Chapter 14: Bad Luck

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Avery's P.O.V.

Before I knew it, my girlfriend and the girl I have been falling in love with were squirming around on the ground, fist going after fist as the two lashed out on each other. As I was pulled back to life when Aurora started yelling at Ella, that's when I rushed over and pulled Ella off of Aurora.

Once I had Ella in my arms, I was pushing back Aurora to keep the two seperated. "I knew there was something going on with you two! The way you look at me is nothing compared to the lovesick look you give Ella." the ginger spit her words out in a rather quick motion. 

I had made sure that Ella was okay before I replied to Aurora, "can we please just take this outside and calmly talk about this?" 

"Why?! So you can take Ella's side and tell me all of my flaws and why you have to leave?! I have done nothing but satisfy your every need! That includes sexually too!" So she was clearly angry and as soon as that last comment came out, a few people in the large audience that had now crowded around gasped. Ella? She jumped from my arms and landed a very nice blow on my girlfriend, well ex I suppose. 

Blood had immediatly came from the girls nose as she was blown back, falling to the ground from alcohol and the hit. "No flaws? Please! I bet we could go through your phone and find all of them!" Ella screamed at her. She wasn't wobblng around anymore, just a severely angry look on her face. She swiftly grabbed the others phone before handing it to me.

"I am not going to look through her messages, Ella," I spoke calmly. It wasn't that I respected her privacy; or that I trusted her. No, it was for fear of what I may actually find.

"Just look, Avery," the blonde had spoken to me so gently and innocently. As if she couldn't have been the person whaling on the red head only minutes before. 

I reluctantly took the phone, my hand beginning to shake as Ella kept Aurora on the floor. I swiped right, there obviously being a password on it. 

Ella noticed my face and could tell exactly what I needed, kneeling next to the girl as she spoke, "what's the password."

"I'm not telling you shit," Aurora spoke in anger, spitting at the blonde before it was quickly wiped away. 

I let out a sigh, indicating I was giving up. Maybe the whole thing was some misunderstanding. About Aurora. Not me. It is definitly clear to everyone how I feel about Ella.

I heard restling before I saw the reflecting of a girl emerging from the crowd in the screen of the phone. "It's the date her ex died. 7-2-15. Long story on how I know and you guys clearly are already having problems so that's for later," the girl spoke, whose name was Natasha as she soon said later after I had asked who she was.

I put in the 4 digit code and it worked, unlocking the phone. Immediatly there was a conversation pulled up. Because I have a habit of dating the wrong people, I was slightly scarred as I saw some girls nudes and flirty sexts between the two. 

I turned the phone off, dropping it to the ground before I had walked out of the house. I definitly needed some air. I stood in the backyard, not sure where my gaze had drifted as a cool breeze consistantly sent chills up my spine. Neither of these things mattered though, for I was too far into thought as I stood there.

I wasn't sure what I was feeling. I felt betrayed, hurt, but at the same time like I had deserved what happened. A touch to my shoulder brought me out of my consiousness as Ella soon walked out from behind me. "Avery, are you okay?" A sympathetic face overlooked her as she adjusted her footing in front of me. 

"You knew about it. You knew she was cheating on me and didn't say anthing. Instead, you made me look like a complete idiot in front of everyone and you think that's going to make me come crawling back into your arms? Well you're wrong. Leave me alone," I spoke harshly to the other. I avoided looking at how she felt, turning from her before I had walked through the house and in my car. I had a small sip of beer so there was hardly even a trace of alcohol in my system as I drove home. The drive seemed to never end as I stared blankly at the road, unsure of whether to cry or just break something. 

Believe it or not, I wanted Ella to just yell at me and come and hold me. But I was angry. Angry that she hadn't told me. That she made me look that dumb in front of everyone. I was already a new student and then this had to happen. My luck, right?

I pulled up to my house, dragging myself out of the vehicle and into the house where I met a silence that coated the building. I knew my brother would already be asleep but usually Aunt Katie wouldn't be in bed until she knew I was back home and safe. An unsettling feeling crept over me before I slowly walked towards my brother's room, opening the door as I found an empty, dark room. 

I internally began to panice, trying my best to keep my breathing steady as I looked around the house to try and find a trace of them. I found nothing to my luck. 

It wasn't until I heard my phone ringing that I calmed down, reading the call tag as my aunt. "Aunt Katie! Thank goodess you're alive. I was freaking out! Where are you?" I slammed question after question before I heard a sniffle on the other line. That's when it hit me. Nothing was actually okay. 

"Avery, it's your brother. Something happened while you were gone."

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