Questionnaire 1:

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Questionnaire 1:


There is an important A/N at the bottom of the page.

I have planned out the whole story and have decided what will happen and how it will happen. Though that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to know want you guys think. I would really like to know what you guys think and hey, you may even be right.

Now that you have met both Lawson and Hunter, and you’ve gotten to know them a little better I would like to know a couple of things:

1)     Which team are you? Team Hunter or Team Lawson. Explain why.

2)     Who do you think is the assassin that stars in Amelia’s dreams? Please explain why.

3)     Do you think there is anything special about any of the characters? Which ones and why do you think this?

4)     Who would you like Amelia to end up with and why?

5)     What do you think will happen a little later in the story?

I love reading your comments and I would love to read your answers to the questionnaire. I really like this story and hope that you do as well. I would love to know if you have anything else to say about the story so you are welcomed to write extra comments if you wish to.

IMPORTANT A/N: I was wondering if you guys enjoy reading my story then would you mind spreading the news. I would really appreciate it if you could tell your friends about it, but it is up to them if they would like to read it. Thanks!

I hope you enjoy Chapter 8 and I hope to upload soon!

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