21. Console Her

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I'm going to warn you now, his mind wonders, so there are slightly naughty things in this chapter, but anyways, carry on :)

Aron's POV

She panicked, I don't know what happened, one minuet she was kissing me back, and now she's screaming bloody murder on my bathroom floor, I was calling her name, but she wasn't in the room with me, at least not in her mind, she was pleading with someone to stop
"no, I don't want to, please stop, STOP, I can't go through it again" I didn't know what to do, there was a screaming girl on my floor, and I didn't know what to do. So I did what my Mom used to do to me when I was upset as a kid, I scooped her up, and placed her on my lap, rocking back and forward, whispering comforting words into her ears while I ran my fingers through her hair as she cried into my chest. Eventually she stopped shaking, and sobbing, she had fallen asleep in my arms. Looking down on her small figure I stood and took her to my bedroom, pulling off her shoes and blood spattered pants, I unzipped her orange sports bra, and put a t-shirt of my own over her head. I tried to ignore her perfect tits, but damn they were good, a little over a hand full with pale pink nipples, my mind wondered over all the things I could do with them, I wondered if I could make her come just from playing with them. My naughty musings were interrupted by her moaning lightly in my arms. I pulled back my duvet and placed her in my fluffy bedding, placing pillows either side of her so that she couldn't roll over onto her arm, and covering her over. I switched off the light in my room, and pulled the door closed, and began pacing up and down the hallway, thinking over what went wrong looking back over what had happened, I was left just as confused as I was before, I walked into the kitchen to make some coffee, tonight was going to be a long night. on my way back to my room I picked up the pain killers that Scarlett had chosen earlier, and a glass of water, I placed them on a tray along with my coffee and a bag of m & m's I walked past the living room, placing down the tray, and clearing away everything, and picking up my iPad before returning to my bedroom to watch over her as she slept. As I sat in the chair that was in my room, I thought how well the night was going, I had kissed her, and she kissed me back, it was brilliant, I trailed my hand down her face, grazing her neck, as I slid my tongue into her mouth, I had expected her to moan, not freak out on me, usually when I do that it's just a matter of time before a girl ends up in my bed, and I get to feel her as I pound into her. I know it's bad, but I'm horny. As I was thinking this, she stirred and started talking "daddy please, I don't want to do this, please don't do this to me, dad, please no, please..." she jolted awake and sat up, looking at me with confused eyes, that weren't focused, she was sweating, and my shirt was stuck to her, showing me the outline of her stomach and bare breasts, she was incredibly muscular, which would explain why she was so heavy. I cleared my throat, and came to sit on the bed beside her, reaching out to touch her hair; she slapped my hand away uttering a warning "touch me and I will break you" she lifted her hand to look at it, grimacing as she moved it, she placed it in her lap before finally talking in her attire "what the fuck, where are my clothes" realising she was wearing nothing but underwear and one of my t-shirts, she was furious, she shot out of the covers, and either she didn't hurt it, or she didn't feel her broken arm, she pinned me to the bed, using her knees to pin my arms down "what the fuck did you do to me" she snarled, shocking me as she held me down
"n-n-nothing, I promise, I mean we kissed once, it was really great," I smiled at the memory, my mind mulling over what else could she do with that mouth but I was brought back to the present by Scarlett leaning more weight onto my arms, "b-but that was it, you freaked out on me, I didn't touch you except to get your dirty clothes off and put you into bed I swear" I had stammered, no girl could make me stammer, not even the strongest of men, could get me to, but there was something about Scarlett, she intrigued me, I was scared of messing things up with her, but I supposed that I had messed that up, the very first time I ever hit her. Sighing, I realized there was no chance she would ever let anything happen between us. She released me happy with my answer, and sat back spying the pain killers by the side of the bed "you should take some, you didn't get chance to take any yesterday, are you hungry, you must be starving," I rushed out and into the kitchen before she could pin me again, having her in my room was distracting, and knowing she had on so little while she straddled me wasn't helping matters.

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