Chapter Twenty-one.

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Pic of Riley on the side. --->

     "Do you like this top?" Av asked as she held a white off the shoulder top against her body so that I would be able to tell if it would look good on her.

     It did. "Yeah. You should get it. It looks great on you." I said truthfully, and ten went back to shifting through the racks, looking for something that may catch my eye.

     Av and Leo had decided that we needed a day out, mostly because they believed for me to look like I was in some sort of a 'slump'. Obviously, I had denied this at the moment, but I knew it was the truth.

     Hunter hadn't been in on Friday, so I was happy that I didn't have I face him just yet. Though I was secretly sad as well. There was the part of me that wanted to run into Hunter so that he would be given the apology to apologise if he thought fit. Secretly, I wanted to forgive him, but I couldn't until I knew how he felt about the whole situation. I wasn't even sure if I meant anything to him, and I guess I couldn't move on if I didn't get some closure.

     It was the weekend now, Saturday, and we were having a girls day out. With Leo. Actually, Leo was included when we used the term, 'girl', and he was totally fine with that.

     I knew that Leo and Av were keeping an eye on me, making sure that I was smiling and not just moping about. Av had no idea what may be wrong with me, but she knew that I needed some cheering up, whereas Leo could probably guess what was wrong, since he was more aware of the relationship I had had with Hunter.

     I looked up from the pair of blue converses that I had been eyeing, to lock eyes with someone. A very handsome someone. He was skinny and tall, with styled back hair sitting on to of his head, and curling just under his ears. He had piercing blue eyes, like a lake that was not the least bit contaminated. They were icy blue, the type that would be capable of making one shiver, and not necessarily due to the cold. He had handsome features, and a strong chin. Oh, and he also went by the name, Riley.

     Yes, Riley had just walked into American Eagle. Yep. The Riley who works at Starbucks, and seems to be shopping at American Eagle. Honestly, I hadn't really noticed how handsome he was, but blondes just weren't my type. I preferred the tall, dark and handsome type. Though if they had muscles, that would just be another plus note.

     I waved at Riley as he started to make his way over to us. He strode over go us, confidently. It was as if I was watching one of those educational videos that Mr Gilmore would make us watch, only, I didn't understand anything from this one. My laughter had to supressed as Riley walked into an old lady with her bag. She was ferocious with his lame attempt of an excuse, and beat him with her handbag before exiting the store, muttering something about all teenagers needing glasses these days. The look of Riley's face was worth a million dollars. It was as of he just couldn't believe that had just happened to him. His face went pink, and he may just let a few tears drop.

     Av and I were laughing hysterically by the time Riley had actually managed to make his way over to us, rubbing his neck in the process. Nervous. "Hey?" He said, but it came out as more of a question than a greeting.

     Av and I exchanged looks, and ended up laughing all over again. "Come on, guys. Give the guy a break." Leo said as he walked over to us after having transported a pair of jeans from the rack an into his basket, placed a hand on Riley's shoulder. "It's not his fault he walked into that old lady..." Ben Leo couldn't contain his laughter now. "Sorry, man. That was just classic." He chucked, and patted Riley on the shoulder.

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