06. Freddy

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Soo, I wrote this part while I was listening to a huge argument between my mum and sister (about laundry, nothing serious), so its probs a tad bit emotional, and quite detailed, I'm gunna apologise now for that. There are graphic scenes, that are not suitable for some readers, and is probably quite traumatic for others, if you don't want to read it feel free not to, and ill summarize what happened later, since you get important information... anyways, I hope you like it, and are suitably traumatised by my chapter, happy reading!

G xoxo

After a short drive in silence my dad pulled over. Looking around I couldn't see anything, but I could tell we were in the more shady area of town, there was litter on the floor making it look untidy, and the distinct smell of smoke lingered in the air. I could hear loud music, and shouting though I could see no evidence of a party. Nervously I glanced over to my dad, only to find him looking right back at me.

"Do exactly what I say, don't move from my side unless I tell you to, and pay attention." he let the information he gave me sink in for a moment.

"Where are we, what are we doing here, dad I have school in the morning" giving me a stern look he simply told me to get out of the car before turning to do so himself. As I was climbing out I realised that the pain had dulled to an almost tolerable level and the fuzzy feeling in my head had increased considerably. "What cod you give me?" I asked but he ignored my questions; turning to me he said

"do as I say" then walked down the nearest alleyway as an enormous sense of foreshadowing fell over me.

The shouting got louder, and I could just make out the crowd shouting "Sammy, Sammy, Sammy!"
Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion I peeked around my father to see what was happening.

What I was presented with was one of the most unsettling images I have seen to this date. I looked away again hoping this was all a dream, but as the metallic smell of blood filled my nostrils I realised it was not. I could see two people on the floor, one pummelling the other in the face, I knew bones were being broken , but he kept on going. The man being hit, went limp finishing the fight and the other fighters hand was raised while he was crowned champion. The crowd went crazy chanting his name over and over along with the word "knock out." The loser remained limp with blood trickling out of his mouth, and his face beginning to swell. I watched as someone dragged off and propped him up in a corner. I turn to look at my dad with wide questioning eyes which he ignored, and strolled over to speak to someone leant against one of the walls. As we approached the guy looked up, "Freddy how you doing?" dad greeted the man familiarly with a hand shake and a firm slap on the back which Freddy returned. He was tall and blonde, with sharp features and blue eyes; his blue button up shirt, was left open to reveal a white t-shirt beneath it, and a grey overcoat was open over the whole outfit. To look at him, he didn't appear to be someone who would frequent these types of events, but one can never judge a book by its cover. Freddy turned his eyes across to me, raking them up and own my body. self-consciously I folded my arms across my chest trying to block his view. I didn't know what it was about this man, but he made me incredibly nervous.

"who's the girl?" Freddy asked my dad,

"oh that's just Scarlett, don't mind her" my dad replied

"oh what you paying for it now mike, I knew you'd lose your charm eventually!" he laughed, my dad snorted saying that he was a married man, and he got enough from his wife. Through the mist of confusion I thought to myself 'well at least he's faithful to Mom' while I stood there and scowled at the comments being made.

"hey can you look after her, while I go put down a bet?" my father asked, and disappeared when Freddy said yes. We stood in silence for a while, watching the people grappling in the ring.

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