Chapter 7: Desolation

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It's been two weeks since the parking lot incident, which seemed to be the beginning of it all. Ella and I continued to ignore each other between her make out sessions with her boyfriend, which seemed to be a thing they did all the time by the way, and my classes with Aurora.

Aurora had been the only good friend I'd made since I transferred here. However, I became apart of her group of friends which practically consisted of every lgbt kid that went to the school alongside some straight kids who you swore were gay as hell but weren't.

As if on queue, the morning bell rang which had me walking to calculus. The day before, we'd been assigned a group project we had to do with our partners we sat next to, which just so happened to be Ella.

Once I was sitting in my seat alongside Ella, five minutes had gone by with no conversation but that had to change quickly if our grades weren't going to be going down due to non participation. I kept my eyes looking at my paper of problems as my hushed voice hardly escaped my throat, "I'll do the problems and you can set up the slides holding the information."

"Will you at least look at me when you speak?" She sounded harsh yet with sincerity at the same time, which I didn't think was possible. I did as she had asked and moved my head up, making eye contact with the girl that left me so vulnerable just weeks before. It was hard not to kiss her, to apologize for everything I had said, but I knew I couldn't.

She moved her hand on my thigh, resting inched away from my knee. That little contact drove me insane, needing to be held by her once more. "Look, I know I'm not out, but I can't just drop everything and be with you. I know that's what you want but life isn't that simple. I can't just come out as gay and have everyone be perfectly fine with it," she spoke soothingly before she turned back to her laptop as she logged in, working on the slides as I instructed earlier.

A part of me knew she was right but at the same time I couldn't be with a girl who was kissing another man as she pretended to be straight. By the time class was finished, I had worked out all but two problems, handing the papers over to Ella before quickly slipping out of the classroom.

Aurora soon found herself next to my side, her bright green eyes looking into mine as a smile stuck to her lips, "ya know, ya gotta stop this moping around thing. You need to get laid."

I rolled my eyes at her statement, a part of me knowing she was right but that wasn't going to happened anytime soon, "yeah, because there are so many people lined up to do that."

She opened the forensics room door for me as I walked through, following me to our seats as she winked, "I've always been curious as to how good you are with your hands, Miss. Alexeyev." Her flirtatious personality was another pro to having her as a friend, always keeping me positive and even occasionally boosting my confidence. Now whether she was being serious or not, I never really dwelled on.

The first ten minutes of class was my teacher instructing us on what to do during the lab we were about to have. Once he was finished, I grabbed a lab coat and the doctor-like masks and gloves before heading over to my lab table that was stationed next to Aurora's.

In front of me was a dead pig that laid sprawled out on the table, a tray of tools sitting next to it. I momentarily felt bad for the pig until I recalled how earlier Mr. Louche was talking about how all the pigs were found in a harsh environment of a meat plant and rather than being beat to death, they simply put them down painlessly and donated them to the school.

I first took the scalpel and carefully made an incision in between her clavicles. I dragged the tool down her body before returning it to the tray. I then took the rib cutters and did exactly that, cut the ribs. Once they were out of the way and I had clear access to the stomach, I then used toothed forceps to retrieve the organ.

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