Chapter 13

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•Vic's POV•

I'd been thinking a lot lately, more than usual, and I know what I want and need more than anything else, is to raise my baby and try to make things work with Kellin. It was like since I found out, I was in denial but now that it has soaked in a lot, I realized that I want to do what's best for us.

And that, would be to finish college and get a job to support my family. I wanted to make things with Kellin work. I had to, it felt right.

I finally accepted that I was gay, or at least I'm trying to. I'm going to stop pushing Kellin away. Were a team now so we have to stick together. When I saw him yesterday, I noticed he was bigger. The baby was bigger.

I wanted to touch his belly and feel my baby so badly, even though I knew they were too young to kick and move around yet.

I still wanted to. I wanted to be close to him, I want to be close to him.

My phone started to ring, snapping me out of my thoughts. I answered after a few rings when I saw it was Kellin. I didn't want to come off as desperate.


"Hey, it's Kellin." He said.

"I know," I answered with a chuckle. He's so cute and adorable. "What's up?"

"We need to talk."

"About?" I asked. Uh oh, I hope this isn't bad.

"The kiss."

My stomach churned. What if it was his turn to reject me? I hope this wasn't karma.

"What.. What about it?" I asked, worriedly.

"Well, I liked it a lot, but I have to admit I'm having a bit of a dilemma over it."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well, so far, you've been very in and out and I'm just confused as to what you're thinking, so I was hoping you'd tell me. Do you want to be with me or are you just messing with me?" He asked, sounding sad.

"I.. I want to try to work things out with you." I admitted. "You and my baby are the most important things in my life and I know we can make this work." I replied.


Damn it he's so cute.

"Yeah, of course. Maybe we can hang out. I'm not busy right now." I said.

He sniffled but I coils practically hear the smile on his face when he gave his answer. "Okay, I'll be over soon."

•Kellin's POV•

So, Vic really does want this as much as I do. I actually have a gut feeling that things are going to start going better than they were.

I felt like Vic was telling the truth.

When I arrived to the dorm complex I parked my car and headed toward Vic's dorm. I felt like someone was watching me or following me so I looked around to make sure I was alone.

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