Chapter Twenty-eight.

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     WINGS FLUTTERED AS they flapped against each other and the creatures flew. They soared up high into the sky, taking a struggling prisoner with them, a very family prisoner at that. A certain shaggy haired blonde and blue eyed boy. One that had haunted me since that the day that I had first met him. And from them, my life had gone wind milling down to the very bottom. But now that he was gone…

     Everything was a little hazy around the edges so I couldn’t make out what was a fantasy and what was reality. But one that I was sure about was the feel of someone pressing their lips to my forehead.

     Light clouded my vision after being stuck in constant darkness. Relief washed over me as my eyes fluttered open, only to clam them shut again as it was too bright.

     A chuckle erupted from next to me, vibrating the mattress below me. Peeking, I came to see that Hunter was sat on the bed next to me, watching over me. The chuckle meant that he obviously found it amusing that the light bothered me, not even bothering to do anything about it.

      Scowling, I made to it up in bed, but I soon retracted back with a sharp pain shooting all through my body. A scream erupted from deep inside me and Hunter had his arms wrapped tightly around me, rocking me back and forth soothingly until the pain subsided. He helped me up into a sitting position so that I was leaning against the headboard.

     There was a silence that spread between us both, engulfing us like a blanket would do to a new born baby. But things weren’t awkward; they were far from awkward. It was just comfortable. “I have questions.” I admitted, knowing fully well that he was expecting me to say something along those lines.

     He chuckled, rubbing his jaw. “I knew you would. Fire away.”

     And that was how I got all the answers that I had been craving from the very beginning. It was like an endless serenade… just not as romantic.

     “Lawson is in Hell now, Princess. The Archangels sent him there once they heard what had happened. And as for Ruby… well, she got away.” After noticing my wide eyes he carried on, reassuring me to the best of his ability. “But the Archangels would get her, and then it wouldn’t be long before she joins her friend in the fires of Hell.”

     After noticing the confusion that was clearly written all over my face, he carried on and just said everything that he knew. And that was a lot.

     “Angel do exist, and I’m one. Well, I was one. An Archangel in fact. But I was sent down here as punishment.” And that was all he said on what was the subject of him. I didn’t question him as it wasn’t the place or time.

     “Heaven and Hell do exist. Archangels are the supreme and most powerful angels you will ever meet. They’re a bit like the councils and governments that you have here on Earth… but more powerful. It consists of seven members at the moment. Anyway, they control everything and make sure everyone and everything is in order. They also have control about who is sent to Hell, and that was what they did to Lawson.”

     “You,” He said, looking at me with a lopsided smile. “are not human. Your parents, your biological ones are both angels, so that makes you a DemAngel – that mean half angel - until you come into your full powers, where you become a full angel.”

     Surprisingly, I wasn’t shocked. Not like a normal person would’ve been. But then again, I wasn’t normal, was I? And it was as if I knew that there was something special about me my whole life.

     This new world – the world of angels - it just sounded so exciting and… exhilarating. Perfect, as if there was so much more to life than life itself.

     “But there’s more.” He declared, his face growing serious now. “You’re more special than a regular half angel. You’re parents…”

     And that was how he gained my full attention. Listening to every single word that left his mouth, I digested it all slowly and fully until everything made complete sense.

     My parents were famous angel scientists who came up with a formula that only they knew. It could’ve been used for the ultimate good of the angel kind, and also the bad. On their way to sharing the formula with the Tribunal, they were attacked and kidnapped by fallen angels. Seeing as I was with them, I too was taken and held as hostage. But soon enough they realised that I was no use to them so the fallen angels dumped me on Earth and from then on was my life a shadow.

     Little did the fallen angels know that my parents hid the formula in my heart, and that was why Lawson wanted me so badly. That was why his gibberish now made sense to me. It also dawned on me that Lawson was a psychopath, one that wanted to use me so that he could gain power or something of the sort.

     And that was why I didn’t believe a word either Lawson or Ruby said about Hunter.

     After having letting everything settle in, my eyes wandered up slightly, only to land on Hunter’s face. His eyes were glued to my lips. Upon instinct, my tongue flicked out of my mouth and licked my bottom lip, wetting it slightly.

     His lips were on mine that very second, taking my upper lip between his. And in that moment did I realise how much I had missed him. I may have only been away from him for a week, but I still missed him. It was as if he completed me, and I had just been a walking shadow all this time, waiting for him to come back to me.

     Sadly, our reunion was only temporary as my door barged open that moment to reveal my adoptive parents and my butler.

     Leo was grinning from ear to ear at the scene. Lisa was smiling a knowing smile, coo-ing even. Barney’s reacting was the both the best and the most horrifying. “Who are you and why are you sucking my daughter’s face?”

     While I buried my face in my hands in absolute shame and embarrassment, Hunter walked over to Barney and explained to him what we were doing only a moment ago. In detail.

A/N: Finished. What do you guys think of it all? Please leave some thorough comments as I am dying for some feedback.


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