Chapter 20: About Time

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Avery's P.O.V.

I couldn't help the smile that crawled onto my face. The heat that slowly rose to my cheeks. I had been wanting to hear those words for so long it had become almost a fantasy.

"Stay the night with me," I near blurred out. I glance over at the girl next to me only to find her staring directly at me, teeth blared as she immediately nodded.

"Good, you can just wear my clothes. Come on" I took her hand as I practically dragged her to my house.

Those words ignited something in me. A deep, longing passion I had built for this girl screamed at me as my heart pounded. I wanted her. No, I needed her. All of her.

"Avery! Slow down! You're practically running right now," she giggled behind me, trying to keep up.

I stopped in our tracks as I pressed my body against her, panting from the near jog and anticipation I had for this girl in front of me. "Ella, I love you but I swear to god. I have been going slow for too long and goddammit if you don't pick up your feet I'll carry you myself," I spoke to her through breaths of air.

Her smile only widened as she pressed her hand on my cheek, running her thumb across the skin. I soon felt her lips on mine but they were gone sooner than I had wanted. Her breath tickled my face before speaking, "then we better get going."

It didn't take long to get back to my house with the speed we were going. The near jog was filled with the loudest silence I've ever experienced. It held all of the words we had been too scared to say to ourselves and each other for far too long.

We were the only ones there when we arrived at the simple two story home. As we walked up the stairs, I was wondering if Ella could hear the sound of my pounding chest as much as I could.

As soon as my bedroom door shut behind us, I let all of my desires run wild. I felt the heat in my lower stomach, the need for her between my legs. Those three words she muttered to me awakened a passion I was unaware I was capable of.

I pushed her back against the door, crashing my lips into her. She groaned into the kiss, my teeth immediately finding her bottom lip and giving it a tug. I could feel her fingers along the hem of my shirt, barely grazing my skin and it just made me want her more.

I needed more of her. To feel her skin against me. To hear her moan my name and beg me not to stop. She drove me insane for months and it's time I finally get my prize.

I pulled her over to the bed, our lips never leaving one another in a battle of dominance. I gently pressed my tongue into her mouth, instantly being greeted by her own. I couldn't stop the moan that came from my throat or the building puddle between my legs.

I felt the back of my knees hit the bed. I turned us around before pushing her to sit on the edge. Almost instantly my legs were straddling hers. My fingertips found the hem of her shirt before I pulled it over her head.

One more layer and her chest would be completely exposed to me. I knew I was staring but I didn't care. The way her chest heaved as she tried catching breath that wasn't there. The way her toned stomach was just begging for me to lick it. My favorite part was the way her hipbones dipped into her jeans, leaving me wanting more.

My shirt was pulled over my head and thrown to the side. It made me feel better the way I stared at her now, looking down into her soft eyes as she looked like she was practically drooling. "Take a picture, it lasts longer," I teased.

As she scanned her eyes over my body, soon finding my own gaze, a devious look appeared on her face. "You are just insatiable," she spoke. Just like that I was in the air, my legs wrapped around her waist before I felt my back hit the bed. I couldn't hold back the whimper that escaped.

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