Chapter 8: Inner Battle

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The final dismissal bell rang through the hallways, my feet quickly picking up their pace as I practically ran out of the building. My mind still raced on my earlier encounter with Ella, but hopefully it would go away as the day progressed.

I headed for my car, opening the back door to throw my backpack in before I shut the door. "Hey, homo, wait up!" Aurora's voice broke my concentration as the ginger ran over to my car, tossing her bag in the back alongside mine before making her way to the passenger seat.

"You know, you're gay too." I sat in the drivers side and exited the school parking lot, heading home soon after.

Aurora turned on the radio as she sang to the words, dancing as well, "don't be such a buzzkill, Avery! Sing with me!"

"I'm driving, asshole!" I began laughing as she belted out the notes, me soon joining her after.

The car ride was over faster than I thought it would be as I pulled into my Aunt's house. We grabbed our bags and quickly headed inside. "We'll be upstairs!" I yelled to my aunt, who quickly replied with an "okay".

I tossed my bag on the ground, Aurora immediately doing the same. I laid on my bed as the red head stared at me. "Can I help you?" The words quickly left my lips as a smirk appeared on the ginger's face.

"Oh no, I was just thinking about that moan you let out at lunch." She giggled after seeing my already blushing face before laying down next to me, propping her head up as she faced me. "It was actually pretty hot."

"Oh would you shut up already. Why'd you do that anyways?" The question pondered my mind all day, no matter how much I thought about Ella.

She shrugged her shoulders calmly as her eyes travelled the room, "to put on a little show, plus it gave me an excuse to kiss you."

I sat up before picking up my pillow and smacking her in the face with it. "You bitch! Oh you're so going down." Aurora quickly said before taking the pillow and hitting me with it. We went back and forth for a few minutes before she landed a blow on me that sent me off the bed and laying on the floor.

"Would you girls quiet it down up there!" My aunt called from downstairs. I was giggling on the floor as Aurora climbed on top of me, holding a pillow in her hands as she straddled my hips.

"Do you have any last words, princess?" She smirked before bringing her arms down, hitting me one last time with the pillow. We became a fit of laughter, my chest feeling and making it hard to breathe.

Once we had calmed down, Aurora leant down near my face, her hands on both sides of my face. "Would you like to remind me how that kiss went earlier?"

Ella already left me so what do I have to lose? I may as well try and move on. No use in trying to stay hung up on some summer fling. Besides, Aurora was already out and she has been a wonderful friend, so who's to say she can't be a good girlfriend too?

With the thoughts subsiding, I knelt up, placing my lips against hers as I closed my eyes. Her lips were just as I had remembered them, soft with the hint of watermelon.

No matter how much I tried to deny it, kissing Aurora didn't feel like the first kiss I had with Ella. My stomach would feel weird and my head would go foggy. It always felt so passionate. But when I'm kissing Aurora, it felt like something was missing.

Despite my head telling me to stop, I deepened the kiss, gently tugging at the girls bottom lip. She pressed her body against mine, her lips trailing down to my neck as a gasp soon left me.

We made out for about half an hour before my aunt told me to come down for dinner. I received one last kiss from the ginger before she got up, helping me off the ground as she ran her fingers through her hair.

I came down the stairs quickly with Aurora in tow, the scent of delicious Italian food flooding my nose.

"Aunt Katie, this is my friend Aurora." I smiled as I began to make the introductions, a slight stab of guilt hitting me from earlier events, which I had no reason to feel guilty about. Ella moved on.

"It's lovely to finally meet one of Avery's friends. Please, call me Katie." She short haired brunette offered her widely known smiles as she offered her hand out to the girl.

Aurora took it as she returned the smile, "it's lovely to meet you as well...Katie." It always felt weird to call an adult by their first name when you met them.

Aunt Katie set down the plates of chicken fettuccine Alfredo with crab meat. I quickly began eating as everyone else did the same.

Once dinner had finished and Aurora left and went home, I was heading up the stairs before I was interrupted. "And where do you think you're going?"

"To my room. Why, what's up?" I stood still on the stairs, waiting for a reply in curiosity.

My aunt stood a few feet in front of me as she spoke, "what happened with you and that Ella girl?"

"Nothing, Katie. We're just...over. You know she lied to me? She isn't even out." I sighed in frustration as I ran my hand through my hair.

She began laughing, propping herself on the wall as she questionably looked at me, "that's why you broke up? Because she isn't out? It isn't your decision to decide when she tells the world what her sexuality is. She tells when she is ready. Whether you deny it or not, your sexuality does change your life and needs to accept it at her own pace, it isn't something you can force her to do and you shouldn't be making her choose to do that."

She walked away before I could object, and I knew she was right. I needed to talk to her. I don't know what things would mean with Aurora and I, but something had to change.

I went to my room, finished my homework, and texted Ella.

To Ella: Meet me in the bathroom after 1st period. We need to talk.

Ella: Did you not understand my goodbye yesterday? I'm not coming out just to be with you.

Avery: Which is exactly why we need to talk. Just meet me there, ok?

Ella: Fine.

With her response, I laid in my bed and closed my eyes, a smile on my face as I soon drifted off to sleep.

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