Chapter Eight: The Agreement

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I watch Alesa go up the stairs all the way up to my room. That is quite a climb... Top floor of this massive building.
Then I see the guys go around a corner. I decide to do what they usually do, and I listen in on their conversation. My brain is flooded with all new plans for what mine and Alesa's future holds.
"They did it!" Ross says happily. "They finally did it!"
"This is amazing!" Barney says. "He really loves her!"
"My best friend has truly learned to love again." Jin says. "This is wonderful."
"What do you think the wedding will be like?" Ross asks. I laugh a little.
"It has to be here!" Barney says.
"Duh!" Ross replies.
"At the bachelor party we should slay squids!" Barney says.
"And get tons of butter!" Ross says.
"And play video games!" Jin says.
"A hot tub!" Barney says.
"YES!" Jin and Ross say happily.
But then I actually realize... They just watched something that I thought was only me and Alesa... And it just now hits me how crazy that is.
They watched me kiss her for who knows how long...
I'm just gonna butt into the conversation and try to forget that they saw.
"What are you guys talking about?" I ask as I turn the corner.
"Oh, nothing." Jin says.
"Stuff." Barney says.
"YOU KISSED ALESA!" Ross says.
"Ross!" Jin says.
"You dirt." Barney says. I blush just at the thought that they were watching.
"You-you guys saw that?" I ask.
"Yeah!" Jin says. "And it was cool!"
"You both just did it perfectly!" Barney says.
"It's like your a master!" Ross says. I think nows a good time to bring up my new idea.
"Thanks guys!" I say. "So, you really think I have a chance with her?"
"Yeah!" Ross says. "The way she looked at you said it all."
"You guys are perfect together." Barney says.
"No joke." Jin says.
"I sure do hope everything goes as planned for us, then." I say. They look curious. "Remember my new world plan? I've briefly written about it and showed you all."
They all nod.
"Well, if the time of the change goes as planned, we'll be spending Christmas and New Years there." I say. "And I was thinking... Of... You know... Proposing to her there..."
"Oh my gosh!" Ross says. "Rock, you hear that?!"
Rock wags his tail and barks. That puppy is pretty cute. His responses to things are just hilarious.
"You guys can't tell Alesa." I say. "At all costs. Promise?"
They all nod.
"I promise." Ross says. "I'll also help Rock keep quiet, too."
"I promise." Barney says. I look over to Jin. He looks hesitant.
"This whole new world thing you got going on..." Jin begins. "It's a great idea... It will keep all of us safe." He looks like he's trying to change the topic.
"Yeah." I say. "It'll definitely help the entire situation with me and Alesa." The he looks at me and shrugs.
"The things is Adam, she just spawned three days ago." Jin says. "You can't just propose after a week or two... That's way to early."
"Only we know how long we've been together." I say. "No one else does. So no one else can tell me its irrational."
"Yeah... He has a point." Ross says looking at Jin.
"But after two weeks, how are you guys sure?" Barney says. "Yeah, I do want you to get married really badly, but how do you know you guys will be together for the rest of your lives?"
"I just know, okay?" I say to the guys. "Can we just go hang out or something?"
"Hanging out would be cool, but you do know she's still an easy target for squids." Jin says.
"You shouldn't let her out of you're sight." Barney says.
"She can handle it." I say. "Besides, she knows where to hide."
"Alright then." Ross says. "You just need to keep your guard up. And make sure she's actually in your room. We don't want an accident."
"Alright, I'll see." I say. I go and run up the many many stairs all the way up to the top. Gosh, this place needs an elevator.
I walk into my room.
"Hey Alesa." I say waiting for her to reply. She doesn't. "Alesa? Alesa?" She isn't here... "Oh god."
"What's wrong?" Jin says from behind me. I turn to face him.
"She's not in here." I say. "What if she got kidnapped? She could be getting tortured right now, and it's all my fault!" That thought really ruins me. What I found that squid almost doing... It pains me to think that hat could happen again.
"Adam why-" Jin starts saying something but I stop him.
"No time!" I tell them. "Guys, get all the weapons! We're gonna fight!"
"Adam, she's-" Ross tries to interrupt this again. They are blocking my exit!
"There's no time!" I say to Ross. "The one person I care about is in trouble..." I feel tears start to form. I can't believe I let this happen.
"Adam..." Barney says looking like I'm the one who is doing something wrong. He's the one blocking the exit. I'm two seconds away from pushing them out of the way.
"What?!" I say to him angrily.
"She right there..." Barney says pointing.
I turn around and see Alesa walk out of the hallway in the back of he main area of my room. I wipe my tears away and run to her. I give her the biggest hug possible.
"Whoa!" Alesa says in surprise as I pick her up into my hug. "What happened?"
"I just thought you were kidnapped." I say. "Are you okay? Where were you and did anyone hurt you?"
"It's okay, Adam." Alesa says. "I was only in the shower."
"Oh... How was the shower?" I say distracting from everything that happened. "I'm not asking like how you look naked but..."
Alesa just stares at me in the most awkward way...
"Wow." Jin says. Barney facepalms. Ross laughs at me.
"No, no!" I say. "Not like that! I'm not trying to ask how you like naked... I bet your still beautiful naked... Wait no I don't! No... Um I-I was just trying to... Urh... Complement you... Haha..."
Alesa starts to laugh...
"Why are you laughing?" I ask. Honestly, that was the least funny thing I've send in my life. And I've said a lot of unfunny things.
Then she just starts crying... Okay... This is weird.
"Why are you crying?" I ask.
"It's tears of joy!" She says smiling.
"Oh... Why?" I ask. I'm still confused.
"Cause you were so worried about me." Alesa says. "Then you just embarrassed yourself and you tried to make up an excuse, but that didn't go well."
"I guess that's a reason." I say. Alesa kisses me on the cheek.
"Thanks for caring about me so much." Alesa says.
"Your welcome, babe." I say to her. Alesa smiles at me.
Then I look over to Ross. He has the biggest grin on his face.
"Ross..." I say.
"You said she was your babe!" Ross says. "Awe!"
Alesa and I both blush.
"Well guys, go take some time off." I say. "You three deserve it. You start training recruits tomorrow morning at 8."
"Thanks!" The three of them say as they walk out discussing plans. That left me and Alesa alone.
"Well..." I say. "That was awkward."
"No joke." Alesa says sitting on my bed.
"Why... Why do you like me even when I do dumb stuff like that?" I say sitting down next to her.
"Because when you do that stuff, I know you care." Alesa says to me. "That's what I love about you."
"Really?" I ask.
"Really." She says.
"But I feel like I get so protective sometimes, it's dumb." I say.
"But it shows that you care about me." Alesa says. "It's not like anyone else has... That really makes me appreciate whatever you do, whether it's smart or it makes you seem dumb."
"I've just always thought of something dumb as a huge slip..." I say. "We were just about to go and save you too." I laugh very awkwardly. It does seem dumb.
"Adam, those squids would have to be really dedicated to take me two nights in a row." Alesa says.
"Not dedicated." I say correcting her. "Smart. They'd have to be smart enough to remember that you're weak. And you are weak. I bet if I touched your shoulder right now it would hurt." She shakes her head, and then I put my hand of her shoulder. I see her look in pain, so I take my hand off, but she's obviously an easy target for those squids right now.
"I guess it'd take smarts..." Alesa says.
"And now that I think about it," I begin. "I'm not letting you out of my sight at all... Not until the world switches."
"Adam, you grew up here." She says. "Don't you think letting this place go completely would be hard?"
"I know it'll be hard." I say. "But it will brighten  everyone's future. Everyone could be more there than what they could be here."
"You're right about that." Alesa says.
"And plus, it provides a safer environment for... our... uh... kids." I say hesitantly. "If we have any."
"Adam, shut up about this while if we have any." Alesa says. "It when we have them."
"I just don't like being sure..." I say.
"I know your the one." Alesa says. "No ones treated me with as much care as you have. And as for the new world, we have no rush. We can at least spend Christmas and New Years here, right? Come on, Christmas is just in a week!"
"Stuff could happen between now and then..." I say. "It could be risky."
"I'm willing to risk it." Alesa says. "I just want to spend these times here."
"I'm not sure." I say. "What if we get to attached and make the mistake of having a child here? It would probably be too late." Ales takes a moment to think. Then she smiles.
"I have an idea!" She says. "Let's make an agreement."
"Sure, what is it?" I ask.
"Well, we aren't in a rush for this child." Alesa says. "So, here's the plan... We leave this world when I'm pregnant. That should give us some good years here."
"That's not safe." I say. "After we would know, it would take a week or two to make the change. That gives the squids time to see that your pregnant, and then they'll try to interfere with our lives."
"Adam please!" Alesa says. "I haven't even been in this army for a week and you already want to change worlds!" I sigh.
"Deal." I say. "It'll work. No rush to change the world at all."
"I'm glad we agree." Alesa says.
"I guess it's for the best." I say.
"Yep!" Alesa says.
"So now what?" I ask.
"Well, there's nothing more to talk about." She says. "We already have that deal covered so that our kid can be happy."
"Yeah." I look away from her. I fall over onto a pillow. Can she not? I'm not ready for this kind of commitment. Alesa touches my shoulder.
"Hey, what's the matter?" She asks.
"Alesa, this whole child topic." I say. "I'm not ready. Not now, and not for a long time... I don't think I ever will be ready."
"Adam." Alesa says pulling me back up so that I'm sitting. "You says that now, but later, you'll be an awesome father. I know it."
"But it's a child." I say. "A tiny, helpless, innocent life that'll be in my hands... And it's life depends on me."
"Buts it's something beautiful." Alesa says. "It's a gift. Trust me, when we have this child, everything will be okay." That's when I remember what happened to my mother. I know my father wanted me dead all my life. I killed my mother... All because she wanted a child... I don't want to lose Alesa that way... Because then, nothing good will come that child's way. I love Alesa the way I've never loved anyone before. And even the smallest heartbreaks turn me into a selfish idiot... If I were to lose Alesa, no one would ever see my good side again. No one... And losing her and having a child as a constant reminder of what happened... I'd go full idiot on the child...
"Promise?" I ask her.
"Promise what?" She asks.
"Promise me that when we have a child, you won't leave me in any way." I say. "That's what everyone does... They go. Either they die or just leave... And I'm stuck remembering all the promises they made and never fulfilled." Alesa hold my hand and looks into my eyes.
"I promise." She says. "I won't be like everyone else."
Then it comes back. My past girlfriend telling me that she wasn't like everyone else... Then breaking up with me after my dad died.
"That's what they all say." I say.
"Well, then I guess I'm different." She says. "I won't do anything they did... And if something does happen... I'm always in your heart, Adam."
"Thanks Alesa." I say with a small smile.
"You're welcome." She says smiling back at me.
After that, me and Alesa sit doing nothing. Just talking, eating food, being on the Internet. Normal things.
"No way!" We hear Jin yelling from downstairs "Barney, you cheated!"
"Stop lying!" We hear Barney yell back.
"You used the power up that we said was against the rules this game!" Jin yells back. "I wasn't able to defend myself!"
"Stuff happens, man." Barney says.
"You wanna settle this by a battle?" Jin threatens.
"Any day of the week." Barney says.
"In that case, let's go!" Jin says.
"Guys!" Ross says stopping them.
Alesa looks down at the floor where the noise is coming from and she looks concerned.
"Looks like they're getting along..." She says.
"Nah, don't worry about them." I say. "They'll be fine."
"You guys are great friends." She says smiling at me. "How'd you even meet them?"
"Those guys are three long stories." I say.
"Oh, okay." Alesa says yawning.
"You seem tired." I say. "It's getting late. We should get some sleep."
We both get under the covers of my bed.
"Goodnight Alesa." I say to her.
"I'll see you in the morning." Alesa says. She was obviously exhausted. She feel asleep so quick. Today was quite the day. I reach over and genteelly stroke her beautiful red hair. I look at her until I fall asleep. She's so beautiful.
And I never want to lose her.

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