Chapter 8 - The miss you

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Niall was silent all the way home, which never happened before.

"You know him?" was the only thing I managed to ask as we entered the flat

"Wish the answer could've been no" he said in an odd tone and entered his room.

It was quite unusual having the flat so empty, especially if Niall was there. Although It was late, he was always making snarky comments, or trying to get me out, something.

"You alright?" I asked through the door

"Yup" he said immediately "Just tired"

The Irish couldn't lie, but I decide to give him his space, after all it was a... good day. He got along really well with Louis, both of them laugh and have a nice afternoon, I believe.


"Okay what is wrong with you?" I finally said a little annoyed. Niall had been dead since the moment he meet Zayn, literally dead. His skin looks pale as a ghost, his hair I can swear it's starting to get a weird shade of dead blonde and he has a lost sight as if he were to examine a crime scene. On top of that, he keeps answering with one liners. I was all about giving him his space, but it was too much.

"Christ Harry can't I get bothered too!" he screamed.

"Not for almost a week" I told him a little annoyed

Then Niall got up from the table.

"I'll see you tonight"

With that words the Irish man was gone, and I had another mysterious case of hidden secret life to discover, what a catch.


Louis Pov (finally)

Morning and nights merge into one, which can't even be described as darkness, because when that's all you have, then it's just life. Yeah I can't see and it really sucks, not getting to experience that part sometimes make me wish I was dead, that the surgery went wrong and I disappeared, some peace... finally.

But no, it went alright and I am here, tumor free and with a disability, great work docs.

I haven't really told anyone this, but I was planning on not making the night after the operation. Someone like me couldn't live in a world of nothing, I had everything planned to just die there, quit... but something happened, someone happened.

This crazy boy entered my room, sweet voice, sweet personality, and sweet smell. Harry.

At first I wanted him gone, I was planning my dramatic death, and he was stopping me, without even realizing it, who he was? No clue, but he was charming, I couldn't really say no to him, and well I can say I immediately felt that maybe I couldn't see, but I still could feel, and not necessarily by touch.

The next weeks were pretty bearable with him by my side, we started a friendship... and that's the last thing I was expecting to get here, but it's so far...

"Louis, medicine!" Ashton screamed from the door.

Oh crappy kangaroo voiced idiot.

"A second" I said and put down my recorder. Yes I was recording me voice, just in case I died one night for the sake of God or a cardiac failure and someone wants to make a movie about my life or something.

I sense the steps, light and fast. Boots, but cheap ones, a slight beer aroma, camouflaged with body lotion, it had to be Ashton.

"Water" I commend him, drink some, then ask for the pills and take them,

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