Chapter 6

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Kellin's POV

After my incident with Vic, I decided I would go see Tay, so I wouldn't get too worked up over the whole ordeal, and Tay always knew what to do or say to make things feel a little better.

I made my way to the dorm complex, parking in the parking lot out front. Grabbing the ultrasound pictures, I hurried to Tay's dorm and knocked on her door. "Open up, Jardine!" I yelled, playfully, then when I got no reply, I started to panic. "Tay..?"

I opened the door, letting myself inside, but she wasn't anywhere to be found. I tried not to be too negative, she was probably out at the store or something.

My next idea was to call her, so I took my golden iPhone 5 out and dialed her number, holding it up to my ear. She didn't even answer that, after 6 rings it took me to voicemail.

"She's okay, I'm okay, we're all okay," I told myself. "Don't panic, don't panic, it's fine." I whispered, going to my car and heading back to my dorm. When I arrived, I locked my car up, and went inside to sleep off the anger and worry that filled me up inside.

I closed my eyes already drifting off because I was so emotionally drained already from today. I guess that happens when you're pregnant though.

The last thoughts I remember before falling asleep were:

It's okay, Tay is okay. Things with Vic will work out. Our baby will be okay. Everything will be okay.


I woke up, feeling much better than earlier, the only problem was, I forgot I had class I was already 20 minutes late after checking the clock.

I quickly got up, not bothering to change my clothes. I brushed my hair, slipped on my TOMS and hurried out the door, to my car. When I arrived to my class, everyone was looking at me.

My professor gave me a less than impressed look. "Mr. Bostwick, it's nice of you to join the class." He said, like he was judging me. I sighed.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I slept in."

"This late?" He asked, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Yeah, I took a nap, I was tired, big deal. Stop acting like I'm always late, this is literally the first time, ever." I said, sassily.

I was usually always on time to my classes, school was important to me. Except, with everything going on lately, things were hectic after I found out that I was pregnant. I had a lot of appointments and phone calls, not to mention being sick around the clock, too.

He rolled his eyes, pointing to a seat, which I sat in seconds later.

Here goes an hour and a half of my life that I can never get back. I was in college for a certain major, but there were little acedemic classes you had to pass to get through college completely, like math and history and all that jazz you deal with in high school as well.

This was one of them, unfortunately. I don't think I'll survive today.

I'm just thankful that I wasn't in a community college. They were smaller and located in the town you're originally from, meaning that it would be just like high school all over again.

A boring hour and a half later, I was finally done with class, I was ready to go home and just sleep. I liked sleeping, it makes me not have to deal with life's bullshit all the time.


On arrival to my dorm, I pulled my cellphone out, calling Tay to see if she would answer. Thankfully, she answered after a few rings. "Hello?" She said, more cheery than she usually even was. Something good must've happened.

"I came to see you earlier, but you weren't in your dorm and-"

"Oh right," she interjected before I could finish. "I was on a date with Ashley, she took me to see The Fifth Wave." She said excitedly. So that's why she was so happy.

"That's awesome, so can I come over? I need to talk to you." I said.

"We're talking now." She said. I laughed.

"Whatsa matter, Tay? Don't want me to come over?" I teased. It didn't particularly bother me, I just wanted to get things off my chest, but if I had to wait until tomorrow then I would live.

"No, that's not it at all, but Ash is over and she has anxiety when it comes to meeting new people."

"Oh! Well, have fun and stay safe you two." I smiled even though she couldn't see me. "Don't misbehave." I said, acting as if I was one of her parents. I was just joking though, she knew that.

"Yeah, yeah, father." She giggled.

"Well, can I come over tomorrow around 2 then?" I asked her.

"Of course, Kell. Call or text me if you need anything." She told me.

"I will." I lied, if she was with Ashley I didn't want to interrupt it or ruin their night. I'd let them have a nice night. I didn't want to ruin that by invading their space. Tay deserved this, she'd been waiting for a long time for someone she liked to come along. Tay had been through a lot so I knew she was cautious about the types of people she hung out with and dated. Ashley seemed cool though.

But, if she ever hurt my best friend, she better watch her back. That's a given.

I hung up my phone, tossing it onto my bed and going into the bathroom. In stripped to my boxers and looked in the mirror. It was low enough to see the whole upper part of my body.

I looked at the little bump that was starting to grow. I could hide it for a while with baggy clothes, but I wouldn't be able to hide it forever and that's a scary feeling.


a/n: sorry this took so long to update. I suck haha. I've been in a slump and I'm trying to get out of it but I know I'm only getting worse. Anyway, I hope you guys liked the update and I know it was just a filler but more will happen within the next few so stay tuned if you actually like this fanfic. ,:)

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