Chapter 12

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It's been a week since I saw Vic at the mall and he never texted me, so I decided I was going to text him first.

'Hey, can we hang out today?'

He replied minutes later and I was quick to answer him.

'Yeah, I'm free at 5, come to my dorm.'

I smiled widely, texting a quick 'Will do' before I got up and started to get ready. I went across the hallway to the bathroom and showered, then I got dressed. I looked in the mirror at my slowly growing baby bump.

I rubbed it with one hand, brushing my hair with the other.

I went to Vic's house, arriving 10 minutes earlier than 5. I composed myself and went to his dorm, knocking. He answered it and smiled. "Hey, Kell."

"Hey, Vic. Can I come in?"

"Sure." He said before moving out of my way so that I could enter. I sat on his bed.

"I hope you weren't too busy." I said to him and he shrugged. "Just the usual, school work and class." He laughed.

I opened my mouth to speak when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and realized it was my doctor. "Uh, hold on." I said, before picking up the phone and answering it.


"Hey, Kellin. It's Dr. Ashby." He said.

"Oh, hey, what's up?"

"The blood tests are back. I apologize they took so long, but we found that your child is going to be born with Cystic Fibrosis." He warned me.

My eyes went wide with fear. "What.. what exactly does that mean?"

"Well, I was going to ask you to come in so we could talk about it in person." He said.

"Okay, yeah, I'll be right in. Give me 20 minutes." I said, looking at the floor. I felt Vic's eyes boring into me.

"Sounds perfect. See you then Kellin." He said, then I hung up. I let our a frustrated sigh and looked up at Vic who was towering above me and the bed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting beside me.

"The baby's in trouble. We need to go to see Dr. Ashby. I mean, you don't have to come but, I need to know i-if my baby is gonna be okay." I said, tears were filling my eyes but it was invoulentary.

"No, Kell, were in this together." He soothed me. "I'll drive, come on."

I nodded and sniffled, then we went to his car.


"This way." Dr. Ashby said as he led us to a room that we could talk in. It was more like an office than a room though. "So, like, what is Cystic Fibrosis?" I started.

"It's an inherited disease, we already tested your blood to see if you were the carrier, which is why the results came back so late. You aren't the carrier though, so it must be Vic, but in rare cases it could be the grandparents jeans, and not the parents at all." He told us.

"How bad is it?"

"Well, Cystic fibrosis is a disease that ultimately damages the lungs and the digestive system. Cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat, and digestive juices. It causes these fluids to become thick and sticky. They then plug up tubes, ducts, and passageways. Symptoms vary and can include cough, repeated lung infections, inability to gain weight, and fatty stools."

I sighed. This was a lot to take in. I noticed that Vic grabbed my hand though, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I smiled faintly, but it quickly faded when I remembered what was going on.

"Is there a cure?" I asked, hopefully.

"Treatments may ease symptoms and reduce complications." He answered. I just nodded.

"Is that all?" I asked, sadly.

"For now. I don't want you stressing out more than you already are. I don't want to overwhelm you with information you don't need until were a bit further down the road."

"Thanks, then, I guess we're going to get going now. Thanks."

"No problem. Vic, when do you think you can come get some blood work done?" Dr. Ashby asked him.

"Thursday, I'm free." He said.

He nodded and looked at his schedule. "How about at 2pm?"

"Works for me." Vic said. "Have a good day, Dr. Ashby."

"You too. And Kellin, try not to stress yourself out too much."

I smiled and nodded, leaving the building with Vic. As soon as we were in his car I couldn't help it, but I started to cry.

Was my baby going to be okay? Would they live? What was their lifespan going to look like?

"Hey, Kell, stay calm." Vic said to me, talking sweetly to calm me down. He was so amazing.

"What if they die?" I said, monotonouslt.

"The baby? The baby is going to be just fine." He tried to reassure me. I sighed, shaking my head.

Within moments I was falling into a panic attack. I felt like someone was squeezing the air out of my lungs.

"Kells, breathe. Breathe, you'll be alright. The baby will be alright.

He wrapped his arms around me and I let out a shaky breath. For the next 10 minutes, Vic helped me calm down from my panic attack.

"Thank you." I whispered to him. He looked at me and I looked back.

I didn't expect what happened next. Vic leaned in and kissed me.


It was nearing midnight and I was having insomnia because of my pregnancy, but, at least I was happy.

I was practically beaming all day after he kissed me. Does this mean he likes me too? Does he want a relationship? Does Vic really want to stick around and work things out?

Maybe he really did. I wasn't even tired because I was so happy. I was so full of energy, I felt like I was on a high.

Vic really wants to work things out with me, and I couldn't be happier.

I just hope he doesn't change his mind and leave again. That was my biggest fear with him.

I was wondering if he was still questioning himself, his sexuality. What point was he at? Was he experimenting with me? Did he accept that he was gay?

What if that wasn't it? What if he kissed me to calm me down? And he didn't really want anything with me. Was he just playing with my feelings?

I had so many questions I wanted to ask. I needed to talk to him so I called him.

After 3 rings he picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Kellin." I said.

"I know," he answered with a chuckle. "What's up?"

"We need to talk."


"The kiss."

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