Chapter 10 - The missing curls

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The past week had felt like I was dead, alive... but dead, Harry haven't even come close to my room, thank to Ruby's help I could manage to get to know he was still here in the hospital. Also Liam have been trying to contact him, I even gave him clear instruction to send him those weird juices for the cleanses he liked, but apparently he didn't want to receive either... juices and Liam.

"Louis I can't tackle the boy" Liam exclaimed

"Why? He isn't that buffed" I reply still annoyed at the lack of Harry-ness in my life

"He would hate you more" Ruby mention

She is totally team Harry in this, mainly because me throwing Ashton under the bus wasn't a good idea, I didn't wanted to do it, but it was just a bad day, anyways the outcome was terrible. Not that I don't like Ashton's replacement, just that the lad is a little... negative. Me saying that means a lot now, I know.

I even started to think Harry wasn't coming anymore because that grey cloud that boy must have over, but then I remembered he kind of thinks I am in a relation with Liam, which I am completely not because A. I don't like Liam in that way at all and B. Liam's in love with the now grey haired idiot named Zain with an I, yeah an I, the Y is just his invention because he likes to fool and lie people since the get go.

"Hate is just normal though" Calum, aka Ashton's replacement said in a monotone voice "I experience it every single day"

I could feel everyone giving him an odd look, I sure was.

"Louis just, give the boy some time, he will come "Liam broke the silence

"He won't" Ruby said again

"It's a horrible day" Calum said adding nothing to the conversation

But it was getting on my nerves, he was so close yet so far from me. If I would be in all my senses I would probably just go and hug him and give him a heartfelt apology, a little tear may fall from him, we would kiss in the rain, because rain's necessary for a drama factor. And I don't know, maybe he will just come and join me, help me a little, build a real relation, it will be so cool.

"Louis!" Ruby throw me off my cloud "You have only one pill to take"

The thing is, when my butterfly tumor was removed, I had to still take like 5 pills, then I had to take 3 until yesterday, so It was really awkward only having one. Ruby called the doctor, Liam was sure worried about me, he had that "he's dying" tone on his voice, but I was pretty sure I wasn't.

"What's the problem Louis?" Doctor Hamblett said as he entered the room "You're feeling alright? Any dizziness" he open my eye and flashed something, which I didn't really saw, just felt something in my eye.

"What happened with my pills?" I asked quite worried

"Oh" he said

And It wasn't the good type of Oh! It was the type of oh that brings some bad news, basically I was ready to die

"Louis, you have to leave the hospital, you're okay" he said, no hesitation "You've been for a while, you already know this, but this last month's you've been extra happy, it's time to start over, fresh and clean"

He then started handling me weird papers with dots on in, saying how it was important that I had a good support system, I hated it.

"You get it?" he finally asked

"Whatever" I said a little annoyed

So this was it... discharged.


"You ready?" Calum asked


I got up from my bed, my plan was going to see Harry... tomorrow was my last day here, and finding him to just say hello would be enough

"Don't get your hopes up, probably he isn't even free" Calum said walking with me to the kids area

"Can you just stop being so damn negative" I told him annoyed enough

Calum stayed quiet and walk with me to the kids area, but there wasn't many noises.

"They're not here" Calum said and try to walk off leaving me there

I walk a few steps, it was true I didn't hear a sound. My arms then start moving, it was unconscious they just did and I couldn't even found a nurse, soon enough Calum got me, he was tall.

"Don't die here, they will blame it on me, as everyone always does" he said and dragged me out

While Calum was making me go away, I couldn't help but felt that I was not going to see Harry in a long while, I miss him lots, and this is not the right way of saying bye, but he didn't felt the same way, I knew it.


"Are you alright?" Liam asked eyes focus on the road

"No" I answer

"Do you want to talk about it?" he continued


"Is your chair alright?"


"Are you hungry?"


"Are you alright" Liam start all over

I just stayed quiet, the window was open and the air felt lightly on my face. Where are you Harry?

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