Chapter 16

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"Kellin are you aw-" Vic went quiet as he saw what was happening. "Jaime.." He said cautiously. "Put the gun down, you don't have to do this. It doesn't have to be this way." He begged. Jaime turned so he could see both of us.

"Yes it does, Vic. I love you. And nothing will stop me from being with you."

"I don't want to be with you," he spat. "You're a fucking psychopath!"

"I am not!" He said. I could tell he wanted to cry. I watched him carefully, as he still held the gun pointing toward me.

My breathing was uneven and I was terrified that my life was over, that was until he turned the gun on himself.

My eyes went wide and suddenly I felt bad for him. He was insane, but I couldn't help it. No one should feel like they had to take their own life.

"Jaime.." I said, quietly.

"Shut up, shut the fuck up!" He let out a sob, looking between Vic and I. "I just wanted someone to love me back, you know? And Vic was the only one who accepted me!"

I saw Vic slowly moving toward him, like he was going to take the gun away in one swift movement, but then, he pulled the trigger. I flinched and screamed, looking at the dead Jaime that was now collapsing onto the ground. There was blood everywhere. He was definitely dead.

I started to cry, shaking. It wasn't exactly what I had planned for today, I definitely didn't want to witness a suicide. But on the other hand, it assured my own safety because he definitely was dead now.

He didn't die the first time, but I knew he was dead now. If Jaime could survive a bullet in his head then I'm not sure what he couldn't survive.

Vic checked his pulse and sighed, "Well, he's definitely gone.." He said, quietly.

I covered my face and started to cry. I was safe but now there was a suicide on my hands, all because he couldn't be with Vic. I just couldn't win, could I?

"I thi-ink I'm gonna be sick," I said, hurrying to the bathroom. I ended up just dry heaving, considering I hadn't eaten yet today.

Vic sighed. "How did he even get in?" He asked when I returned.

"He said he sedated the cops.."

He let out a groan with my words and he called 911, explaining the whole situation to them.

The cops were awake by the time the ambulance arrived.

We got asked a shit ton of questions involving Jaime and his suicide. I just wanted this to be over.

At least the cops didn't have to stay on my back all the time anymore. At least I could have my freedom back.


I'm at my monthly check up with the doctor. Everyone knew about the kidnapping at this point but everyone stayed quiet about it, which I was thankful for. I just wanted to forget all of this.

I was 4 months pregnant now, me and Vic find out he gender in a couple weeks. I'm really happy about that.

Dr. Ashby told me that the baby was doing just fine and that everything was normal, well, as normal as they could be for a baby with Cystic Fibrosis.

I was still really worried about that, but I still did my best to stay positive.

There'd been so much stuff to stress out about lately that I'm surprised it didn't affect the baby, but I'm really thankful.

I also got an apartment, and I just started a job at Hot Topic. Vic got a part time job to help out, just until he graduated from college. He was only going for 4 years and he's in his 3rd year already. He said, after he was done, that he'd move up to a full time job. He also moved out of his dorm and in with me. We shared a room and the spare room was the nursery we were setting up.

We had the paints picked out for the walls, we just had to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. I couldn't paint though, the paint fumes weren't good for me or the baby, so Vic settled on painting it by himself when the time came.

In the closet, I had the outfits that I bought for our baby hanging up, some were in cubicles though too. We had diapers and wipes on the top shelf, as well as some bottles and other baby essentials.

I sighed and looked at Vic from the closet door. "We get to find out in two weeks." I smiled. "I think its a girl."

"Yeah? Well I bet you its a boy." He teased.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and find out then."

He nodded and came to me, placing his hands on either side of my tummy. He leaned in and kissed me gently, and I was quick to kiss him back.

I was falling so hard for him. I really hope he doesn't change his mind again.


I had therapy today, then after that was the ultrasound to find out what I was having. Vic was outside waiting for me to finish my session. Lately, he's been attached to my hip. He goes with me everywhere I go.

"Kellin," Melanie smiled. "Please, sit."

I nodded, plopping down into a bean bag chair that she probably had for younger clients. I didnt care though, I wasn't hurting anything and she didn't say anything so I'm sure its fine. She looked at me.

"What's been going on? Where have you been?" She asked.

So, she didn't know and I really didn't want to bring it up, but maybe talking to her would help me feel a bit better about the situation.

Without much more thought, I went on to explain about Jaime and the kidnapping, and how he came back and killed himself right in my bedroom.

"Wow, that's a lot to withstand," she stared. "I'm really sorry you had to go through that, and I hope you don't have to ever experience anything like that again."

I nodded.

"But think positive. He can't hurt you and he can't hurt the baby anymore. It sounds like he needed therapy." She chuckled, but her and I both know this wasn't a funny situation. She was just trying to keep it light hearted for me.


We were sitting in the doctors office, watching the screen as Dr. Ashby moved the sonogram wand around my 4 and a half month pregnant stomach.

I held Vic's hand in anticipation. I wanted to know so badly what I was having.

Dr. Ashby gave us the look, then a smile.

"It's a boy."

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