Chapter 18

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Charlotte POV
"So Charlie we have discovered Breast and Heart Cancer in you and if we don't get anything to Make it disappear you could die in 8-10 months" I'm really sorry! Erin says
I froze!
A tear ran down my cheek.
What if I died.
Brendan couldn't be left with Megan.
I don't want to die.
What if I did?.
Bloody hell.
Out off all people in the hospital I have to be he one who has Breast and Heart Cancer?!?
"We don't know how or when you got it but there was no symptoms. But we found it during the scan.
"Wait wait wait WAITTT. So your basically saying my fiancé is gonna die??? Brendan shouts

"Yes and no, as long as you come back each 3 weeks to the hospital so we can keep and eye on it you could be saved but if you don't you won't. Erin says

"You can also leave today but we are expecting to see you in 3 weeks ok? Erin says writing something on her clipboard.
"Okay I will leave you 2 to it bye see you in 3 weeks!
"Bye Erin Thank You" I say
As Erin walked out I turned to Bren to see him with his head in his hands. He lifted his head up, and I could see Tears streaming down his face. I could take it I got up off my bed and walked over to him.
"Brendan I still have a few months left even if I do Pass Away we could get married in that space it's a long time yet! You are just worrying too much" I say tears running down my face.
"If you do die tho, i will be broken! Megan will be lost without you! I don't know how to look after children. I never have!Megan will never meet her beautiful mum, i will loose my one and only wife. Who I love to pieces. I will never find someone else again! I will never see you again! Megan will never get to meet her mum! ~ Brendan cries hardly getting his words out!
"Baby stop! Your worrying too much! Now we are gonna get through this together ok? I take his hand and rub it gently, I stand up and hug him tightly!
"I-I-I love you I always will" he says hugging me tightly
We realised ourselves from the hug and I walk to the Bathroom. Leaving Brendan alone with Megan. I get changed and look in the mirror where my bump used to be, it's different now.... I don't have a bump... I don't have to go through cramps ever single day. I clear up my stuff from my bathroom and I walk out. I see Brendan packing up the stuff with Megan in her car seat.
You ready to leave Babe? Brendan says smiling
"Yes what about you? I say smiling at him?
"Defo lets go! He says walking out the room hand in hand with me.

A/N - I have a really good plan what to do at the end! I now have 100 views!?!? WHATTT! I'm so thankful ! Thank You so much it's my first book! I will be doing more in the future so I hope I get lots a views then too!  Can't wait to upload the next few Chapters!
- Chloe :) xo

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