Chapter 31// Funeral

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Brendan POV
It's 1 week later from when Charlie died and it's her funeral today. I am ready for my long Tiring speech at the end. I miss Charlie so so much and  I wish she could be here with me and Megan, her Family friends, everyone who knew her. My Dad was driving us to the Church.
A/n I'm gonna skip to the part when they get into church.
We all sat down and Her mum and dad done a long speech what made me cry. Hometown Done a small speech for her too. James and Khloe, then Rebekah  then My mum and dad. Then it was me, I stood up and slowly made my way upto the microphone, I was shaking nervously
"Um okay, Charlotte? Charlie? Whatever you wanted to be Called. It all started from the The Vamps M&G and I met you and since then we have stuck together in a relationship. We have had a beautiful baby Girl 'Megan' and even though she might not meet you. She will remember you. She loves her beautiful mum and she will never forget you. You were Funny, intelligent, What ever beautiful words described you. But the 1 word that will always remind me of you is Strong! You were Strong and even though we knew this would happen for a while now, you kept me strong and that's why I love you. I will never forget you either will your Friends, Family, everyone who knew you! Charlotte Faye Murray! I love you and nothing will change that"
I reached into my pocket and took out a shiny silver Necklace with a "B" on it. I bent down to put it on her and kissed her head for the last time ever. Tears ran down my face. Charlie's mum came upto me
"Thank You Brendan" she whispers to me wiping a tear away from her face
"For....For what" I say shaking hardly getting my words out
"For being their for her, appreciating her and loving her. She loved you too, whenever you were out she would call me and tell me how much she loved you! You meant the world to her and she didn't ever want to loose you and Megan. I will never forget that" she smiles weakly At me and wipes my tears away
"I love her too, I love her to the moon and back" I say to her
"She would like you to have this Brendan" she says handing me 2 envelopes and a box. I opened the box to find a heart what had a Beautiful letter "C" on it.
"It's beautiful" I say smiling
Charlie's mum hugged me then walked out the church.
I knew I would wear this necklace all my life. It was apart of Charlie and all I wanted was Charlotte. I loved her. And that's what I needed to remind me of my Charlie.

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