Chapter 30

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Brendan POV
I broke down into tears. She wasn't moving. 
Or Breathing.
I walked to her side and gave her the biggest hug I've ever gave anyone.
"Charlie If you hear me right now, Remember I Love You Brendan Murray Your Husband Loves You To Pieces! You mean the world to Me and Megan your little Daughter! I whisper into her ear as I wrap my arms around her and I fall  asleep by her side, with a pain that I will never forget in my heart!

*12 hours later*
"So you must be Brendan? A doctor says waking me up from my sleep
"Oh um yeah" I say slowly getting up and letting go of Charlie
"Well We were looking for you yesterday before you left but we couldn't find you"
"I'm yeah I was looking for my wife" I say rubbing Charlie's hands softly. Trembling with worry
"Well I'm Very Very Sorry But we tried our very very best to Keep Charlie Alive when she came in yesterday night. But she passed away at 10:38pm from the Cancer she had.
"I couldn't handle it I wrapped my arms round Charlie's Lifeless body.
"I'm very sorry but your gonna need to leave okay? The doctor informs me
"Okay, thanks anyways" I say kissing Charlie softly on the head then walking out the room tears streaming down my cheeks.

I couldn't believe my one and only wife is dead! If it wasn't for The M&G and her in the bathroom I wouldn't be here. Megan wouldn't be here or anything. I walked out the hospital with my head down with tears dripping down my face, I kept thinking about all the happy times me and Charlie had together. I kept thinking about her and her favourite things

Favourite song was// Skyscraper Union J
Her Favourite Movie//The Lion King
Favourite Ice-Cream//Chocolate Brownie
Favourite Person//Me, Brendan Murray

I just wished she was here right now with me, I had a pain in my heart that I will never ever forget. I will never forget the memories that we had. Megan will never meet her beautiful mum, I will never ever Forget my beautiful wife......
Charlotte Faye Simpson <3

A/n so this is officially the end of the book! The epilogues will be next... There not my best but I hope you enjoy. I enjoyed writing this book, it's my first ever book and I have gotten so much Views for it! Im so thankful for this many views! I'm gonna do another book after this one about Brad Simpson so keep your eyes open if you wanna read it! Thank you all so much!
- Chloe xxxxx :)

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