57. Nate's pov

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picture of Nate 

I had dropped Scarlett back at her house the next morning so she could talk to her dad, plus she had school the next day. It would be the first day back for her after she was suspended, so I didn't protest too much. When I dropped her off she seemed to be putting on a brave face, but I could tell that she was terrified inside. I made sure she knew that she could always come back to mine if she wanted to. I headed over to the gym. I was confused, what had made me kiss her, and what had happened to her back, the scars looked fairly recent, and incredibly painful. When I saw them, I couldn't believe that she had been back training with those, they had barely healed over. I huffed and dodged Joes hit, but he caught me, just on the side of my head. I lowered my guard and huffed out a breath. Joe dropped out of his stance, and stood up normally. "What's the matter, you're not concentrating, your guard is down, and you're all sloppy, so what's the matter" I looked down at my hands and unwound my tape, from my knuckles thinking over what to say

"I kissed Scarlett." Joe didn't look surprised "and now I can't concentrate" joe chuckled
"it took you long enough, the tension in the gym was making people uncomfortable" he chuckled, and Jim one of the regulars nodded, joining in with the teasing. When Joe looked around, he said "aww does somebody have a crush" I threw the tape I was unwinding at his head in a scrupled ball then said sullenly
"no, okay yes, oh I don't know" joe laughed some more,
"well the best thing you can do is talk to her about it." I nodded considering the advice I had just been given when Joe burst out "and you can pick that up too!" he was pointing sternly at the paper I threw at him. I bent down to get it, feeling better now that was off my chest. i knew what I had to do.

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