Chapter Eighteen: Only One

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I wake up, and I see that Alesa's already awake, she's just sitting silently in bed.
"Hey Alesa." I say. She just groans. "What's wrong?"
"Adam, leave me alone... I-I... Oh no!" She get up and runs to the bathroom. Oh, not this!
"Morning sickness, huh?" I say to her.
"Yeah." She says as she groans again. "I'm so nauseas!"
"I'll get you some water, if that'll make it at least a little better." I say.
"Yeah, thanks." She says.
I walk all the way downstairs to see Jin.
"Hey, Jin!" I say.
"Hey Adam." He says.
"I heard you were sick." I say. "Are you feeling better today?"
"Yeah, a little." He says. "But hey, I heard what happened. Everything okay with Alesa?"
"She hit her head a little yesterday, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal now." I say. "I'm a little worried about the baby, but she's sure everything fine. But right now she's got that stupid morning sickness."
"Aw." Jin says. "I hope she feels better."
"Thanks man." I say. "I really hope that there are ways I could help her more with this whole pregnancy thing. I'm trying to help by getting her some water now."
"Well, you do that." Jin says. "I'll see you later!"
I run up the stairs with the glass of water and I walk back into our room.
"Alesa?" I say.
"Yeah..." She says. I look around to see her sitting on the bed.
"Here's some water." I say.
"Thanks." She says. She takes a few sips than stops and looks at me. "Being pregnant is hard."
That one statement makes me feel an unbelievable amount of guilt. I did this to her. I'm the reason she's so nauseas all the time.
"Yeah, I bet." I say. "And this isn't even the half of it."
"Yeah." She says.
"Well, what do you want for breakfast?" I say changing the topic.
"Waffles." She says.
"Okay, well I-" she interrupts me.
"And I'm also in the mood for some pickles with that." She says.
"Pickles?" I ask.
"Yeah." She says. "Or pretzels! Hmm... You know what, I feel like both!"
"Oh, it's there cravings that pregnant women get!" I say. "Okay, I'll go and-"
"Oh, make a lot!" She says. "I'm hungry!"
"Don't worry, I will." I say.
"Thanks!" She says as I walk out and down to the kitchen.
"Hey, Ross!" I say. "We're gonna need you to make some waffles, pickles and pretzels!"
"What..." He says in confusion.
"Craving are starting to kick in for Alesa." I explain.
"Oh." Ross says. "I'm on it!"
"Thanks!" I say.
"Hey Adam, I made everyone coffee!" Barney says as he hands me a cup full of coffee. I sit down and I start drinking it with him.
"So Adam, when the baby comes, will everything here be all baby proofed?"
"I don't think we need to worry about that, we're leaving for the new world soon." I say.
"Okay, so will the baby sword I bought be useless?" I almost spit out the coffee I had in my mouth.
"You bought our baby a sword?!" I say in surprise.
"It's extra sharp too!" Ross says.
"Guys, a child with a sword?" I say. "That's almost as bad as Ross with a sword."
"That's true!" Ross says. "I nearly chopped my horn off! That wouldn't have been fun!"
"Maybe when they are older than sixteen." I say.
"Okay." Barney says.
After a while, Ross finishes cooking and he hands me the stuff. It looks pretty appetizing...
I walk back up to our room with it.
"Hey!" I say. "Ross made this for you! It looks pretty good, not gonna lie!"
"They were also thinking about giving out baby a sword when they are sixteen." I say.
"Adam, did you establish that it should be when they are sixteen years old?" She asks.
"No..." I say.
"Well, they're probably gonna come up to our sixteen day old baby with that sword." Alesa says.
"Probably." I say as I laugh.
"Yeah." I say as I hand her the food. "Are you a little less nauseas?"
"Yeah." She says.
"Good!" I say. She takes a bite out of her waffle. "Is that good?"
"Yeh!" She says imitating Ross.
"Yeh!" I say laughing.
"Yeh!" Ross says from behind me.
"Ross!" Me and Alesa says at the exact same time.
"Yeh!" Ross says.
"What did I say about spying on us?" I ask him.
"Yeh!" He says as he walks out and shuts the door.
"Bye Ross!" I say. "I swear, this kid gets creepier everyday." Alesa laughs.
"Yeah, but it's funny!" She says.
"Yeah, I wouldn't trade him for the world." I say.
"You're so caring." Alesa says.
"Not really..." I say. "I see myself as more of a don't hurt yourself kind of guy."
"Protective?" She says.
"No..." I say. "Scratch that... I'm actually more of a I will make sure nothing even touched you kind of guy."
"Overprotective?" She asks me with a smile.
"That's the word!" I say laughing.
"That's a great quality about you." Alesa says. "If it wasn't for that quality in you I would've been dead by now. " She laughs. "You really do save my life everytime you do anything to keep me safe Adam. Sure, I'll be stubborn about it. But usually when I'm stubborn things don't go right... Yesterday for example."
"Ugh, don't even mention yesterday." I say. "I laid there losing sleep wondering if the baby was really okay... Or if you just thought that..." I feel tears in my eyes after I say that.
"Adam, don't think like that." Alesa says with a frown on her face. "Look, today we're gonna prove all those thoughts wrong!"
"Really?" I say.
"I made an appointment to get a little sonogram!" She says. "You'll have a little picture of the baby! And that little picture will reveal something else..."
"What?" I ask.
"How many babies this is..." Alesa says.
"Oh..." I say. "I forgot about that... I hope there's only one..."
"Adam, I'm sure it's one." Alesa says as she smiles at me.
"I don't think I'd be able to handle two at once for my first time being a father." I say.
"I'm sure it's only one kid, but babe, I'm also sure you could handle two." Alesa says.
"Nope!" I say laughing.
"Later today, we'll see about that." Alesa says to me. "But as for you... You should go and explain to Max about this baby. He seemed confused."
"Yeah..." I say. "But I can't leave you alone. I'm going with you, and then you're coming with me."
"As long as you tell Max." Alesa says. "Because Ross said that after Max found out about this that he got a little..."
"Mad Max?" I say.
"Yeah, cause you didn't tell him." Alesa says.
"I'll tell him." I say.
"Well, we leave at noon!" Alesa says.
Once it's noon, me and Alesa go over there. It's not long before I'm already seeing the baby on the screen.
"There it is." The doctor says to us.
"Look, Alesa." I say to her as I stare at the screen.
"I'm looking, babe." She says.
"That's our kid." I say.
"I love them." Alesa says with a smile.
"Okay guys, I think we are done" The doctor says to us both.
"So, just one baby?" I ask.
"Sir, for the sixth time... One baby." The doctor says as she prints something up. Alesa laughs.
I hold Alesa's hand as we walk outside, and she holds the sonogram in the other.
"There's our baby." She says holding the sonogram up so I can see it.
"Just one... Good." I say. I'm so relieved. Alesa suddenly stops walking, and she pulls me back to where she is.
"Adam." She says sounding way too serious.
"What?" I ask.
"Would more than one baby have been a problem?" Alesa asks me.
"No... They wouldn't be." I say.
"Then what-" I stop her.
"I'd be the problem." I say. "I can't even take care of an animal! Imagine two babies or more at once..." I start feeling tears fill my eyes. "I don't think I can even handle one..."
"Adam, you're going to be a great father." She says starting to walk again. I follow her. "Don't ever say that again. It's drives me crazy every time you say that you won't be good at something that I know you'll be the best at!"
"What are you even supposed to do in this whole father thing?" I ask.
"The same stuff that your doing with me except you'll want to teach the baby stuff along the way." Alesa says. "You act like a father even when your not. You just care. You never want me hurt. You always do what's best for me. Adam, when we have our baby, I need you to do the exact same thing... But to them."
"Are you sure I'll be okay?" I ask. She stops walking and turns to face me.
"You'll be a pro." She says, looking me in the eyes. She smiles at me, do I smile back.
"At least you think so." I say.
"I know so." She says to me.
Once we get back to the base, we remember that we have to explain this whole baby thing to Max. We walk into the dining area, and we find Max sitting there eating some chips. His favorite ones to! The cheese ones.
"Hey Max." I say as Alesa and I sit down.
"Hey." Max says as he bites a chip.
"So, I have some explaining to do." I say.
"About what?" He asks as he bites another chip.
"This." Alesa says as she places the sonogram I front of him. Max looks like he's choking, but be manages to not choke.
"You weren't kidding?!" He says in shock.
"Max, I don't mess around about these things." I say.
"Well, don't make me babysit." Max says. "I'll give the child a weapon..."
"Okay... That's some information that could be useful when choosing who to watch them..." Alesa says. "But that's not what we're here for."
"We're here cause everyone knows the whole story and you don't." I say. "And Alesa thought that was unfair."
"So, what's the deal?" He asks.
"The story starts at the Christmas Eve party." I say. "Everyone was drinking... And well, you can see where this is going."
"I remembered some of it after a bit, but Adam was just blanked out on anything that happened." Alesa says. "I got sick, and by then I knew I was pregnant... But I hid it from Adam. And that lasted a good two weeks... But two days ago he cracked me."
"She was sick and super stubborn." I say. "It got to the point where I got mad... And she just gave up. Then when I saw the little bulge, I almost passed out."
"Were you happy?" Max asks.
"Well, I felt a mix of so many emotions. "Guilt, sadness, anger, but at the same time there was happiness and excitement."
"Wow, thats a weird mix." Max says.
"But I've come to the conclusion that the only feeling that mattered was joy." I say. "In the end, that little life is my responsibility, no matter what I feel about it... But I love it."
"Cheesy." Max says. "But nothings as cheesy as the macaroni and cheese that's being made in the kitchen... Mm. I'm excited for that."
"Maybe our wedding will be more cheesy." I say.
"Will the baby change the wedding date?" Max asks.
"Well, maybe..." Alesa says looking at me for consent. "I just don't wanna be all icky at our wedding... So yeah I guess."
"Whenever you want is good." I say to her.
"I'm just afraid it'll be a little later..." She says. "But I just want it to be how I imagined it."
"I want it the way you want it, babe." I say. "Perfect. I love you." I lean in to kiss her, and when our lips touch, I see Max just stare us down.
"They've done it, macaroni." Max says. "They have become cheesier than you."
"Alright." I say laughing. "We'll stop now. Come on Alesa, let's find something to do."
"Congratulations, by the way!" Max says. "I hope everything turns out great!"
"Thanks!" Alesa says as she starts going upstairs. By the town she gets far enough up where I can't see her anymore, I sigh.
"I sure do hope everything turns out okay too, Max..." I say as I start climbing up the stairs.

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