Chapter Twenty.

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      I GRABBED MY copy of Romeo and Juliet and shoved it into my satchel along with all my other books, and headed out of the classroom with Av by my side.

      "Morning, Princess." Came a deep voice as I exited the classroom, one that had his signature crooked smile tugging at his lips to go along with it.

      Hunter was stood outside my English class, leaning against the wall. He was dressed in a black sweater, loose jeans and a pair of Vans. He looked good, so I had to divert my eyes away from him before I gave myself away by blushing.

      "Hunter? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised. This was the first time that I had actually ran into Hunter in the hallway, so seeing him now made me realise this.

     He shrugged and smiled. "Just thought I should walk you to class."

     And that was exactly what we did. We had Bio next, so we headed there with Hunter standing on one side of me, and Av on the other. It was best for me to keep my eyes glued straight ahead as we walked, as if I looked left then Hunter would be smiling at me, hitch would make me blush. He was teasing me. And if I looked right then Av would be questioning me silently with her eyes about Hunter. I hadn't told her that I've been seeing him, I guess you could call it that. And now she wanted all the details.

      Av coughed and smile slyly at me before turning to Hunter. "So, Hunter is it?"

      He nodded, but didn't say anything. This was just a sign for Av to carry on. I groaned internally and thought it best if I listened to every word she would say to him, just encase she said anything too vulgar or weird. The last thing I needed was for Hunter to think I was best friends with a weirdo.

     "So, are you two dating?" She asked innocently, though the question was far from innocent.

     My eyes widened in horror as I turned to look at Av pointedly. Hunter chuckled and slipped his hands in his pockets. "Yep." He said, popping the 'p'. "I guess we are."

      I groaned once again. This was just the moment that Hunter chose to speak in a few word answers. You may be thinking: what does Amelia mean by this? Well, you see, these one word or short answers just spurred Av on even more and encouraged her to interrogate him to the bone. Little did Hunter know, I thought. 

     Av then turned to me, with a mischievous glint in his eye. "So... when were you planning on telling me?" She asked, eyeing her fingernail as if she had hardly said anything.

      "Soon." I said, unsure of what to do. I mentally slapped myself once the word had slipped past my lips.

     "So Hunter, I hope you've been treating my friend well."

      "He has." I hissed through my teeth, silently hoping that she would give up teasing me like this.

      Hunter chuckled, not managing to speak a word in edge ways, what with Av started with the game of twenty questions. "I try my best."

     Luckily, we had reached Biology and Mr Gilmore was stood outside of the classroom, ushering us all in, so Av couldn't carry on teasing me endlessly.

     Hunter was still chuckling softly as Av left, and we both took our seats. "Your friend is one of a kind."

     "That she is." I said innocently; with a slight remain of the blush that was adorned on my cheeks not long ago.

     Our attention turned away from each other and was stolen by Mr Gilmore who was stood in the centre of the class rubbing his hands together eagerly, obviously looking forward to something. "Class, do I have treat for you today." He grinned, gesturing to his desk. All eyes then turned to the desk behind him, with curious noises accompanied with it. "No. Not the desk. The things next to the desk." He sighed and then turned around so that he could gesture to the animals.

     Wait a moment. Animals?

     Yes, animals.

     Well, I couldn't see the animals, but you could see the containers and portable hutches. This gave off the idea that there were two or more different types of animals.

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