Chapter 20

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Charlotte POV
We get home and we walk to the kitchen, we drop our bags and sleeping Megan in her car seat on the Floor. We Walk over to the Couch and flop down I hear a sigh of relief coming from Brendan.
"Home sweet home" I say looking at the ceiling smiling
"Baby it's 3:00 should we just have a lazy night in? Brendan says turning to look at me
"Yes definitely, there isn't much point! I say
Brendan picks up the to remote and switches it on, he flicks through the channels until he finds 'The Sinpsons' and starts watching it. I go grab the bags of clothes and walk upstairs with them. I start to unpack. I put away my clothes what I didn't wear and my make-up away (I didn't use any) Once I had unpacked my stuff. I got out Megan's Teddies, Clothes and Blankets and Placed them on my bed. I started making up her Warm Soft comfy Bed, I added some Fluffy teddies and floppy Bunnies in it too. Im really jelous! I wish I had her soft bed. I had 3 spare boxes so I decided to put Megan's clothes in them. 10 minutes later I'm finished and I walk downstairs to find Brendan Giving Megan her milk.
"Hey Charlie" Brendan says as he looks up
"Hey babe, how's giving Megan her milk going?is it hard work?
"No not really Acually, it's quite easy! He says, lifting Megan up and patting her back.
"You 2 are so cute! I say smiling, sitting down beside them both.
"so um i have left school, but I have this exam Assessment thing in 5 months so I will be away for 3 days for 6 hours per days so will you be okay looking after Megan?
"That's great! And yes I will be okay! If I need anything I can contact your parents or Mine! Brendan says Smiling
"That's good! Okay do you want a cup of tea? I say smirking I know he will say yes. He can't get enough of tea!
"Yes please!
"I knew you would say that! I say walking over to the kitchen and switching on the Kettle.
I make us both a cup of tea then go over to find Brendan Walking upstairs with Megan. Putting her to bed! 5 minutes later he walks back down scratching his head.
"What's up Bren? I say softly as he sits beside me.
"Megan is so beautiful! He says smiling taking a sip of his tea!
"I know! I love you Bren I say burying my head into him
"I love you to" he says with a big smile on his face:)

A/N SOOO hello! 2 updates in a day oooohh lucky you guys! ;) so I decided to make this book until chapter 50 or something idk. But I'm excited to do the ending parts! Thanks again ~ Chloe xo:)

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