Chapter 17

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Charlotte POV
Brendan hasn't been back for nearly 30 minutes now and I'm getting worried. I should go down looking for him but I can't move from my bed. Erin my midwife comes into my room.
"Um Can I talk to you for a minute Charlotte? She says with a worried look on her face
I wondered what happened.
What is something happened to Bren.
What if he went to the Shops outside.
And a car crashed into him—
"Um so Charlotte we have discovered something in you and it's very dangerous, we saw it when you came for your last scan but we didn't want to say anything to you incase you got worried, so do you want me to wait till Brendan is here or
"Umm can you wait please?
"Yeah sure it's fine but it's pretty serious so we need to get started to see if it's gonna do anything with your health. I will be back in 1 hour" Erin says standing up and leaving the room.

Brendan POV
Charlie should be worried about me, I think I should go back. I have the most gorgeous ring ever and I think I now have the courage to Purpose to her! I walk back to the Hospital, but I've been away for nearly 1 hour. Charlie must be worried sick! I know I should of took my phone to call her to make sure she's ok! Hopefully she will be going home tomorrow.

*5 mins later*
I arrive back at the hospital and I make me way upto My girlfriend soon to be my fiancé room! I get to the room and I see Charlie with a tear running down her cheek while she rocks Megan in her arms.
"Charlie what's wrong baby?? I say running up to her kissing her cheek.
"I-I-I I've been told I have something what's dangerous inside me, what could it be Bren??
A tear slipped down my cheek,
"Charlie no-matter what! I'm here for you! I love you to pieces! And I'm never leaving you! I say hugging her and Megan
"I love you too baby, Erin is coming in, in 15 mins to tell us, what if it's Cancer??? What if I only have a few days left?  She says tears running down her face now.
"Baby can you stand up? I say
"Um yes but very slowly" she says replying
Charlie lays Megan down in her Cot, she has loads of teddies and blankets to keep her company and warm! TBH I'm quite jelous!  Charlie stand up slowly and I take out a box out of my pocket. *still standing up, box in hand not opened yet*
"Charlotte Faye Simpson, I love you to pieces! You are beautiful strong and an amazing person who I love! We are now a family! I have 2 gorgeous girls who I love and I'm so proud of you and I'm never leaving your side no matter what happens, so Charlotte Faye Simpson......
* now on 1 knee*
Will You Marry Me? I say with a Massave smile on my face!
"Oh my gosh! Brendan that was beautifull! I love you loads! and Of Corse! She says Swinging her Arms around me! She is cold but her hands are warm! She lets go and I slowly put the ring on her finger
"Brendan is that why you took so long? She says smiling and twisting her ring round her finger.
"Yes I say I wanted to find the most beautiful one!
"Awh Your Cute" she says smiling

A/n - so now Bren and Charlotte  are engaged and gonna get married. What do think will happen with Charlotte?? Oooooh Exciting stuff coming Upp! ~ Chloe :) xo

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