♦ Chapter 14

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This is just a filler chapter but it's also an important transition chapter! Enjoy ♥ & yikes, sorry this is short but I just wanted to give you guys a lil' somethin' on this fine weekend (:



I had just finished getting dressed when there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and Quincy stood on the other side. I invited him in and he sat in an armchair as I plopped down on my bed. "What's poppin' slime?" I asked him, sinking into the comfy ass pillows.

"Nothin', just got back from the interview."

"Oh, how'd that go."

"Pretty good. I was really vibing with the nigga in charge."

"Head nigga in charge?" I laughed, "Damn, you're so unprofessional."

"Iight boss." He shook his head at me, "But nah, they said they're gunna call me up in the next week and see what's what."

"That's good. I think you'll get it Q, I'm confident in you."

"Thanks Jah. I actually knocked on yo' door before I left but I guess yo' ass was still sleeping. What time did you get in last night?"

"Um... around 5 or 6 or something like that."

"Damn, the fuck you was doin'?"

"I was catching up with Michael... We finally made up or whatever."

"Aw... Nelle got her groove back."

"Shutup Q." He chuckled as I threw a pillow at him.

He stood up, "But aye, I'mma go call and check up on Michelle so I'll catch up with you later iight?"

"Okay, see ya." I waved at him as he left and I closed my eyes. Even though I got a good 9 hours of sleep, I still felt tired. I'm staying in LA for two more days then I'm back off to New York. All this traveling has got me exhausted.

I picked up my phone and opened instagram where I had an assload of notifications. I looked at all the pictures I was tagged in and most of them were from the wedding-- everyone looked so happy and beautiful, I really did have a good time last night. I scrolled down and there were two pictures of me posted by TheLastKing. I guess Ty took some pictures of me when I wasn't noticing.

I looked at the comments and started cracking up.


PrincessJ132: She's soooooooo pretty

KaylaCutie: Woe... Janelle's back? She better hop her ass back on that plane to NY & get away from my man.

TygasNumberOneFan: #Tynelle forever ♥

His fans were so cute... even the crazy jealous ones. I hopped out of the bed and made my way over to my suitcase where I pulled out my American flag bikini. It was a nice day so I might as well go out and get some sun. I put on the bikini and posted a pic on Instagram where it instantly got likes. I slid on some shorts and grabbed my sunglasses when there was another knock on the door. I opened it and there stood Ty who was holding onto King's little hand. When he saw me, he instantly ran to me, "Janelle! You look so pretty." He put on a big grin and I couldn't help but smile. He looked so much like Michael, it was ridiculous. I picked him up and kissed his cheeks, "Thank you baby boy." He started to play with my hair so I averted my attention to his father, "What's up?"

"He was playing on my phone, looking through Instagram and he saw the picture you just posted so he told me he wanted to invite you to come to the pool with us."

"Aww, is that true King?"

He shook his head, "No. Daddy said he wanted to invite you but he was gunna say that I did." I looked at Michael as he nervously laughed. "Nah... you know how little kids are... they like to lie and shit."

"Mhm." I smirked, "But sure, I'll come with you guys, lemme just finished getting ready, ya'll can come in." I put down King and watched as he ran to my bed, sat dow and put on cartoons. I let Michael in and he just stood around as I put on a random white T-shirt and slipped on my flip-flops. I stepped into the bathroom to apply a little bit of make-up and he followed me. I watched him in the mirror as he stared at me, putting on my lip gloss and I started laughing. "What are you looking at?"

He looked down and smiled, "Nothin', nothin'. I'm just glad we're talking again. I really missed you."

"Same here." I started applying my mascara, looking all crazy with my mouth open when he pulled out his phone and took a picture. "Oh my gosh!" I yelled, "Stop taking pics of me."

"Alright, alright." He laughed. "You know what I noticed?"

"What?" I washed my hands then turned to him.

He grabbed my arm and pointed to my wrist, "You never took those off." He was referring to the two bracelets he got me when I told him what I wanted our baby's name to be.

"Yeah well, they still mean a lot to me."

"The fact that you're still wearing them... still means a lot to me." He looked in my eyes and I felt a warm sensation rush to my cheeks, oh lawd, I'm blushing.

"Well I'm glad that makes you feel some type of way." I pinched his cheek then walked back into the room and walked over to my King. "You ready to go swimming boo?"

"Yes Janelle." He hopped off the bed and grabbed a hold onto my hand. The three of us made our way down to the pool where there were just a few other people. King ran off to swim in the monitored swimming area with other little kids while his father and I sat at the bar. Ty sipped on some complicated shit while I just got a simple Miami Vice.

"You know what's crazy?" He asked me.

"What?" I played with the straw in my drink.

"A year ago, we were supposed to be in New York together, enjoying ourselves and watching the ball drop and all that lame shit," He smiled a little, "and a year later, we're here."

"Yeah but at least we're together again." I mistakenly paused, "I mean like talking and stuff."

He laughed, "I know what chu mean Nelle. And trust me, we'll be together again before you know it. And you know what I mean."

I shook my head and smiled, he always took the words right out my mouth.


Aww they're getting close again! (: What should happen next? Lemme know ya'll

ALSO, check out the last chapter (which really isn't a chapter) and check out my new story Beware! I'm putting up the first chapter in a few moments and I'm really liking it (: So please support it!!

Fan Comment & Vote, Love you guys! ALSO, shoutout to princetonlover123 for the beautiful cover, I really appreciate it & love all of her stories so yeah :)

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