Chapter 10: Distaste

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Ella's P.O.V.

The stinging and horrible taste stained my tongue for several days. I didn't mean a single word I said to Avery. How could I? She's so perfect. And that's exactly why I had to do it.

She deserves someone who will come out and who she can flaunt around. Like Aurora. I highly disliked that girl. That should've been me that was caught in the bathroom with Avery.

So I want her to move on but I hate anyone else that kisses her. I'm complicated alright?

I kept my steady pace of fake smiles and fake kisses to my boyfriend who wasn't even that cute. He was nothing compared to Avery. She could be covered in sweat and she would still look like a goddess.

Avery and I shared several glances for days, constantly making it a contest to see who can avoid the other the best. I'd like to say I'm winning, but I'm not. I hate seeing her this hurt and me being the reason why.

Her and Aurora became official. The entire school talked about how they're only together so they can fuck, but I knew better. Avery wasn't like that. She didn't see Aurora as a girlfriend that'd last forever. She saw her as a distraction. A distraction from me.

Rumors went around school about me and Avery but I shot down every single one, still selfishly attempting to keep my straight reputation as Avery's becomes quickly demolished.

I was currently in the bathroom, which seemed to be the only place anything bad happens and it didn't seem like that was changing anytime soon. I washed my face and hands before I felt a tight grip on my shoulders, slamming me against a wall.

"I get you and Avery haven't talked in days and you're probably thinking about some way to make it up to her, but don't. She doesn't need you and you don't deserve her." Aurora's green eyes glared into mine before she was out of the bathroom, my hand finding the back of my head as I rubbed the bump that formed from the contact with the tile wall. That bitch.

Once I had gained the ability to stand up without feeling like I was going to hurl, I walked to my next class. The past few days have been like this. Slowly walking to classes, short replies to long conversations, and feeling like an empty corpse that sadly has the ability to think. 

I had to say something to Avery but I just didn't know what to say. I wanted her but I had to focus on myself first. I need to fix myself. Thoughts like these have been flowing through my head and refused to leave. Guilt built up in my stomach and chest every time I said 'I love you too' to my boyfriend. Whenever I looked at Avery I'd just get butterflies. Until Aurora would kiss her. Then it'd take every part of me not to beat the shit out of that red head.

"Babe? Babe are you even listening to me?"  God his voice is so annoying. "I was saying how I have a basketball game tonight and I thought it'd be cool if you came."

I sighed in frustration as I ran a hand through my hair. "Why? So I can watch you sweat and run around a gym and have slutty bitches swoon over you before you go fuck them whenever I'm not around? Have one of your sluts go, I'm done with your bullshit."

I walked away, people staring at us as the scene took place. "You're just upset because I found someone that would put out, you bitch!" His voice rang through the hallways as people gasped. A certain pair of eyes I sensed watching my every move before I turned around and glared at my now ex who took a step back out of fear. I obviously closed that space by stepping forward.

"Oh I put out, just not for you or any other guy in this fucking school. I know a girl that fucks so much better than you. So good I didn't have to fake my orgasm." More gasps came from those around us as the guy standing in front of me had peer shock on his face before I turned around and headed to class, smirking with my head held high as I caught a glimpse of those eyes watching me, recognizing them anywhere as I saw a smirk form on her gorgeous pink lips.

I obviously didn't have sex with a girl, but I always imagined it with Avery and damn, I know I wouldn't be faking an orgasm. I remember when we first met and she was in her underwear and bra after peer jumping. Her body was beyond perfect. She had curves in just the right places and you could see the outline of her abs from playing soccer for years.

It wasn't until I stopped day dreaming that I actually remembered she was in this class with me. I turned my head to find her eyes already on me. We locked eye contact and sat there like that for minutes, just staring at each other. I could feel pain and regret stabbing me in the chest as I saw a tear form in her eye.

She quickly wiped it away and looked away from me to the teacher. It took a few more seconds for me to do the same.

The rest of the day went similar to that morning. We shared more silent conversations as others silently talked about me as if I wasn't 3 feet from them. I ignored the murmuring as I walked outside of the school once the last bell had rang.

I suppose I was out to the school now. Well, kinda. Even if it wasn't, I need to tell my parents. I don't want them hearing from someone else.

I drove probably 10 miles above the speed limit as I sped down the roads. Once I was outside the house and parked, I got out of the car and was about to head inside before I caught Avery out of the corner of my eye, slowly driving to her house that was only a block or so away from my own. I bit my lip as she passed by, pushing my own prevented thoughts away.

I walked through the house, looking around as it looked vacant. "Mom? Mother?" I searched the house but didn't find anyone until I reached their bedroom door, practically throwing up in my mouth as I heard the moans coming from within.

God I hate when that happens. It's so gross. I stepped outside of the house in order to get some air. The only issue was that I had crashed into another body that was already standing on my porch.

A gasp left my lips as I lent down to take her hand to help her up before she moved her leg, causing me to fall on top of her. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I straddle her hips, about to get up before the mystery girl brushed her hair out of her face, a smirk appearing on my lips as she becomes that less of a mystery. "We've really gotta stop meeting like this, Ms. Alexeyev."

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