Chapter 15: Accidents

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Avery's P.o.v.

I laid silently with my body curled against the end of the couch, a blanket snuggled tightly against my skin as I waited for my brother to wake up.

I've been here for hours, time escaping my mind as I drift in and out of sleep, trying to stay awake but my body forbidding it. My phone had been blowing up, the screen coming to life every so often as everyone questions where I disappeared to.

While I was at a party, my little brother got hit by a drunk driver. Katie suffered from minor injuries so she was already discharged. My brother, however, was a very different case. They already had to do surgery one of his eyes, a concussion thumping against his brain and his body lay bruised on the hospital bed.

He was in and out of consciousness, but never awake for more than a few seconds to fill the room with a mumble before going back unconscious.

All of my problems seemed so stupid as I lay here, pondering if his life will ever be the same again. The more I thought about it, the more I realized Aurora and Ella were both strangers to me. I got so attached so quickly I didn't think about their previous lives before meeting me.

I faced Ella's past on two separate occasions, but there was much more to it than some ex. She said so herself.

And Aurora? She was the same. An ex that had died? I hardly knew anything. Everyone around me seemed to know more about who I surrounded myself with more than I care to admit.

After another half hour of dozing off, I woke up, deciding I needed to stretch my limbs before they all felt sore from being in the same position for so long. Once I stood up, I realized just how hungry I was feeling, my stomach grumbling in response. Picking up my phone, I walked out of the hospital room, heading down the hall towards the miniature cafe.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket for about the thousanth time that day, and it wasn't stopping. The caller ID read that it was Ella, making me dread the conversation that much more. "What do you want. Now really isn't the time," I spoke into the phone, half awake as my words seemed to slur together.

"You haven't been to school, not to mention you sound like you haven't even been to sleep. What's going on with you?" She spoke in a worried tone, any trace of a previous argument being empty in her voice. It was relaxing if I was being honest with myself.

"I'm fine Ella. Look, can we talk later? I don't want to deal with any of this right now. I have other things....on my mind," I rested my back against the wall as I waited outside the cafe to end the conversation before walking in.

I could hear her let out a sigh, whether if it was out of frustration or giving up was a mystery to me, but she didn't fight it and hung up soon after.

I brought my food up to the room, not wanting to miss a second of being with my brother. When I entered the room, he was sitting up, a patch over one of his eyes as he looked over at me, a smile somehow appearing on his face. "Avery! I missed you, where'd you go?" Excitement lit up his face as I sat on his bed, wrapping an arm around his body, my touch gentle as to not harm him.

"I gotta eat sometime or I might end up dead," I laughed with him, trying my best to muster a smile for the kid. It was hard but, seeing him happy made it worth it. It even brought up my spirtits a little bit.

He leaned into me, resting his head on my shoulder as he looked at my aunt who had already put my food on the table for later. "How long do I have to stay here? I miss my toys," the kid questioned, never failing to lose himself despite the pain he's trying to cover up.

"You have to get better before you can come home, I'll send Avery to pick up some of your toys as well as clothes and blankets. How's that sound?" She smiled at him, taking his hand in her as she gently ran her thumb over the soft skin.

He perked up almost immediately, turning to me with a smile on his face, "you better get me my favorite ones."

"Or what, big guy, ya gonna take me down?" I teased, pinching one of his cheeks as I did so.

"If I have to, yes," he laughed out, swatting my hand away from his face.

"Alright alright, I give," I replied with my hands in the air as I surrendered. I got up, pulling my hoodie over my thin frame as Katie handed me the car keys.

She pulled me close to her, her voice only a whisper as she spoke to me, "go talk to her. You need someone right now and you know it's her you want."

She was right. I'd have to push things aside for a bit. I can figure it out later, right? Things will be okay. They always do.

I texted Ella, telling her I'd be stopping by her house on my way home. Of course I hadn't told her where I've been. Not yet anyways. We have a lot to talk about.

My chest immediatly tightened when I saw her face. No matter the situation, she was still the most beautiful girl I could lay eyes on.

I exited the vehicle slowly, my nerves beginning to take over as I walked closer to the girl sitting on her steps, shivering in the cool breeze.

"Hey," her voice was hardly audible as I sat next to her.

"Hi," I replied, folding my hands in my pockets before I looked over to her. "I'm sorry. For ignoring you. Ignoring what happened."

A small smile tilted her lips, those famous dimples showing as she shook her head, "it's ok. I screwed up. Again. Yet, you're still here. Why?" Her question hit me hard, her eyes baring into me, taking off any mask I tried putting on.

"I should've fought for you. Ever since the beginning it was always you. I never knew why though. I still hardly know anything about you, yet my body feels like you're the one thing I need to survive the cruelty of the world. Besides, you stayed too. Even after Aurora," I spoke softly, my eyes moving in front of me.

Silence soaked the air for what seemed like minutes before she asked me the question I've been waiting for, "where have you been?"

"The hospital. My brother and aunt were hit by a drunk driver. My aunt is okay but my brother took a lot more damage," my eyes remained on the sidewalk in front of me. I didn't want to see the look on her face.

"Oh god...I'm...I'm so sorry," she spoke in a hushed voice. It was quiet, but I could hear that something was off. I gave her a questioning glance, and she seemed to hesitate before giving me any information. What she said next only surprised me even more.

"The driver was my father."

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