Chapter Two.

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     I HAD THE strangest dream last night. I kept dreaming that a guy in a hooded mask would come in and kill me. He would come into my room with a knife and would try to slit my throat while I was asleep. I would always wake up at the last minute and would roll away just in time. I would try to get out of the bed but for some reason I couldn't make it out of the sheets. For some reason, that same dream would come back to haunt me again and again. I made a mental not to have cheese before going to bed.

     Now on a serious note, I guess I just wasn't getting much sleep lately. I've been having dreams about that Assassin for a while now. And every time, it would come to a point where I would be close enough to be able to lift his hood, finally being able to see who or what lay under. However, every time I tried to do, the man would take hold of my wrists stopping me from doing so, and that would be where I would wake up. I would normally wake up feeling sweaty and sleep deprived, it was as if every time I had that dream it would take a lot out of me.

     Mr Gilmore was sitting at his desk having a cup of coffee and reading another one of his sports magazines while we were expected to write an essay about the person next to us from what we learnt yesterday. Well, the thing was, I didn't learn much about Hunter yesterday. The most that I learnt yesterday was that he was a jerk, had anger problems and had a tendency to use the word 'Merde' a lot. I did my research and it seems that it's French and that it doesn't mean anything nice.

    I tapped my pen on the paper, trying to think of something that I could write down. Sneakily, I peered sideways at the guy that was sitting next to me. Hunter was leaning back in his seat, rocking on only two legs with his eyes closed. He seemed to be thinking of something. So I was surprised when he said something. "Take a picture, it lasts longer."

      I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. "No, I wouldn't want to waste my memory like that. No need to waste space." I said, earning an eyebrow raise from his and a cocky grin. "What's your full name?"

     Again, he raised an eyebrow in my direction. "Only if I get some answers out of you too."

     "Sure, we'll play twenty questions." I smiled, happy that I was getting somewhere with this essay.

     "My name's Hunter Damon. Tell me something special about you. Something that not many people know." Hunter said sitting in his seat on all fours, his body turned in my direction slightly.

     I bit my lip, thinking about what I should tell him. I didn't want to tell him something personal, but I didn't want to lie either. "I'm adopted."

     Hunter didn't say anything, he just wrote it all down. At least he was doing the essay.

     "How old are you, where do you work and what's one of your hobbies?"

     "That's three questions." Hunter stated. "I'm... nineteen," He had to think about it?  "I work in a posh café on the other side of town and I like to box."

     "That's a cool hobby. Did you get held back or something... if you don't mind me asking?" I may despise him but I still didn't like offending people.

     "No worries, and yes, I did get held back a class. So what's up with the whole adoption thing?" He asked casually, tapping on the paper waiting for my response.

     I thought about how I was going to answer this question. "I don't know. It all happened when I was pretty young. I was abandoned when I was a baby and since then I went from care home to care home, but I was adopted by two lawyers when I was five. They've been my guardians ever since."

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