Chapter Twenty Six: Not My Baby....

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We all stood around the truck. Watching Murphy pee. Its been a few weeks since Z-storm and the bonding moment of me and Garnett. Mack was scouting a head, and I sat next to 10k on the bed of the truck. I take a sip of water, it was starting to get warmer.

"No Zs in sight." Mack tells us as he climbs into the bed of the truck.

"Anybody else worried about Mr. Sunshine out there?" Doc asked.

"No." I mumble to myself.

"I know. He's looking worse." Garnett says.

"Yeah, he was pretty creepy to start with." Warren comments.

"Come On, guys. Give him a break. It's the apocalypse, None of us look our best." Addy says. "Its like one long bad hair day."

"Speaking of hair, what's with all the bald patches?" Mack points out.

"Maybe that vaccine is like Zombie Chemo." Cass Suggests.

"Or maybe the vaccine isn't working." 10k pointed out. I leaned my head on his shoulder, hoping that was not the case. Everyone grew silent. Murphy turns as he pees to look at us. Some try to hide the staring. My question is, how the hell does he have so much damn pee in him?

"What do you think, Doc?" Garnett asks.

"I've seen Zs look better than him." Doc says.

"Will he make it to California?" 

"Will we?" I ask. 

"If we hall ass...." Doc says.

"If he goes zombie, we might have to put him down." Garnett warns.

"It would be my pleasure." I growl.

"I call dibs." Warren says. I groan with slight frustration.

"If he turns, piking him's the least of our problems." Garnett points out. Murphy fully turns around and we all stare at him.

"What?" Murphy asks. Dude was gross looking. His skin looked gray and stretched. He had patches of baldness and he looked awful.

"Pit stop's over! Let's get moving!" Garnett says. 

"I have a ginormus bladder." Murphy tells us. "Sue me." We all get in. I sit in the bed and place a hand on my swollen stomach.

"Man, I sure could use some of them Kansas City barbecue ribs about now." Doc says, making me hungry. My stomach growls and Mack, Addy and 10k look at me.

"Baby hungry?" Addy chuckles.

"Its getting big...." I say as I rub my stomach. We start to travel again.

"It's not an it, its a she or a he." Addy corrects. "And maybe we can find a machine to look a the bugger." 

"That is a big if Addy." Mack says. We past a few Zs and One is holding another Zs head. 10k shoots them both.

"One thousand five hundred and fifty four."


WE pull into a fenced off community. It had a two signs, and one I did not like at all.

Province Town
Weapon Free Zone

Prepare to Surrender all Weapons before Entry

"Surrender all weapons? Are they Serious?" 10k says.

"Looks like." Mack says with his shades on.

"I ain't giving them shit." I growl as I hold my bow tighter. We move closer and a woman comes out with a gun in her hand. Two men followed her.

"Stop right there! This is a private compound." She orders. "I'm gonna have to ask you to turn around and go back the way you came." Garnett gets out and holds his hands up.

"I'm looking for Major Williams." He states. "Joe Williams."

"And who are you?" The woman snaps.

"I'm Sargent Charles Garnett, Georgia National Guard. We've known each other going back pre-z." Garnett tells her. She looks back at someone then back at us.

"Wait there, your crew stays in the truck." She ordered. "They try to get our or we see a weapon, we'll fire." I lower my bow but keep my hands on my hips with my daggers on the tips of my fingers. A man in a army hat comes out and sees Garnett.

"Well Holy shit. It's the ghost of Charlie Garnett. Never expected to see you again. At least no alive." The man said. I am assuming that is Joe.

"Hey Joe." I was right. "Didn't expect to see you again either. Looks like we're both still standing."

"Looks like. Last time I saw you, you were pulling my ass out of a ditch full of Zs." Joe says.

"Just returning the favor." Garnett says. "How many Zs we kill that day?"

"Not enough." Joe states. Garnett moves his hands.

"Do you mind?" He wanted the guns off us.

"Stand down." Joe ordered. The guns were lowered and I felt slightly better.You're the first person I've seen from before. How the hell you end up here?"

"I'm actually on a mission for the government, if you can believe that." Garnett tells him.

"If it was anybody but you, I wouldn't."

"We've come from New York, Haven't eaten in a few days."

"New York? Haven't seen anyone east of Mississippi for over a year. How many of you are there?"

"Nine, Including a doctor. And we have one on the way." Garnett says. I wrap an arm around my stomach, protecting them.

"A Real Doctor? And A Pregnant woman?"

"Sort of. He's watched a lot of E.R." Doc leans out the car and gives Jazz hands.

"All right. Come inside and tell me your story. We'll get you some food. We also have an OBG/YN that can take a look at your girl. But the truck stays outside." Joe turns to his people. "Let them in. And of course you'll have to check your weapons." We all load out of the truck, 10k helping me down. We all lined up at the window. People stared at me. 

Garnett was the first to go. The woman had a metal detector that checked you if you still had stuff on you. Then was Mack.

"Just make sure we get these back." He tells the guard. Then was Addy. He inspected her Z whacker.

"Why is this not making me feel any safer?" Addy asked as she handed in her belt.

"Looks like it's seen a little action." The guy comments on her beautiful toy. She just laughs. Then was Warren.

"Ex Prison guard?" She ask the woman.

"TSA." She corrects. Then was Doc

"Jus like Dodge City!" He joked. Then was 10k. He handed the rifle over, then the slingshot, knife, mini gun, other knife and big knife. Then the metal detector found something else. He pulled the chain out of his pants. 

Then was Cass and Then was Murphy, who just got weird looks.

 Last was me. I gave him my bow, my arrows, my four daggers, my mini gun, My rifle and my tiny knife. I then walked over to 10k, who put a protective arm over my shoulders. I felt naked with out my stuff.

WE pasted by three people, and 10k was staring at the girl.

Nope, he got to be with Cass. Sorry Tommy.

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