Chapter 2: The Hideout

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   "Avery Avery Avery!! Get up you lazy bum!!" The child's yells at only eight in the morning was not the greatest way to wake up to. I needed the sleep after last night, but my brother wouldn't allow that.

   You're probably curious as to what happened.  Once she had picked up the phone, I hung up after getting way too nervous, although I wasn't sure as to why I was. She texted me almost immediately after I hung up asking if it was Avery. Surprisingly, even to me, I responded with a simple 'yes'. We texted almost all night about just about anything and everything about topics that weren't too personal. She seems like one of those girls that live perfect lives and never has anything go wrong, but at the same time, it's as if shes carrying a dark secret. In the end, we planned on meeting up today at the pier around noon.

   As my mind carried away during breakfast about Ella, I was quickly brought back by a screaming ten year old in my ear. God...I really hated that kid sometimes...

   It was taking so much out of me to not yell back at hir, but my aunt ended up taking care of it. Once I had finished my bowl of cereal, I hurried back upstairs to take a shower and change out of my pj's, which were just shorts and a plane T-shirt.

   I threw on dark jeans with an Asking Alexandria sweatshirt with black vans. I brushed through my hair as the straight layers fell down my shoulders. Once I had applied a little bit of makeup, I looked in the mirror to see a somewhat decent looking human.

   I checked my phone for the time, telling me I still have a couple hours to kill. I paced my room for a few minutes before deciding to just go there early anyways. The horizon always looked beautiful anyways so why not enjoy the view for a while?

   I informed Katie on where I was going and how I wasn't sure when I'd be back. I grabbed my keys once she acknowledged what I was saying, and headed out of the house. Almost all the way there, I kept catching my mind drifting off towards Ella.

   What was with that girl. Why do I keep thinking about her? Maybe if I just stop talking to her my life will be easier and I'll be able to focus again. She was so cute though. Ugh my mind needs to make itself up.

   I finally arrived at the beach at only 10 o'clock, the drive seeming like it took centuries before I actually got there. Once I found a parking spot, which wasn't too hard, I turned off the vehicle and got out, locking it as I walked away.

   My steps were slow as I followed down the sandy pathway, my eyes lingering over anything I could find. My legs felt like they were anchors just trying to weigh me down.

   I was going back and forth with myself, telling me to leave now and turn back while I can, while the other half of me wanted me to quicken my pace and get my ass to the pier.

   What if she's just toying with me? What if she doesn't even show and is using to me to prove a point to someone? What if all I am is a bet?

   I decided to not take the risks and turn back, but before I knew it, I was falling over on some total stranger, me laying on top of them.

   "We have really gotta stop meeting like this," was the first words that came out of that gorgeous girls lips, her cheeky grin smiling up at me as a blush coated my cheeks.

   "S-sorry..." I quickly got off of the girl before I stood up again, brushing off the sand on my body before looking back up at the girl who still lay on the ground. I offered a hand out for her to take in order to help her up, "Why are you here so early, Ella?"

   "I couldn't stop thinking of that adorable face of yours. Besides, I could be asking you the same thing." She giggled to see my blushing face as she took my hand, making her way back onto her feet before brushing off the sand.

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