Chapter 12: Mercenary

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I could feel the immense heat of a body next to me as well as the sun hugging my skin through the shades. An arm rested around my hip as the sheets clung to my bare body. My eyelids drowsily opened slightly as they wandered to where my phone was, checking the time before  a groan had left my lips. I was only 9am and my body refused to go back to sleep as I laid there in silence.

I peered to the sleeping girl at my side, slowly pulling myself from her as I got up from my bed. I began scattering around my room for any clean clothes I could use to cover my currently nude  body. Once I was dressed in comfortable clothing, I slipped out of the room quietly and headed down the stairs.

My nose was hit with a wonderful smell of cooking eggs as I hopped onto the counter beside my aunt. "I don't believe sex is a wonderful way to cope with your difficult decision of choosing between two girls. Especially when the person you have sex with is one of them," my aunt spoke softly, her eyes focused on the pan but I knew better than to fall for it because I knew that wasn't at all what she was focused on. "I just want you to be careful and this certainly isn't the way to go about it, Avery.  I mean what would your mother say to you?"

"How would I know? She's dead." My harsh comment was left in the air for several minutes before I jumped from the counter, leaning against it as my mind racked through ideas as to what to say. I figured apologizing would be where to start. "I'm sorry, Aunt Katie. I'm just as confused as you are. I suppose it's up to me to decide whether I did the right thing by being with Aurora, or the wrong."

She stood in silence as she placed a few scrambled eggs on two plates along with toast, myself pouring two glasses of orange juice. "I get it. I was your age once too, believe it or not. I can't tell you what to do and I am not going to try. Especially with how stubborn you are. Just remember you're beautiful and to not settle for anything less than what you deserve," she said. 

After her words of wisdom had finished, she kissed my cheek before sending me back upstairs with two plates and two glasses, which I have no idea how I didn't drop them. The red head was just how she had been when I left her, practically dead. Figuratively speaking,of course.

Once breakfast was on a flat surface, I jumped on the girl, a groan coming from her before she attempted rolling over, which I certainly didn't allow.  "Goddamn you are one hard girl to wake up," I spoke between breaths of attempting to get her to sit up. Once I had managed my first task, her head rested on my shoulder. 

After several minutes of me regaining my breath, the girl sat up and spoke her first words of the day, "that's not the first time I wore you out that much." A devilish smirk played on her lips as she looked at me. 

"Really? It's been less than 12 hours and you're already making sex jokes?' I replied, handing her the eggs and a glass of oj which she gladly took.  

She seemed seemingly proud of her remark as she grinned widely, eating her food fairly quickly as well as finishing off the orange juice. I don't know if it was the sex or her personality, but she definitly was hungry. 

Once we both were dressed in regular attire, I had texted Ella several minutes beofre if we could talk which didn't make Aurora too happy. I understood why, of course, but it was something that needed to be done. 

"Just please stay safe and don't leave me for some pretty blonde," the red head spoke before kissing me goodbye as she shut the door behind her once leaving the house. A loud groan soon left my throat moments after the girl was gone, my body soon laying flat against a hard wood floor. 

A shadow stood over me as I assumed it was Aunt Katie, "I know I know, the longer I wait the harder it'll be. Or some old wisdom like that."

"Hey, you love my old wisdom," she smiled at me as I rose to my feet, fixing my hair as I drew in a large intake of oxygen, fear fluttering against my chest. 

A few short and encouraging words later and I was walking towards one of the last places I really wanted to be right now. Mainly for how harsh of memories it brought back that although good, hurt like hell. I focused on the sound of scuffing my feet made as it dragged across the cement to keep my mind off of the conversation that could possibly persue. Or the fact that I had kissed thie girl hours before having sex with my girlfriend for the first time. Thinking really was a bad idea for me at this point. I hadn't taken a second to step back and now that I was, I wanted to take the past few months back. 

I arrived at my destination quite sooner than I had expected, much to my dismay, and as my eyes drifted above my own  body, the sun reflecting off of blonde hair mocked my lack of communication. Ella sat on the steps that overlooked the entire beach, a view I had once shared with her with every pleasure inside of me. Now, it was a burning pit in my stomach. I drew in a sharp breath before slowly walking to the other, taking a seat next to her. I drew my knees in closer to my chest and wrapped my arms around mself in hopes to protect my body from the cool soon-to-be-winter breeze. 

"I don't see what the problem is now that the entire school knows I'm not straight. That was the problem and now that it's gone, you're still reluctant to be with me," Ella spoke quietly, though her words felt like hundreds of knives burying themselves deep inside of me. 

"Ella, I'm dating Aurora. It's not that simple anymore. She's my best friend and if I were to break up with her, I don't want it to ruin our friendship," I replied. Our gazes never met one another as we remained focused on the horizon in front of us. 

The blond remained silent for a few moments before she adjusted her position, her voice bringing me from my thoughs of guilt, "then break up with her. You'll have me to be a best friend to."

"It's not that easy, Ella."

"How is it not that easy?!"

"Because we had sex!" 

A burning feeling stung my cheek as I looked into the eyes of someone that looked as if they were told someone was dead. And quite possibly, maybe in her mind I was. 

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