Chapter Four: Squids

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"Foolish Sky Does Minecraft!" The Derp Squid yells as he holds Alesa up in the air. Why does he call me that? Whatever Minecraft is I probably don't do it. Unless it has to do with... Hmm.
"Derp Squid!" I say back at him.
"Looks like I got your lover!" The squid says shaking Alesa around. He's a huge squid, and he has lots of strength. And they all can shape shift. So him shaking Alesa like that is just an example of what he can do. He could kill her in an instant if he wanted.
"Listen Derp Squid..." I say. "I don't wanna fight. Just hand her over."
He shakes his head and shakes Alesa even more.
"I'm not a rag doll people!" Alesa yells.
"Shut up!" The Squid snaps at her. "Now fear me!"
"You aren't scary!" I tell at him.
"Yeah, he has no fear!" Alesa yells at the squid with a smug look on her face. "He's the bravest guy I've met."
"Fine then." The Derp Squid says. "I'll just have to kill her!"
"NO!" I yell at the squid.
"Fear him!" Alesa says. "Fear him, Adam! I don't want to die!" The squid laughs and runs away with her.
"ADAM!" I hear Alesa yell out from the distance.
"I'm gonna need the guys to help me!" I say to myself as I sprint back into the building to get them.
Jin, Ross, and Barney all come in with armor, swords, bows, and arrows as I put on my last piece or armor.
"What is it?" Jin asks.
"I'll explain while we get there!" I tell them as we run over to the lake as fast as we can.
"What happened?" Ross asks. "Where's Alesa? Sky?"
"You're my friend, don't call me that." I say. "I'm Adam."
"And he's back." Jin says. "I can safely assume that you both had a great time!"
"Yeah, it was all good." I say. "But you know, it was great up until the part where THE FRIKIN DERP SQUID CAME AND CAPTURED HER!" My complete face changes from being stern to being heart broken and distressed. I love her, and we haven't even been 'officially' dating for an hour yet. Why is my life so horrible?
"He... He threatened to kill her..." I tell them. I feel tears stream down my face.
"Oh no." Barney says. I cry not and more as we reach the lake. Right where he took her.
"Guys, get the boat!" Ross says. "It'll be faster to get to the squid temple."
We all get into the boat and Barney and Jin agree to row. I sit down at the front and cry more. I haven't cried this much since my dad died. And it wasn't in front of anyone. This is different. Crying in front of people has never been my thing. I always keep it to myself.
"Why'd it have to be her?" I whisper through a sob.
"Hey Adam." Ross says as he takes a seat next to me. Ross may not be good on combat, but there's one good reason why I brought him with us; Emotional support. That's really all I need. Or else, I may break down crying in front of Squids, leaving me vulnerable to be captured and not being able to save Alesa.
"Hey Ross." I say through more sobs.
"Hey it's okay buddy." Ross says. "We'll save her. Next thing you know, she'll be sitting there right next to you."
"No Ross." I cry. "For all I know, she's dead now. I've probably lost her. Another person. Dead. I'm just cursed. Anyone I love dies or leaves me."
"Dies?" Ross asks in confusion.
"Both of my parents." I sob. "I never got to meet my mom at all. She died at my birth. And my dad committed suicide when I turned 20. Just when I broke up with... Her. That left me being leader."
"The youngest leader of all time." Ross says. "So that's it. Your emotions were paralyzed. You just needed someone to help you move again. And that was Alesa."
Maybe there still is some hope. Maybe she's still alive. If she is, we need to get there quick. Time is running low.
"We're going to slow." I say wiping my tears.
"Sorry, but it's as fast as we can go!" Jin says.
"Ross, let's help them!" I say.
Soon enough, we start picking up some speed. After a few minutes, I see the squid temple. We all jump down and in it.
"So, what's the plan?" Jin asks.
"Get Alesa." I say as I run down.
"That's the plan?!" Jin says.
"You heard him!" Barney says. "Now come on!"
"Yeah!" Ross says.
"I must be the only one here with sense." I hear Jin say as they walk behind me. We run into an end of a hall. There are two other halls. One to the left and one to the right.
"Me and Barney will go left." I say. "Ross, Jin, go right."
"Alright." Jin says.
"Yes Adam!" Ross says. Him and Jin then disappear into the hall.
Barney and I enter the empty hall, and we walk silently for a little, watching for traps.
"So." Barney says. "Why is this girl so important?"
"Reasons." I say hiding my feelings.
"What kind of reasons?" He asks.
"Reasons you wouldn't understand." I say.
"Love?" He says. I look back at him to see him smiling at me. Then I just go red.
"No..." I say. "Well... I mean... Back to the task at hand, Barney."
"Adam and Alesa sitting in a tree!" He begins. OH GOD WHY? "K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!"
"Are you crazy?!" I tell him. "What if a squid hears?"
"I'm sorry." He says. "I was just trying to make you smile."
"Alesa's in danger." I say. "I won't smile until I find her."
"Awe!" Barney says.
"Ugh!" I say. "Just... Let's go."
Me and Jin walk into a dark room loaded up with bows, swords, slingshots, and all kinds of weapons. This method of looking isn't working. She needs to hear us, right?
"Alesa!" I yell. "ALESA! CAN YOU HEAR US?"
Jin hits me softly on my forehead, pushing me backwards a little bit.
"You dip!" Jin says. "She can't hear us if she's far away from this area!" I shake my head.
"Just watch." I say. "ALESA! ALESA! CAN YOU HEAR ME?"
"Help me!" I hear her scream from another room. "Someone!"
"It's her!" Jin says. "Come on!" We run in another dark room... But in this one the door slams behind us. Leaving the room pitch black. I turn and look back, and the doors locked. A single light shines in the center of the room, revealing a voice recorder.
"Jin..." I say. I'm shaking... I'm absolutely terrified.
"It's a recorder." Jin says. "It's a trap... Call Adam... Quick!"
I pull out my phone, then I see Jin with a tentacle around his waist.
"JIN!" I yell.
"ROSS!" He screams. I quickly call Adam.
I'm beginning to get frustrated at how long his hall is.
"No no no no!" I say getting upset.
"Calm down, we'll find her." Barney says.
Then my phone starts ringing.
"It's Ross!" I say. "Maybe he found her."
I answer the phone, but we don't stop walking.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Adam, I'm trapped and Jim was taken!" Ross says. The call starts going all staticky. "And now..." More static. Then Ross screams, and the call ends. I put my phone in my pocket.
"Ross and Jin just fell for a trap." I say. "The squids are probably taking them to the same place as Alesa. Let's find Alesa, and watch out for traps."
"Well how do we know it's not a trap?" Barney asks.
"I just know." I say.
"Well, Sky, you can't find her without help, can you?" I hear a squid voice say. Then I hear Barney scream and he's not behind me anymore.
I begin to run fast. Very very fast. Faster then I ever have before in my life. Then I hear her;
"Get off me you stupid squid! Your not really him!"
"ALESA!" I yell.
"ADAM!" I hear the guys all yell. "SHES HERE! WERE HERE!"
I finally run into a room full of cages. I take a key, unlock my friends.
"Get the squids." I say. They all nod. But then I look at Alesa and I'm terrified.
Alesa is tied up to a wall, and there's a squid on top of her... Shape shifted as me... The squid was on top of her with bad intentions... In a more dirty way. He tries to remove Alesa's clothes, but fails. Alesa bites him everytime he tries to touch her.
Just seeing this terrifies me of what he has already done...
"Hey!" I say. Alesa looks at me, and despite the bad condition she's in, she smiles and her eyes brighten up. She's all scratched and bruised. All cut up and hurt. I run over to her and kick the squid off of her. I stab the squid.
"You fool... You didn't let me continue my bosses plan..." The squid says as he dies.
I untie Alesa and she kinda drops down and sits leaning on the wall.
"Alesa?" I say, kneeling down.
"You came back for me." She says with a very weak smile.
"It shouldn't be a surprise." I tell her.
"It's just..." She says. "No one ever done that for me." I wrap my arms around her for a hug.
"Ow!" She says. I realize I just touched one of her cuts.
"I'm sorry." I say. "We need to get you back to the base. That's why your so weak. You've lost a lot of blood." Then I remember what I stopped a squid from doing.
"That squid... He didn't do anything, right?" I ask her.
"No, you came in right on time." She says. "I almost couldn't fight any longer." I sigh in relief.
"And what are all these cuts and bruises from?" I ask.
"They called it weakening me." She says. "But hey, they didn't fail at that. It was so that I didn't have the energy to run to you."
I look at her eyes. Red.
"You cried, didn't you?" I say.
"Any hope that I'd live happily was gone." Alesa says. "And then them just hitting me... It made crying hurt. That was... Well... Traumatic.
"I'm so sorry." I say hugging her.
"Ow..." She says.
"I'm sorry..." I say.
"It's okay." She says. But it's not. She's about to cry again. "It's not your fault."
"Yes it is." I say. "I'm so dumb! I brought you near them. Why'd I even bring you to the lake?"
"You aren't dumb." She says.
"I feel so bad!" I say.
"Don't Adam." She says. "You didn't want me to get taken." She looks down at all the cuts and bruises on her legs. "Adam, I might sound like a two year old when I say this... But those squids... They were scary... He shape shifted into you... A slightly bluer version of you... If the room was any darker, I would've run to him thinking it was you..."
"This is gonna be an issue." I say.
Then I realize I'm just taken time.
"Look, back at the base, we have these bandages that help you heal quicker. Thanks to magic. But the thing is, it's still gonna hurt. The cuts just won't be as visible. You might have a few scars. But the majority of these should be healed. This might hurt a little, but I'm going to carry you out. If a hug hurts, I can't imagine this. Good thing the base isn't totally underwater. There's a way out from above. Now Alesa, I'm gonna pick you up. His might hurt..."
"Okay." She says. "I'm ready." I pick her up and she groans. I turn around and see my friends all done with the squid killing.
"Alesa, everything should be a little better by tomorrow."
"Alright." She says. That was really weak.
"Jin and Barney, get the boat!" I say. "Ross, help me find an exit. I don't want her to bleed out."
Me and Ross run and we finally get up. I hope we get to the base in time.

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