Chapter 7

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    I briskly walk into the staff room and sigh in relief when I see that I'm not late. I took too long this morning to try and cover my very swollen and bruised cheek. I was afraid that this would happen but there's nothing I could do about it. 

I quickly hang up my coat and purse and then see Will waiting for me on the other side of my locker door. We say hi and then he says, "I wanted to congratulate you on finding that little girl's heart condition yesterday but it looks like there are more pressing issues. What's your swollen cheek from?" 

I chuckle a little bit and say, "I opened the car door on my face this morning."

 I know I shouldn't be lying but I also know that this is a one-time thing with Aspen and that I won't let him hurt me again. Will then nods and says, "Do you want me to take a look at it and make sure you didn't do any other damage?"

 I shake my head and say, "I'll be alright. It's not the first time that this has happened and it certainly won't be the last."

 He shakes his head, laughs, and says, "You sure do like to hurt yourself and you're a nurse. It's quite comical if you think about it."

 I laugh along with Will but can't help but remember that Aspen did this to me, not my car door. Thank god I haven't been here long enough for people to realize that I'm not clumsy in the slightest. 

Will's pager then goes off, interrupting our laughter. He excuses himself and I head out to the main area. Reese is beginning to work on someone from a construction site accident so I jump in and help her. There are a couple of things I need to show her but other than that she's doing well on her own. She'll be a great doctor someday. 


We're getting places now! Anyway, I have a Jay Halstead fanfic up called "Gunshots in the Night" if that interests you! Have a good weekend! -Becca

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