Chapter 4: Trouble

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The cool breeze brushed against my skin as my body relaxed against the concrete. The night before was beyond what I could've hoped for even if it mostly made of just silence. It was comfortable though, not awkward.
I was resting my muscles against the peer, letting them relax from the swim I took minutes before. I remained in my bikini seeing as why I was the only one there, or so I thought.
"Ya know, I may have said I'd stop getting onto you about peer jumping, but that doesn't mean it's safe."
A grin automatically formed on my lips as her voice carried it's way into my ear. It was like hearing your favorite song over and over again, only it never gets annoying or old.
Although my eye remained shut, I could hear the rustling, indicating that she has sat down next to me.
"Hello? Anyone in there?" A light giggle escaped her lips as she laid down, resting her head on her hand as she propped her arm up.
"Yeah I heard you. I think you'd feel better about it if you jumped with me though." An evil grin formed on my lips as I looked at her, staring for what seemed like several minutes before she spoke up.
"No. No no no. Avery, no. I am not going to jump off of this thing. You can go right ahead but I am comfortable right where I'm at, thank you." I wouldn't take no for an answer though.
I stood up, taking her hands and pulling her up before her body pressed against my, a blush forming on my cheeks before my evil grin replaced it seconds later. I took off her beanie and put her phone inside it before placing them both next to my things.
She bit her lip in fear before she began taking off her sweatshirt and shirt, unbuttoning her pants soon after.
I couldn't help but stare at her body, it was beyond perfect. She had all the right curves in all the right places. She wasn't too skinny or too big. Her complexion blended in perfectly. It's a miracle someone like her could like someone like me.
"Wait...I'm really scared, Avery." Her eyes met mine, fear clearly noticeable in her own. I took her hand and kissed her cheek before whispering in her ear.
"I'll protect you."
I walked us both over to the side of the peer, still holding her hand as I felt her eyes roam my body. "Ready?" I received a nod in response and with that, we both jumped off of the peer.
We splashed into the water, the liquid quickly surrounding my body before I began to swim up. By the time I reached the surface, Ella was already there, smiling widely.
"I definitely see why you do this now." She swam over to me, giving me a hug before backing away her arms still around my neck. "You should wear a bikini around me more often."
"Oh I bet you'd like that," I replied. I giggled once more before the air became silent. Ella's voice soon broke that silence, speaking soft.
"So, do we get to retry that kiss from last night?" I nodded in response as she began inching her face closer to mine, slightly tilting her head as she stared at my lips before she slowly shut her eyes. I did the same, my hands on her hips as I pulled her closer to me. Right before our lips touched, we received yet another interruption.
"Hey lesbians! Get your asses up her before I throw your phone in the water!" A dark haired girl looked over the edge of the peer at us, an angry look across her face.
Ella looked at the girl then back at me before whispering someone under her breath I couldn't quite catch.
We both began swimming towards the shore and soon enough, we made it to where the girl was standing.
"So this is who you're hanging out with now? Some slut?" She was looking at Ella as she gestured towards me. I began to speak up before I caught a look from Ella telling me to stand down.
"Did you tell her yet how you're just going to use her for sex? Or how pathetic you really are?" This time it was Ella who spoke up.
"We are over, Sydney. What don't you understand about that? I'm not in it for sex and we aren't even dating. How did you know I was here anyways? Are you stalking me now?"
"It's Sunday, you come here every Sunday. I didn't know you found some hoe to keep you company though. I wanted to talk to you, to fix things."
"There's nothing to fix!" A sigh escaped my blonde, I mean the blonde, before she walked towards her clothes. Looking at me as she held up a towel before I nodded. As she began drying her body off, this Sydney girl took Ella by the hips before pulling her towards her, crashing her lips against the girl.
I looked away at this point, not wanting to know if she kissed back or not. Time seemed to freeze at that moment. I didn't know what was up with these two but I definitely didn't like it. I went to my things before beginning to change once again. Once my clothes were on, I swung my bag over my shoulder before I looked back at the two girls.
I sighed before walking away from them both. I didn't know if I was being called for, so many thoughts were going through my head I just blocked out all other noise.
I continued walking back to my car before I felt a hand grab my arm. "Avery, wait. Please don't go because of her."
"Why? I don't feel like sitting around and allow myself to be called a slut and a hoe without having the ability to stand up for myself just because you need to resolve something with an ex." I couldn't look at her right now, I couldn't. I know if I did, I'd see hurt, pain, sadness. I'd feel bad and I wouldn't say the things I need to.
"I'm sorry, Avery. I am. She's literally insane and I don't know how to deal with situations like these. Please don't go. Please don't leave me." She turned my head to make me look at her, which was a bad idea for me. I saw a tear run down her face before I realized my thumb was already wiping it away.
"I'm not leaving you. Just go resolve the beef between you two and I'll just wait for you to call me later. Stay safe." I pressed my lips against her cheek before I got in my car, shutting the door behind me as I placed the bag in the passenger seat. I turned my key in the ignition and before I knew it, I was on the road back to my house, tears streaming down my cheeks.

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