Chapter Six: Overreacting

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Adam sits with the one eye he can open wide. Staring at the door.
"Adam?" I say.
"He actually left." He says. "I didn't think that he'd actually leave."
"He's just preg-" Ross stops talking.
"HE'S NOT PREGNANT!" Jin yells.
"He actually left for good." Adam says.
"You kinda told him too." Jin says. I can see Adam trying to cry, but I see him in pain.
"Adam, I can't stand your eye being like that, drink this." I say hand him a left over potion from last night. This was a potion of healing. Should at least heal up the eye. I know from my experience it looks healed, but still hurts. But in his case, it barely should hurt. I just only had deep cuts.
Adam drinks the potion, and like magic, his eye looks a little better.
"What was that Adam?" Jin says. "Why'd you tell him to leave?"
"He apologized." Adam start to cry. "But I didn't accept it."
After a few minutes, his eye looks like nothing happened, but the potion isn't gonna heal the cut. That will heal on its own. I don't get these potions. They are to selective on what they heal and what they don't. But then I remember what Barney said when he walked in and tried to apologize... 'I was just upset that you and Alesa-'
"Wait..." I say. "Was the cause of this argument him being jealous over me?"
Adam looks at me and looks upset.
"Was it Adam?" I ask him. He sighs.
"Yeah." He says.
"So I caused this?" I ask. I feel tears start filling my eyes.
"No, Alesa." Adam says hugging me. "It's not."
"He left crying because I met you." I kind off half sob. I try keeping my tears in, but I can't.
"Alesa, I'm the one who didn't accept his apologies." He says stroking my hair. "I was the one who overreacted when he walked in."
"Well, Adam wasn't overreacting until he realized that he had to protect you." Ross says.
"It is my fault." I say. "I'm causing your misery right now."
"No Alesa." He says. He pulls out of the hug. "You haven't caused misery. And don't ever think you are."
"We just need to tell Barney that you didn't mean it." Jin says to Adam.
"Yeah, I'll go ahead and call him." Adam says pulling out his phone. He calls Barney and begins talking to him.
"Barney? Hey?" Adam says. He decides to put him on speaker so that we all can hear.
"Sky..." Barney says angrily.
"Hey, I'm sorry." Adam says. "I just overreacted."
"Too late." Barney says.
"Why?" Adam asks.
"You better protect your precious little girl." Barney says in an evil tone. Adam looks at me with a worried look. "I'm working with the squids to turn everything back to normal. No more Alesa means no more being forgotten."
"Barney, you're taking this way to far." Adam says. "I forgave you!"
"There it is." Barney says. "The squid serum. That's gonna turn me part squid!"
"Barney, don't do it." Adam begs him. I can see tears forming in his eyes.
"It's too late now, Sky." Barney says. "I'm a squid."
Then, the call ends. Adam stands there in disbelief. His best friend just turned on all of us... Because of me. Adam grabs my hand.
"Alesa, there's a little hiding spot in my room Barney doesn't know about." Adam says. "And I'm going there with you, and I'm not leaving you for a second. I don't want you being kidnapped again. That was horrifying."
"You promise?" I ask him.
"I prom-" He gets stopped.
"Uhh, Adam." Ross says.
"Not now, Ross." Adam says.
"But Adam!" Ross says in distress.
"What?!" Adam says.
"Did it ever just happen to occur to you that Barney knew the access code to every security gate or lock in this base and he's letting squids in as we speak?" Ross says.
"Wait what!?" Adam says letting go of my hand and running to the window.
"They're everywhere!" Jin says. Adam looks at me and frowns.
"Ross, take Alesa to the safe area." Adam says. "Jin, come with me. We have squids to kill."
"Adam... You aren't staying with me?" I ask.
"I'm so sorry." He says. "But if I leave Ross fighting alone with Jin... It's not gonna end well."
"Yeah!" Jin says happily. "Let's get 'em!" He grabs his bow and arrows.
"Adam." I say.
"Yeah." He says holding my hand.
"Promise me you'll be careful." I tell him.
"I promise." He says. He smiles at me and runs out with his sword and armor. But I have a bad feeling about this...
"To the bunker we go!" Ross says trying to take off with me. I tug him back.
"Alesa, what's wrong?" He asks.
"I can't let him go by himself." I say.
"He has Jin." Ross says.
"Jin only has a bow." I tell him.
"Well, if Barney sees you, he'll kill you." Ross says. "Adam's just doing this to protect you."
"I don't care if Adam says I shouldn't go out there." I say. "I don't wanna be hidden away all the time because something wants me dead. I wanna fight with Adam! Not just sit there while Adam does everything to make sure I don't die! He could die out there now, just trying to protect me!" I start crying and Ross starts giving in.
"But Alesa, this isn't really a good idea..." Ross says. "Adam will murder me if he sees you out there!"
"Come on Ross..." I say. "Besides, Adam never lets you in on the action most of the time." I say holding up his sword.
"I don't know..." Ross says.
"Come on Ross!" I say. "It's your destiny." Ross snatches the sword out my hand, raises up and smiles.
"Yeah!" He says. I pull out my sword. "Let's do it!"
"That's the spirit!"
"There are so many!" I say.
"I don't think I can fight anymore..." Jin says. He looks exhausted and beaten up. We've only been able to kill a few, but we've managed to hold them back.
Barney laughs... But it's not any laugh... It's evil. What has he turned into?
"Aww!" He says. "The dirts are getting tired. Looks like we'll be able to over power you and put an end Alesa."
"I wouldn't count on it." I tell him. "Alesa is far away from here and safe."
"Hey squid boy!" I hear Alesa's voice yell from behind me.
"ALESA?!" I say as I turn around to see her holding her sword with a smile full of pride.
"You want me?" She says taunting Barney. "Come get me! I have a sword! Ooo! I can fight you!"
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yell angrily.
"I'm doing what I want!" She yells back.
"Have you lost it?!" I say as I run back to her.
"Adam," I begin. "You've known me long enough to know that it has always been lost." I'll take note of that one for next time, yep.
Note to self, remember, your girlfriend has lost her mind. And she says that three says should be long enough to know that.
"You don't know how to fight!" I tell her as I kill a squid. "And Ross is just..." We both look over at Ross.
He's fighting a squid while next to a cliff. Well, annoying the squid rather than fighting it. He's walking the squid in the head with the side of the sword that isn't sharp, while reacting over and over "Die squid, die!" The squid looks very annoyed at the whale hitting its head over and over and resorting the same thing. The squid closes it eyes, pinched itself, slaps itself, everything. Then, he just jumps of the ledge and dies.
"Yeah, I killed it!" Ross cheers.
I just watched Ross make a squid suicide...
"Ross is just Ross." I say to Alesa.
"Adam, I'm sure all I need to know about fighting is how to swing a sword." Alesa says. "And I can do that." Well, at least she's read some of the books that were in the shelf of the room she got when she spawned.
"I can't hold Barney back much longer!" Jin yells.
"Ha, I'll get her!" Barney says. "You can't stop me!"
"Yes, I can!" Jin says feeling more determined. "If it means Adam and Alesa's happiness!" That's when Barney snaps. He punches Jin right in the head, and I watch as he falls to the floor unconscious... Now it's just Alesa, Ross, and I. But it's more like just Alesa and I. Ross is busy making squid suicide rates go up by unintentionally annoying them until they jump off the cliff.
"We're screwed." I say to Alesa.
"We can still get him!" Alesa says.
"But Barney's my friend..." I say. "I can't hurt him."
Barney walks up to us with an evil looking smirk.
"Make a choice, Sky." He says to me. "Me it Alesa?"
"I can't." I say. As he gets closer, I hold Alesa's hand and put her behind my back in an attempt to hide her and keep her safe.
"Why can't you?" Barney asks angrily.
"You know when you loved someone..." I begin to explain. "With all your heart?"
"Yeah." Barney says. "But there's no point. She's dead, remember. What are you trying to say?"
"But you know how you still have your best friends?" I ask him. "You love them the same. That's why I can't decide. I don't love anyone more than I do the other."
We pause for a moment and look at each other. Barney just looks behind me after a while.
"The girl is flower picking?" Barney says laughing. "What a waste of a recruit. She could be fighting." I turn to see what Alesa's doing. Then I realize it. There's this book we put in recruits rooms about different flowers and what they do. The yellow flower she's holding reverses the effects of any potion or serum. It will stop him from being a squid!
"She can't fight, can she?" Barney says laughing.
"Really?" Alesa says as she gets up and cuts Barney's arm with the tip of her sword. She takes some of the flower petals and puts them in the cut she made. Barney looks at it in confusion.
"You are a genius." I tell Alesa with a smile on my face. She may not be to great when it actually comes to combat, but when it comes to things like strategy and thinking, she has that down.
"Can I just punch him?" Alesa whispers to me. "Just once or twice... For hurting you and Jin?"
"Yeah." I whisper. "Being knocked out helps the effect of the flower happen quicker."
Alesa smiles.
"Hey Barney." She says.
"What do you want?" Barney asks angrily.
"This ones for punching Jin." Alesa says punching him right in the face. "And this one is for hurting Adam!" She says as she punches him very hard in the stomach. Barney falls to groud.  He groans, then he's out.
I look at Alesa and smile.
"You did it!" I tell her as I run to her and hug her. "You saved us! You saved yourself!"
"I did it?!" Alesa says in surprise. She gasps. "I did save everyone!"
We look over to see Jin and Ross walking toward us.
"Jin, you're okay!" I say happily.
"And I saw all of that." Jin says smiling at Alesa. "That was awesome."
"Look!" Ross points at Barney. We look over at him. The tint of blue is gone and he's his normal purple color.  He starts getting up.
"Sky?" He asks. "Why are we outside? What happened? Why are there so many dead squids?"
Just the sight that he's back to normal makes me smile and it fills my eyes with tears.
I hug him as hard as I can and smile.
"You're okay!" I say happily. "Everything's back to normal! I'm so happy!"
"Sky you're hugging me too tight..." Barney says. "Ow." I look over to his arm where my hug is really tight and I stop when I notice that I'm hugging over his cut.
"Sorry..." I say. "I forgot that we were just fighting..."
"What just happened?" Barney asks.
"You turned into a squid and led a whole army here!" Jin says.
"You came to find and kill Alesa, so Adam and Jin went out to fight you." Ross says.
"Then me and Ross decided that we'd go fight too." Alesa says to him. "And I pretty much wanted to destroy you for punching Adam. But then I found out that there was a better and less violent way to solve that. But I really hated you for that... Just no offense... I don't hate you now."
"Some taken," Barney says. "You did say you hated me earlier. But anyways, I did all that to all of you?"
"Yeah." I say. "I thought we'd lost you forever. I was worried."
"I bet you were." Barney says. "Sky, I didn't mean to hit you. I don't know what got into me.     I am such a dirt to you sometimes. I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's okay." I say. "Deep down I knew you didn't want to hurt me. I was the one who took it way to far with kicking you out. You had a reason to be mad at me. I was being such a jerk of a leader."
"It's okay, Adam." Barney smiles at me.
"Hey, you used my name again." I say happily.
"I'm your friend, and if that's what you want us to do, I'll do it." We hug again.
"This is so beautiful!" Ross says with a fake crying voice wiping fake tears.
"You are so annoying." Jin says.
"Ross is right." Alesa says as me and Barney pull out of a hug. "This is beautiful."
"Well Barney, welcome back to the team!" I say happily as Barney finally gets up from the ground.
"Yay!" Ross cheers as he claps.
"Woo!" Jin cheers.
"That's more like it." Alesa says smiling at me. I smile back.
"I'm honored to be back." Barney says. "After hearing what I did I thought returning would be impossible."
"Well, I'm glad that we got this solved." I say. Them, Barney looks over at Alesa.
"Alesa... I wanted to kill you?" He says.
"You did." Alesa says. "And Adam was terrified!"
"No..." I say trying to seem brave for my friends. "I... I wasn't terrified." Alesa laughs.
"You were!" She says laughing. "You told Ross to sit me down in some safe area and to not let me leave until you fixed this issue. You were pretty scared."
"Maybe a little bit." I say smiling at Alesa. "But that's only because I love you!"
"I love you to." She says blushing. I look over at Barney who looks sorry and regrets everything.
"Hey, but despite all that you wanted to do to her, she saved your life." I say. "If it wasn't for Alesa coming out here, either the squid stuff would've killed you, or the squid serum would be irreversible. That stuff is bad, Barney."
"We would never have wanted that to happen to you." Jin says to Barney.
"Plus buddy, we understand." Ross says. "After all, you were only preg-" Jin hits Ross on the forehead.
"He's not pregnant!" Jin says to Ross.
"Ow!" Ross says. "Gosh, I get it! But still, you were sure acting like it."
Alesa walks up to Barney. She looks at him with a serious look.
"Barney, promise that no matter how close me and Adam get that it won't affect you the way it did today." Alesa says. "Say if we were to get married... I don't want you to be upset."
"I promise." Barney says. "I did go overboard. I'm so sorry that I almost hurt you badly..."
"That's okay, and good because-" Alesa tightens up. "What is that?" Alesa looks down and so do I... And we have two completely different reactions.
"Awe, how cute!" Alesa says as she reaches down and the baby squid hugging her leg. Contrary to her reaction, I scream.
She picks the squid up and holds it up so that it can see her face. I have my sword out and ready. Alesa looks at me like this and rolls her eyes.
"He's a nice little guy!" Alesa says happily. I raise my sword up and growl at the squid. It's getting to her through kindness. The squid looks at me like this and starts to cry.
"Awe, did Adam scare you while being the big tough leader?"
"No!" I say raising my voice. The baby squid nods.
"Did you lose your mommy?" Alesa asks the squid. The squid nods again. "How'd you lose her?" The baby squid points at Barney.
"Awe, he dragged you out here in the attempt to kill me, huh?" Alesa says. She sounds like she's talking to a baby. Like... An actual baby... Not a squid. She doesn't realize that this could kill her.
"Don't worry, little guy." Alesa says. "I'll help you find her. If I put you in the water, will you find your way back?"
The little squid nods.
"Alright, come on!" Alesa says. I follow closely behind her. Just in case anything happens. Alesa walks toward the lake we shouldn't go near at all.
"Alesa, it's almost like you wanna be kidnapped." I say.
"Adam, let me do this." Alesa says as she bends down to put the squid in the water. As soon as she does the squids swims away. He turns around and she waves at him. He does the same. Then a larger squid comes and take him. That must've been his mom or dad.
It's kinda cute that they were near. Maybe we aren't that different after all. But what do I know about kids and how to raise them. Maybe squids are different. I mean, they did let him out of their sight...
But accidents do happen.

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