Chapter Thirteen: The Recruits

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"Almost one?" Alesa says. "How can I become one?"
"Well, as soon as I saw you for the first time, I knew I didn't want you to be a recruit." I say. "It's dangerous stuff, Alesa. But, I can have you visit it!"
"Alright!" Alesa says happily. I reach out to the wall and I press my hand up in it. And after a while, the elevator comes and Alesa is left in awe.
"After you." I say allowing her to go in. We both walk in and we end up at the bottom.
"Welcome to the Squid Fighting Training Area!" I say as the doors open. "Or,the SFTA."
"Wow!" Alesa says in awe as she looks around the room. She looks at the recruits learning how to defend us from squids. They're all wearing pretty cool gear and stuff.
"What are they training for?" Alesa asks.
"Squid invasion." I say. "We always need to be prepared for that!" I see Tim watching some recruits. "Hey Tim, how's the training going?" I ask.
"Training is going better than ever, sir!" Tim says enthusiastically.
"That's what I like to hear!" I say. I see Sub walks up to me. "Hey Sub!" He waves and then walks away.
"He doesn't talk?" Alesa asks.
"He's been like that forever." Tim says. "But he's silent but deadly."
"Adam, this place is so cool!" Alesa says.
"I'm glad you like it." I say. "These recruits have been training for months to do this!"
"How come I never knew about this place?" She asks me.
"Well, the recruits aren't taken to training until after a week. " I explain. "And because I fell in love with you so quick, you didn't ever have to be a recruit, so that's kinda what happened. " I get tapped on my shoulder and I turn around to see Max smirking behind me.
"You?" Max says. "You're actually in love?!"
"Oh come on, Max!" I say. "Didn't the others tell you?"
"No!" Max says.
"Well, this is my girlfriend." I say holding Alesa's hand. "Oh yeah, Alesa, this is Max. Max, this is Alesa."
"Hm." Max says. "Another one to break your heart?"
"Alesa won't do that." I say.
"Just like you said with the other one..." Max says.
"Well, we have a more special connection." I say. "Alesa and I are forever. That I know."
At night, me and Alesa sit on top of my bed with nothing to do. She's leaning on me, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Today was... Crazy." I say.
"Pretty crazy." She says. She's almost half asleep on me.
"Does your arm still hurt?" I ask.
"Yeah." She says. "But don't worry about it." She yawns.
"Alesa, I think it's time that we both sleep."
"Yeah." She says going quieter. And then, when I look at her, she's asleep. I lift her up a bit and place her under the covers and she lays there peacefully. I turn off the lights and to sleep to.
I wake up to a scream of pain, and then I realized what happened. My arm is right on top of where I hurt her. I hate myself so much for that.
"Alesa, are you okay?" I ask.
"I'm fine..." I hear her holding back showing pain. 
Then I hear the door open.
"Hey, I heard a scream and I wanted to see if everything was okay." Ross says walking in.
"It's fine, Ross." I say. "But could you do me a favor and bring me an ice pack?"
"Sure." Ross says.
After Ross comes back with the ice pack, he runs back to his room to sleep.
"Alesa, this might hurt a little." I say. "It's really cold, but after a while, it should stop some of your pain."
"Okay..." Alesa says not sounding excited at all.
"I know it seems bad now, but you'll be better later." I say. "Ready?"
"Just do it." She says. I gently place the ice pack on the area, and I hear her groan, and she goes stiff. She's clearly trying to not to show that it hurts.
"Alesa, I'm sorry." I say hugging her.
"It's fine." She says. "You didn't do anything."
"I did." I say. "I hurt you."
"It's okay." She says. "You didn't mean it. That was my fault. I provoked you to do something you didn't want to." I sigh. It's still my fault. I still did hurt her.
"Adam." She says.
"Yeah Alesa?" I reply.
"Do you ever get this feeling that your life just changed?" She asks.
"When I first saw you I had that feeling." I say.
"Yeah, but right now..." Alesa says.
"Huh?" I ask.
"Nothing." She says.
"You sure it's nothing?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm sure." She says. I don't really think she's sure.
But she's right, in a way I guess life is gonna change. I've really been wanting to propose soon. Like New Years Eve or something. Maybe at midnight, so that at the first minute the year began I can say that the year started off perfectly. But she can't be on to me about that. I didn't say anything while I was near her. She shouldn't know about that.
Then what does she mean?
Wait a second... Jin was hinting at-
No Adam, don't think that. Just don't. It wouldn't be good. You aren't ready.
But what if it is that?
Adam, stop! It's not that! Get that out of your head!
But it could be good...
Adam! No!
I'm actually quite conflicted about that. I don't like it, but if it is what happening, then it's okay...
"Adam?" I hear Alesa say.
"Huh?" I ask.
"You've been silent for so long." She says.
"Oh..." I say.  She takes to ice pack and drops it on the floor. I'd pick it up, but honestly, I'm too tired to.  It's like three AM. I lay back down with her kiss her forehead.
"Goodnight Alesa." I say.
"Night Adam." She says. And after a moment, we're both asleep again, and I all asleep wondering about what she thinks is life changing.

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