floor.
"Thats what I think of you, Sky!" Jin says, laughing. Inside, that really hurt. It's hurts me to think that this is what I am... But on the outside, I'm furious.
Ross and Barney see me behind Jin and they look nervous.
"Come on guys, it's funny..." Jin says. "You know, because Adam's become a total jerk?"
"Jin..." Barney says.
"What?" Jin says. Ross point at me and Jin slowly turns to see me.
"Oh hey, leader Sky..." Jin says looking terrified.
"Remove that shirt before you get punished, Ross." I say. "And Barney, Jin, you aren't off the hook either. But Jin... The stuff you said..."
"So what?" Jin says angrily. "It's true! This leader thing has made you so uptight and rude! I hate it!"
"Well, now that I'm a leader-" Jin stops me.
"Who cares?" Jin says. "You aren't you." I look down at my amulet in shame... My amulet stands for the kindness and compassion I show to the ones I love... And here I am, going against it. "Please, Adam... I want my best friend back."
"Me too." Barney says.
"Me three." Ross says.
"Well..." I say thinking about what to say.
"Yeah?" Jin says looking hopeful. I want to say something nice, but this whole Sky personality won't let me...
"Adam isn't here." I say. "It's Sky, and you live under Sky's rules. And no more trying to change how I rule things... Cause this place is the best thing to happen to you rats." I kick them out of my room and I slam the door shut.
"You?" Alesa says in shock. "You said that? I knew you were sad, but not that sad."
"I guess part of it was because I became leader so quickly." I say. "It wasn't supposed to be that early. Even now I'm too young to lead."
"Wow." Alesa says.
"But you saved me. " I say. "You knocked me out of all that. I mean, I was about ready to punish you... But you just... I don't know. One look at you, and I knew I didn't want to hurt you. "
"And what is this whole punishing thing?" Alesa asks.
"Oh, that really depends on the level of what you've done." I say. "Transfers are easy. A few slaps and hit on behalf of betraying their old army and then they get treated like they are less. And things on the higher level like messing the leader or who the leader cares about is punishable by being kicked out, as you saw with Barney, and even if it's horrible, it's punishable by death."
"So, I was going to be treated like crap?" I ask.
"That's how it was intended." I say. "Because it was believed before that transfers couldn't be loved... But look at us. So, because of you, we're all changing everyone's ways so that they treat the transfers with the same respect as us born into this. And actually... All our transfers are girls!"
"Really?" Alesa says looking all excited.
"Yeah!" I say."But you wouldn't know them. You never met any recruits."
"Who are they?" Alesa asks.
"They're named Shelby, Jessica, and you." I say. "No one else is really brave enough to transfer."
"And where are these recruits?" Alesa asks.
"The place I've never taken you of the base." I say. "All you know is the bottom floor and my room, which is more like a house once I think about it, on the very top floor. But we have this giant underground area where they all learn to fight. You go down there and you'll see hundreds... Thousands, better said... Of recruits training to take on squids whenever."
"Woah!" Alesa says.
"And you... You were almost one of them." I say.

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