Chapter 29

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Brendan POV
I've been in this waiting room since 8:00pm Now it's 10:45pm. I haven't heard any news about Charlie, I just hope to god that she will be okay! I know she is strong but I will be lost without her.
"Brendan" I hear Mum says
"Brendan, I think we should go. It's nearly 11:00 okay dear?
"No, I can't I can't leave without saying goodbye to Charlotte!
"Brendan I don't think we will manage to see her-
I didn't listen I ran out the waiting room running down the halls looking into each and every room
"Brendan come back! I hear my mum shout
I didn't I keep going. Running down every corridor I could find! I couldn't stop crying I had to find my Charlie! My one and only Charlie If no doctors were about when I find her I could spend the night here.

*20 mins later*
I was on the 5th floor and I still couldn't find her,  the rooms were full of Old people snoring and chatting! At 11:30 at night! Wow! I wanted to give up looking. Tears escaped my eyes and I walked back into a corner slouching down the wall until I found that I was sitting on the cold solid floor. My Head was in my hands. My heads were shaking and I was frozen. I curled up into a ball and cried my eyes out for About 10 minutes until I decided to search again. I got up and started walking towards a smallish room with 4 beds. It had a whiteboard on the door what said->Miss Harris, Mrs Gray, Mrs Irwin and Miss Simpson!!! I threw open the door and looked around the room. Looking for my baby! There was 1 person in and that was Charlie!!!!
"CHARLIE!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I found you What happened I was worried sick!? I couldn't find you I've been waiting for news for ages but I didn't get any so I Decided to look for you but I couldn't t find you so I Gave up—
I stopped mid sentence and wiped my eyes from tears. Charlie had Tubes coming from her nose arms everywhere! I looked at her and something wasn't right, I broke down into tears!

A/n hellooooo, This is the 3rd or 4th Mabey 5th last chapter of the book so yeah! I'm so graitful for 300 views! What! I will be doing a fanfic about Brad Simpson Next!
Thanks - Chloe xo :)

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