Chapter Twenty-five.

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     “COME ON.” AV whined as she dragged me into the house where the party was at. Av had insisted that I attend this party, no matter how large a headache I had. "It'll go away." She said, reassuring me, flashing me a grin at the same time.

     Having no choice in the matter, I got dressed and let Av drive me here. My body was clad in a pair of black skinny jeans, a simple, flowy black tank top and a pair of black pumps. Some may say that I had dressed a little simple for the party, especially since most of the girls were in dresses and skirts, including Av, but I just wasn't in the mood. In my opinion, they were lucky that I even bothered to show up, especially with this headache.

     We had managed to win the game, but not by much. Normally, we would've won by a landslide, but today it was only by a couple of baskets. And it was my fault. As much as I wanted to focus, I just couldn't. And when the headache would start to die down, Hunter would appear in my head again and then the headache would reappear. No one said anything to me, just assuming that it wasn't one of my good days. They didn't know how right they were.

     Hunter refused to leave me alone. He wasn't here in front of me now, but he was in my mind. Playing over and over again, like an automatic DVD player. One that seemed to be set on repeat.

     "Sorry." Someone apologised to me as he had pushed me while walking.

     I smiled at him. "It's okay." There was no point in crying over spilt milk.

     He nodded and walked away. Leaving me alone. Without Av. She had probably walked away when I started thinking. Probably dancing with some guy right now. Or maybe Gabriel called, seeing as they were so close now. But either way, I was alone.

     "You're not alone, Princess. I'm here." Hunter taunted me, chuckling slightly. My head spun round the room, looking for him but he wasn't here. He was in my head, making me go crazy. "You're not going crazy, Princess." He said in a mocking tone.

     Crazy. I wasn't going crazy. I just needed some sleep and then things would go back to normal. Yes, that's it. No more voices and no more Hunter. I tried to reassure myself, but I knew very well that Hunter wasn't going to go away any time soon. I wasn't even sure if I wanted him to go away.

     "I'm not going anywhere, Princess." He said in a sing song voice, not something he would normally do. He was taunting me, playing me like the little rag doll that I was. But I refused to be so easy for him to come and make me question my sanity. I refused to let him win. "Oh, I'll win, Princess. You can bet on that. I'll get what I want." He chuckled, my head spinning a little more as he spoke.

     I squinted, hoping that my vision would go back to normal, but no. And the low lighting and loud music blasting from the speakers wasn't helping my condition one bit. No one noticed me as I stood in the room, cradling my head as if it was about to explode.

     So much was happening. Too much for me to take. The world carried on while my world was stuck at this one point. I couldn't move forward, I was stuck with Hunter in my head. "I'll always be here, Princess." He grinned, but there was something hiding under his cool and collected exterior.

Greed. His eyes held greed, as if he wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted. Sadly, that something seemed to involve me.

     The music just got louder and louder, but no one else was affected by this. Just me. I trudged over to the kitchen, hoping that it would be a little quieter in there.

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