Chapter 18: Change

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Avery's P.O.V.

A few months had gone by since the surgery. Once Clarke had healed completely and was capable of being home, they finally discharged him. He was anxious to get back to his own bed, away from doctors checking his vitals every half hour or someone asking him questions about how he's feeling constantly. It had been slow moving at first. He often got frustrated with the whole situation, having vision in the one eye causing a lot of issues. My brother was given a glass eye to replace the one they had removed, but he was too stubborn to wear it yet.

I stayed home from school the first few weeks he was back, Ella and Aurora tutoring me as I monitored my brother. Katie went back to working as soon as they would let her, myself waiting until Clarke felt comfortable going back to school himself. I helped teach him from home, staying in contact with his teacher in hopes to keep him on track. He picked up things very easily so it wasn't a surprise to me that when he went back, we was in the same spot as the other kids. He received a lot of questions the first few days about the conditions he was under and what all happened. To my surprise, he never tried to evade them. He indulged in their curiosity and answered every last question they had. 

Once I got back to school, I was hit with loads of questions as well. It didn't take long before I told everyone what had happened to my brother. I tried keeping it under wraps for so long but with Clarke letting everyone in on the events, it wouldn't have been long before it got out anyways. I was hit with loads of sympathetic words that meant nothing to me, though I did appreciate their attempts at being genuine people for once.

Everything with Ella had been put on hold until I could wrap my head around everything that had happened with my brother, she understood that. Aurora and her have been getting along perfectly, bickering about stupid little things only once in a while. Aurora went and got help like she said she would and despite how closed off she had been about the idea, she eventually opened up to her therapist about everything and had been doing much better. She finally forgave herself over what had happened, accepting her loss and moving on with the world around her. Things seemed to have been finally setting on the right course for once.

Despite what had happened to Ella's father, she was content as ever with everything going on. She loved her parents and was fine when he wasn't in the picture, so she decided she didn't really care what happened with him anyways considering he was never in her life to begin with. We've all been there for each other the past couple of months, and it brought us all closer than ever.

"Okay I don't know who thought geometric sequences was a good idea, but they're wrong," I signed in frustration, staring down at my homework as it glared back up at me. I rested my head on Ella's lap as Aurora made the same face at her worksheet on the opposite side of the bed.

A laugh was heard from the blonde's lips as Aurora quickly shot her a glare, "you two look like you're trying to decode a book in Latin, it isn't that bad." Groans were immediately heard from both the red head as well as myself as she began showing us how to become the next Einstein. 

A few minutes went by before she had got up, "maybe you two just need energy. I'm gonna go fetch some food from downstairs. I'll be right back." 

I turned on my back, looking up at the ceiling before I heard the red head flop down next to me. I muttered a 'what' as I could sense her staring at me. 

"When are you gonna ask her out? It's been months since the accident. You two have been fighting not to touch each other and it's starting to become gross. Do you understand how intoxicating it is to walk into a room and be able to cut the tension with a knife? I mean come on, Avery, I thought you had game," Aurora spoke enthusiastically as she made eye contact with me. 

I shook my head slowly, my vision glued on the ceiling as thoughts ran through my mind, "I feel like it's too late now. She probably already found someone else."

A scoff came from the girl as she sat up, "you're kidding right? She's head over heels for you. You're the only person she's wanted since you guys first met.  She despised me simply because I was dating you. Why? Because she wanted to date you. She still does. I'm telling you, if you ask her out, there's no way on this Earth she would say no."

I shrugged my shoulders in response, lost in my thoughts. I think Aurora understood the internal battle I was having with myself because she soon went back to her side of the bed and dropped the topic. As for me? I kept thinking. I knew I was ready to finally start something with her, but at the same time I was terrified. I knew my feelings for her were mutual, there was just this unspoken rule in my life that when things are going good, it'll flip at the last second. I don't wanna lose her because I was so wrapped up in my emotions.

I felt a poke against my cheek before I was pulled out of my thoughts, my eyes drifting towards beautiful blue orbs staring back at me, "are you still alive?" She giggled before lifting my head up and moving underneath me, myself resting back in her lap. 

I looked up at her, smiling as she was quick to return it, her lips curling up. I loved her smile. She was so beautiful and elegant in everything she did it was hard not to fall for a girl like her. It had taken me weeks to finally admit it, but I knew I loved her. There wasn't a question about it. I think I always did, I just wasn't sure what exactly that feeling was until it was too late.

"How do you expect me to just be your friend when you look at me like that?" Ella spoke quietly as she grinned at me.

"You two are disgusting, I'm gonna go hang out with your aunt so you two can gay it up in here," Aurora spoke from the end of the bed before swiftly getting up and out of my room, me yelling after her as she made her escape.

I sighed in frustration before sitting up in my bed, looking down into my lap as I avoided the blue eyes following my every movement.

The blonde took my hands before a fingertip was placed on my chin, guiding my vision to collide with her before she gently spoke to me as if she was afraid of scaring me off. "So, what is it you want to talk to me about?"

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