Chapter 5 - The (not) Date

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Needless to say, that night I didn't knew if it was okay to visit Louis' room, or if it was better just leaving it as it was, maybe ignore him the week Niall is going to be here. But, my curiosity levels are high, so I end up practicing what I am going to say before facing Louis again.

"I am not sorry, but you shouldn't scare the children" I say

"Hello Louis, I've come in peace" that one sounds alien, so maybe not

"Louis, I am sorry..." I sound pathetic on that one

"Stop being annoying, and I will stop being annoying too" okay, that one is too forced

"We have to talk" said every male lead in a romantic comedy...

All this words in my head and my mind decides to not be able to put them together, phrase them in a way Louis will forgive me (?) and that I will look eloquent, which apparently I am not, but I need to be, to get accepted in the bloody California university, although right now I only want a nap and maybe chips.

"Stop being annoying sounded good"

When I turn around, almost like in a horror movie, an older lad (not that old though) with brown hair, some scruff and pretty eyes, parental looking I dare to say, speak to me. I didn't notice he was sitting right next to Louis' room, but he was. He had a book in his hand, well a comic but it still counts, he was looking at me very calmly, unlike me, who I assume was blushing.

I stutter a couple of words, he just smiles.

"Well I have to take a risk and say you're not a nurse, am I right?" he asks

"No" I say

"Then you must be part of the lads that help Lou, are you Ashton? Or Ruby, I won't judge" he stands next to me, he had pretty immaculate white converse

"I'm neither" not sure how to feel about the fact that he just thought I was an Aussie... or a girl

"So just a friend" he guess right, and I move my head "Well good luck trying to get in there, he's not in the mood"

I had a lot of things to ask this lad, starting by why was he sitting in the floor of a hospital in the middle of the night, or who he was waiting for reading a comic. If he brought the comic meant he knew he had to wait, which meant he couldn't be alone, which only means Louis was not that much of a loner as he had previously mentioned.

"Who are you?" I end up saying

"Oh I am very sorry" he apologizes for nothing "My name's Liam, I am one of Louis... one of his mates, from back home, we used to play in the same team with" he thinks a little "I am pretty sure Louis probably told you all this already"

Wrong, Louis told me nothing.

"Anyways" he continues without actually telling me what I wanted to hear "It's pretty late, how did you manage to get in here?"

"Just... I, they, we" I start blabbering "Liam, are you going to stay here all night?" wrong thing to say, probably he thinks I am annoying, or hates me, or both.

"That's considerate of you, but no... I mean, the original plan was speaking with Lou, then I was supposed to call another friend and well" he starts thinking again "You know Harry, you're right"

Surprise, I am right for once

"I am going home, if you get to speak with him, tell Louis that we miss him and that it's okay, whatever happened to him, we are his friends, he should tell us, we won't judge" Liam pad my back and start walking to the lift.

ACCEPTED (Larry Stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora