Chapter Thirty-five

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Kian's Pov

Wow. She's so beautiful. I already knew this, but seeing her again today had made me realize how much I was taking her for granted.

She told me all about her coffee shop and everything else.

I remember the last time we saw each other too. She told me that if we ever met up again, that it was meant to be.
I've thought about this a lot today, but I decided not to speak up. She probably forgot she said that anyways.

Right now we're laying down by the beach. I bought us towels to lay on and everything. At first, she seemed nervous, but now that she's cuddled up to me at the moment, I don't think she is anymore. ;)

This couldn't be more perfect.

Skylar's Pov

You know how a guy's cologne can either be fucking amazing or awful? He either drowns himself in it or he uses the perfect amount and the perfect scent. Kian's is perfect. It's barely anything, but it's great.

I miss this. I miss us.

"You do sweetheart?" Kian smirks at me, lifting my chin to face him.

"Oh goodness. I guess I'm thinking out loud." I giggle.

He starts to lean in.

This is it. Here we go. Should I reject it? Should I leave? Should I go for it?

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone vibrating.

I look down to see a message from Sammy.


S- Sky, you good? You said you would call me when you left the boardwalk. It's 11:00

Me- umm... yeah I'm still here.
Sorry🙊 didn't mean to worry you

S- wryd tho? Aren't most of the shops closed by now?

Me- at the beach. Gtg.

S- love you😘 be safe.

End of Convo

"Sorry about that. Now, where were we?" I tease.

"So you and Sammy are a thing, huh?" He asks rudely.

"Excuse you. No, Sammy and I are NOT a thing, and I don't appreciate your tone, Kian." I respond.

"Good, because you're all mine." He smirks.

"Um, no!" I argue.

"I wouldn't get an attitude, babygirl" he smirks.

"Wow, bipolar much?" I laugh, trying to keep my chill.

He's getting a little too comfortable with all that "babygirl" stuff. It's kinda creepy, but at the same time, I love it.

Right as he tries to lean in for the second time, I hear someone from a distance yell my name.


I look up to see Sammy running straight for us.

"Sammy?" I ask, shocked when he approaches us. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you. You said you were at the beach, and I wasn't busy so I brought you Starbucks. Your favorite: Cotton Candy Frappuccino & a birthday-cake pop." He says, disappointed. "But now I see your occupied." He glares at Kian.

"Oh-uh yeah. Kian and I were just catching up.... Thank you so much, Sammy. This is perfect." I say grabbing my drink and cake pop.

"I guess I'll leave now" Kian says, getting up.

I go hug him then give him my number before he leaves.

"What the fuck Skylar?" Sammy yells.

"What?" I ask innocently while sipping my drink.

"Come on, let's go. We'll talk about this in the car. I'm taking you home. I don't want you running into any other weirdos tonight." He says picking me up bridal - style and carrying me to the car.

Hii babes!

Sorry it's been so long and this is short asf😩

I tried.

Please vote/comment if you liked it.

Well anywayys,

Bye babes, luv you😘

Ps- this wasn't the last chapter so don't freak out. I know I said it would be, but I wanted it to be a little longer ;)

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