Chapter 15 - The Moment of Truth (FINALE)

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Louis POV

My head was suddenly better, my body felt new and I was still as blind as Stevie Wonder.

I recall speaking with Harry in California, he didn't wanted to come back to London and then everything got blurry and my head exploded or something. But that explosion feeling was gone now.


"Oh you're awake!" Harry's voice said surprised "Don't touch your face, you are full of bandages, the doctor will come in any minute to take them off" he warned me

Great I probably looked like the mummy

"What happened?" I asked confused

Apparently Harry said that I faint (well he said I died in his arms like Juliet, but that was a really lame comparison because I am in no way a damsel in distress... he is) in campus and then the paramedics came and I was in a helicopter and then taken to a big emergency airplane back to London. While a lad with weird hair went to the hotel and brought all my stuff back, which had to be Michael.

"And your interview?" I asked quite concerned

"Well I drop it, but I am still waiting to see if I got in or not" he said


"Don't worry, I didn't want it that much" he obviously lied

"So we are in London?"

"Surrey to be more precise" I could feel his smile "Spire Clinic, this is where your mum ask to take you, I almost got into an argument with her about how you didn't want more surgery's, but you weren't conscious to make decisions and there wasn't much I could do about the papers you signed making her the only one authorized to make life or death decisions about you"

So mum got her way.

Or not, because as much as I was feeling alright I couldn't see anything but darkness.

"Am I going to be here for long?"

"Well you've been here 3 weeks already, your new doctor said that as long as you woke up feeling fine you were free to go, the surgery went perfect"

Then the door opened, there was a manly voice of whom I assumed was the doctor and one female voice... mum.

"Boo Bear!" she screamed, making me blush

"Mum, Harry's here behave" I whisper while she hugged me

"Oh we are best friends now!" she said as if it was nothing "He is adorable, being here more than me I have to admit" my mum said

"Louis, is Doctor Sycamore right here" I heard "How are you feeling?"

"Better than ever" I said "You are kind of magical"

"Told you he was the best" My mum said proudly

The doctor touched my legs and stomach while saying everything was alright.

But then I could felt it.

"Louis it's time to take the bandages away"

Mum and Harry were probably as nervous as I was, as I could hear them giggling like little girls.

The doctor unwrapped all my mummy face until I only got one huge bandage covering my eyes.

"The moment of truth" Doctor Sycamore announced.

If this shitty surgery was an actual success then I would be able to see Harry for the first time. My eyes were purposely closed, I felt too anxious to be let down and just see nothing when I open them, the letdown would be worse than the first time, because this time I had someone to open my eyes to.

ACCEPTED (Larry Stylinson)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang