Chapter 3 - The Australians

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When I arrive home, it's pretty late, and super cold. At least I feel good because the hospital has a good temperature system, and Louis is warm and cozy in his bed right now, but, quoting the great American icon Kermit the frog, that's none of my business.

"What took you so long?" Niall screams from the phone

"Louis" I answer "He open up to me tonight, a lot"

"No way, why would you let him do that?" concern in his Irish voice

"What do you mean?"

"He comes with an expiration date" Niall told me a little worried

"I am not following"

"Louis is... he's sick and blind and have a tumor, it's cool speaking with him once or twice but don't get too attached"

"Why not? He's closer than you, and I enjoy listening to his voice"

"No Harry, I know what I am telling you, what if... something happens"

"Just say it Niall" I say a little tired "What if he dies? That's what you're implying" he moves his head yes and I just smile "Then he dies Niall, it's natural... you could die tomorrow, or I could die, that's just how it goes"

"Why are you so emo tonight?" he smirks

"Niall, I'll tell you that I won't get attached, but you have to see him, he's..." I can't find a word and just grab one of my green apples

"Pretty?" Niall smiles "You always had things for pretty boys, I know you"

"Not just that, he's fascinating" I bite my green apple

"Mate last year you told me you wanted to buy a camel because it was fascinating, so I don't know what to believe" the fake blonde shrugs

"Myrna is in fact a fascinating camel, thanks for asking Niall" I adopted a camel to save her from an old zoo in Egypt, I am a nice person, don't judge "but don't compare Louis with her, he is really impressing"

"Can't believe you actually named the camel!" he laughs like an idiot, cause that's what he is...

"Good night Niall" I dismissed the call while he gave me his middle finger, rude. I hate him. And I'll call him tomorrow.


Couple of weeks have passed since I started my "work" in the hospital, and I am very comfortable, more than expected. UCLA have sent me couple of mails asking how I was doing, I bet that for now they thought I was going to quit, but I didn't so I still have that space reserved. They keep reminding me how it is important to show them that I am "aware", but I sure am, every day facing kids who are facing...death, I was aware, too aware, and could almost smell my dorm in Los Angeles, and my great group of friends, everything was perfect, in my mind, but soon to be real.

"Harry, but it's not just about playing with Legos, we need to see your commitment" Carol, one of the UCLA recruitment team tells me on the phone

"I swear Carol, that I've been thinking a lot" this was very true "about all the adversities, and I want to make a change, I know the world doesn't revolve around me"

"Great statement Harry" she pauses for a while "I hope you can tell the whole team about that in July"

"For sure, but I got to run, the kids are waiting"

"Have a great day Harry, we will be in touch" she hangs up

I walk back to the Lego table, Ben's waiting for me, we are making some Star Wars constructions and playing with little Lego stormtroopers. He loves to play, after all the little guy got a horrible burn in his left arm and most of his back, he said children didn't want to play with him because of it, that's why he always wore long sleeve shirts, but we become buddies after speaking for a while.

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