Chapter Twenty One: Goodbye World

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I see Alesa wake up, and it's time to tell her.
"Good morning." Alesa says.
"Good morning." I say. I kiss her and then I go on to tell her the news. "So, today's the last day in this world!"
"Oh woah." She says.
"We're gonna go to be tonight, and we'll wake up somewhere else." I explain.
"Will we know about that place?" She asks.
"Yeah, we'll know everything about it and we can still remember this place." I explain.
"And just incase we don't, I have this!"  She says as she grabs a book. Her diary. "I've written everything here. From the day I spawned her on."
"Let me see." I say as I grab the book.  I flip through the pages and look at the titles of each section. Date with Sky gone wrong. Barney gone nuts. Best Christmas ever. I giggle at the next one... He proposed! And then the next one is I think I might be pregnant. Not the squids again.
And then I realize...
"Alesa, if our kid were to find this, we'd be screwed." I say.
"They aren't allowed to read it." Alesa says. I question if that would even keep a child from reading it, but we have five years after the baby's born to worry about reading. We can come up with something.
"Well, this is a really nice book to have." I say. "It has our whole story in your perspective."
"Oh, Adam, shouldn't we tell the guys it's heir last day here?" She says.
"I told them." I say. "You've slept in pretty late."
"Well, I barely slept last night." She says. "I don't get it. It's called morning sickness... Why does it happen all day?" I just sigh to show her that I don't want to talk about that. She just looks at me in silence for a few seconds and I feel bad... Like if I've made her shut up or something.
"So..." I say as I break the silence. "What should we do on out last day here?"
"We could look at everything significant for our story and take pictures!" Alesa says.
"That's a great idea!" I say. "Let's go!" I start walking off into the other room.
"Wait for me!" Alesa says as she runs to catch up to me. In the hallway outside of my bedroom, there's a big door... I walk into a room I hadn't been in since the day I first saw Alesa. The big golden pillars. The ginormous throne at the end of the room. I look back to see Alesa smiling.
"Remember this?" I ask Alesa.
"Yeah." She says. I sit on my throne and start acting like a leader again... Well... More like making fun of what I was...
"I'm Sky!" I say in my leader tone I haven't used since a long time ago. "I am leader of the Sky army, and all of you shall obey me!" Alesa gives me a nervous laugh. "A code fourteen... Where?! I must punish the code fourteen! Transfer!" I turn around and walk up to Alesa. I see Alesa slowly backing away and I give her the smiles I used to give people when I was bad. I get close enough to hold her hand, and she just gives a small shriek.
"You're still as beautiful as the day I first laid eyes on you." I say as I smile at her.
"Adam..." She says as she laughs. "You scared me with that whole leader thing."
"I'm sorry." I say. "What was it about it that scared you? Because the first day I saw you, you legit wanted to fight me."
"I don't know..." She says. "When a person is like that... They're like that. But once they show me what they really are, I like that better. I don't know what it really was... But when you held my hand while you were acting all angry and stuff... It reminded me of that... That thing that happened on Christmas..." I immediately hug her when she says that.
"You know that I'm never doing that again." I say. "I'd never hurt you again. That was just a horrible slip up... I hate myself for being that violent that day."
"I've forgiven you for it, but it's still scary to think that you can't control it all that well." Alesa says.
"I know." I say. "I'm scared that one day, I'm gonna lose m temper on our child... And then I'll be Sky... And I don't wanna hurt them."
"Adam, love controls all that." Alesa says. "If you love them, it shouldn't happen." I get out of our hug.
"But I loved you and it happened." I say.
"I don't know." Alesa says. "I've heard that when you have a kid, that's the most love you'll ever feel for someone, so I guess it's like that. So I'm confident you'll never hurt them."
"You sure?" I say.
"I'm sure." She says.
We walk out of the room, and outside to the next place. The tree. Where we had our first date.
"We have to be really careful out here." I say.
"Look, Adam!" Alesa says as touches the trees bark. "Remember this?"
"How couldn't I?" I say. "Our first date."
"Probably the best... And most traumatic experience of my life..." Alesa says.
"I'm sorry that that happened to you." I say.
"But there were benefits." She says.
"Yep." I say. "That's when I found out I really cared about you... I did everything I could to save you... And your almost bled out and died anyways."
"It was painful... Scary... Horrific." Alesa says. "Bust still better than any silly little date."
"You almost died?!" I say in shock.
"But you proved that you were good." Alesa says. "And I wouldn't want to every wish that experience away. You were with me until I fell asleep that night... Even though I didn't. And when I was afraid... You came in there and took me to sleep with you and your room so I wouldn't be afraid. And I fell in love with you. It was the best night of my life."
"When you put it that way... It was the best night." I say. "But when you think of it the way I do... It was horrible. The feeling of walking into a room and seeing the one person you felt was your world at that moment all cut and hurt... It was horrible." Alesa puts her hand on her neck, and she looks like she was about to cry.
"It was horrible... This one-" She stops talking when she realizes I'm looking at her. She pulls her hand off her neck and wipes one year away. "I'm okay."
"You sure?" I ask. "Anything happen that I don't know about?"
"N-No..." She says.
"Okay." I say.
"But you see Adam, without that horrific first date, we wouldn't have one special troupe of connection." Alesa says. "The types of things I think of when I see you. A hero. I owe my life to you. You're selfless. You lost so much sleep sitting there just because I was scared and didn't want you to leave me... And your so kinda and accepting. You know what I care about. Like with the baby. I know that you didn't want this, but because I love the baby, you do to. And I think it's gotten to the point where you truly love the baby."
"I got to that point within two minutes, Alesa." I say. "But you see me as... A hero?" I have the biggest smile on my face and tears in my eyes.
"Yeah." She says. "My hero!" The tears finally spill out.
"I love you so much." I say. "I'm glad I could mean that much to you."
"I love you to." She says. "And you're the best hero I've ever seen." I brush her beautiful fiery red hair out of her face, and she smiles at me. We both lean in and kiss. I'm someone's hero... And when it's her... That means so much more than anything else.
We pull away and she continues to smile at me.
"Adam, I can't imagine life without you." She says. "And I don't want to."
"Me neither." I say to her.
After that, we head into the dining hall.
"Nothing good happened here." I say.
"There were good things hidden in the bad things." Alesa says.
"Like what?" I ask.
"When Barney acted all crazy, you threw yourself in front of me so that he wouldn't hurt me." I say. "And when you tried your best to protect me... It showed you really do actually care about me. It's not just when I'm hurt. And that other time when you hurt me..." My eyes fill with tears and I start sniffing. "No, Adam, don't cry about this. Just... Hear me out.  Yeah sure, it was painful... But... You were so apologetic about it. I knew you wouldn't do it again. You were so sad about it to. It really shows that you care about me."
"Alesa... Did I ever tell you the real reason why I did that?" I ask.
"Huh?" Alesa says in confusion. "Oh, you were stressed out about the new world! It was nothing."
"I lied." I say.
"You what?" She says.
"I lied to you." I say. "Cause I thought the truth was scary."
"What was the truth?" Alesa asks.
"Jin told me that you could be pregnant." I say. "And I didn't want to accept that."
"That really scared you, didn't it?" She asks. "Cause of the whole thing with your mother?" I nod and Alesa hugs me.
"It's okay." She says.
We walk out into the party room and look around.
"The Christmas party." Alesa says. I put my hand on her belly and smile.
"The day this thing happened." I say with a smile. Alesa laughs.
"Our lives changed after that night and we didn't even know." I say.
We walk out side into a clear area by the lake.
"Adam, what happened here?" Alesa says with a smile. I smile back.
"We're getting married!" I cheer as I pick her up and spin her in the air like I did after she said yes to my proposal.
"Put me down!" She says through giggles. I put her back down and I kiss her.
We pull away, and she looks so happy.
"Look at you." She say. "It's hard to believe."
"Huh?" I ask.
"You went from hating everything and everyone to being happy and loving me." She says. "It's crazy."
"Yeah, it is." I say. I hold her hand up to where I can see it, and I look at her ring.
"It's hard to believe that you said yes." I say.
"How would it be?" She asks. "I love you too much to have said no."
"I don't know." I say. "There was just something in me that day that made me think you'd say no."
"When you asked me if I wanted to marry you, no just left my vocabulary... I guess..." She says. "It was impossible to even think about saying no." I smile at her.
"I guess." I say.
Later, we sit in our room. Right before sunset. The time where we're all supposed to sleep and wake up somewhere else.
We stare out the window, watching the sun.
"Adam." Alesa says.
"Yeah?" I say.
"We forgot one little thing that happened to us here." Alesa says as she gets up from the little seats but the window.
"What is it?" I ask.
"This." She comes back, sits down, and hands me the sonogram. "We're in the place that you found out."
"Oh yeah." I say smiling at the little picture. A little giggle escapes, and Alesa looks at me with a smile.
"Did you just giggle?" Alesa asks me.
"No..." I say. I feel me face go red.
"You're blushing!" She says.
"No I'm not!" I say as I grab a pillow and cover my face.
"Adam!" She says as she hugs me. "I love you!"
"I love you to!" I say.
The sun has almost disappeared. Almost gone in the horizon.
"Hey guys." I hear Max say. Him and all the guys walk in.
"You ready?" Jin asks.
"I know I am." Ross says.
"Me to." Barney says.
"I think I'm ready to start a new life." I say as I look over to Alesa to see what she says.
"As long as I'm with you, I don't care where we are." Alesa says.
"Awe." Everyone except Max says.
"So much cheese." Max says as he smiles at us.
Everyone leaves, and I see the moon through the other window.
"Bed." I say. "We're going." Alesa grabs a bag and puts everything important in it. Like her diary and our amulets.
"What's that for?" I ask.
"To take with us." She slings the bag over her shoulder.
"Okay now, to bed." I say as I lay down on top of the bed. Alesa doesn't. She seems hesitant.
"Alesa?" I ask.
"I'm gonna miss this place." She says.
"Me to, but it's for the best." I say.
"Can we have one last moment here before we leave?" She asks.
"Sure, why not?" I say.
Alesa makes here way to a ladder in the corners of the room.
"I've never gone up here." She says as she climbs up.
"Be careful!" I say as I stand behind her. She opens up the hatch, and we're on the roof. She looks out at everything and stands there in awe.
"Woah." She says. "It's such a beautiful view. And we're leaving it."
"Let's not be sad." I say. I kiss her this last time here. After we finish, we go back into my room.
"Let's actually go to bed this time." I say.
"Well..." She says. "Goodbye world..."
We lay in bed holding hands, and before we know it, were asleep.

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